Repair Station

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>>Query(Repair Station)

Self-contained repair facility capable of restoring the integrity of damaged components. Components that utilize more advanced technology require a correspondingly advanced repair station to restore. Serious internal issues such as prototype malfunction and component deterioration are beyond the scope of repair.


Repairing parts is a two-stage process. First instruct the station to scan a component currently in your inventory. Then initiate the repair process, which both fixes broken parts and restores them to full integrity.

The separate "refit" command scans a robot and attempts to restore missing functionality using simple backup parts.

Higher security repair stations are required to repair more complex parts and prototypes.

Manual Commands (Indirect Hacking)

While accessing a repair station, pressing 'z' will allow you to enter the following manual prompts.


If you have below two of each type of slots filled, fills those slots with backup cores, hover pads, and lasers.


Repairs a scanned part. Takes time to complete. If this step fails, your part might be damaged beyond use.


Scans a part from your inventory into the machine so it can be repaired.