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Self-contained construction unit capable of building almost any component or robot for which detailed schematics are provided. An internal generator provides all the energy required for fabrication, but matter input is drawn from the local network as per fabricator specification, while some schematics may call for preassembled subcomponents. Advanced fabricators can complete complex tasks more quickly.


Fabricators construct parts and robots based on schematics. Schematics can be acquired by using scanalyzers or hacking terminals (see your status page for access to a list of schematics currently in your possession), then loaded into a fabricator which will report the resources it requires to complete construction. Starting another build on a busy fabricator will cancel the current construction.

Higher security fabricators are capable of much faster construction.

Manual Commands (Indirect Hacking)

While accessing a fabricator, pressing 'z' will allow you to enter the following manual prompts.


This command is used to load a known schematic into the machine.


Builds the loaded schematic. Will not work if nothing is loaded.