Hunters are a unique class of hostile robot. Hunters come equipped with piercing kinetic weaponry and, once they have sighted the player, will track and fire upon the Cogmind even through walls. If the player manages to lose them, either with distance or ECM, Hunters will deploy a pair of Drones that explore the area. If the Drones find the Cogmind, they send off a signal to the Hunters, alerting them of your location.
Hunters usually roam in pairs and come equipped with troublesome parts. All hunters have some form of a Targeting Computer, and higher level hunters carry Cloaking Devices, which lowers your chance to hit. This makes them good salvage targets, however, if you can take them out quickly.
Finally, Hunters exhibit the special ability 'Scan Cloaking'. This hides them from the player's Sensor Arrays unless they have a high-level Signal Interpreter. This ability does not come from any of their parts, making them unique among most robots.
- H-55 Commando
- H-66 Slayer
- H-77 Assassin
- H-88 Terminator
- Lightning (prototype)
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