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Approximately 15% of the subsurface cave systems surrounding Complex 0b1 were incorporated into the initial construction of Complex 0b10, but many more remain untouched. These caves are occupied by Derelict robots. Recent activity suggests there could be more substantial populations deeper in the caves.


The Caves are a branch found in the Factory. They are split into two sections, Lower Caves and Upper Caves. Lower Caves can be accessed from the first two Factory floors at depths -7 and -6, whereas Upper Caves are attached to Factory floors -5 and -4. There is one simple rule traversing the caves: Heading west takes you away from Complex 0b10 and deeper into the caves.

Cogmind can find additional branches deep in the Caves, such as Data Miner, Warlord, Zhirov, and Zion. These branches can be found after passing through two areas of Lower or Upper Caves. After leaving one of these branches, Cogmind must traverse one area of Proximity Caves before returning to the main complex.

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