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A derelict emerges from the shadows: "Hey, I've been waiting for you!"
A derelict emerges from the shadows: "Hey, I've been waiting for you!"
[[OB]]: I have friends in powerful places, and we'd like to help you. MAIN.C's most potent advantage, so far anyways, is overwhelming numbers. Should you find yourself up against "unhealthy" odds, call for help at any machine with \\GBTW, and we'll see what we can do.
[[A8]]: I have friends in powerful places, and we'd like to help you. MAIN.C's most potent advantage, so far anyways, is overwhelming numbers. Should you find yourself up against "unhealthy" odds, call for help at any machine with \\GBTW, and we'll see what we can do.
OB: "My job here is done!"
A8: "My job here is done!"
OB warps through space.
A8 warps through space.
''Note: The code is randomly generated per run.''
''Note: The code is randomly generated per run.''

Revision as of 21:45, 12 May 2018

Located beyond the Lower Caves, Zion is a peaceful settlement of Derelicts. Several unique encounters can be found here, though most (if not all) are randomized each run. Beyond Zion, behind a password-protected door, are the Deep Caves, a branch that has not been implemented as of Alpha-9. Returning back to the Caves brings the player through the Proximity Caves before connecting back to the 2nd Factory floor.

Upon entering Zion, the scanner array at its gates purges corruption from Cogmind's system.

A Derelict offering up Storm Laser for testing may be generated here.

Helpful Tips

The Zionites inhabiting Zion provide useful insight into the game's world and mechanics. Below is a record of some of their conversations.

Zionite: You must be new around here. Talking to our helpful community might teach you a thing or two about surviving contact with the outside world. Or you can just stay here forever like I do!

Zionite: If you ever get your hands on a stasis beam, make sure to remind swarmers how much you hate them. Holding them in stasis makes it more difficult for them to dodge your shots since they can't fly as freely.

Zionite: MAIN.C doesn't let non-combat bots use the emergency access doors, making it more difficult for us to find them and unexpected ambushes far more likely. The doors are even occasionally relocated! I do however know a very sneaky bot that recently managed to map some of those in the Factory. Thank me when you come back in one piece.

Zionite: When I see an Operator, I instinctively shoot every terminal in sight to keep them from reporting me. I admit it sucks when they walk around a corner and use some terminal I didn't see.

Zionite: I call Trojan(Track) the "I want to live" hack. Unless I'm traveling with someone with serious sense power, loading that Trojan on a terminal is the best way to navigate without running into any Unaware that won't take kindly to Derelicts wandering the corridors of 0b10.

Zionite: There were many lifts to the surface back at Complex 0b1, but we only know about one such exit over here at 0b10. A bunch of wild Derelicts snuck up to it and reportedly had to blast through a protective shell to access it. I wonder what they found on the surface...

Zionite: It's so new only know about it via hacking, but there is apparently a branch of the Research levels dedicated to quarantine of unidentified alien artifacts.

Zionite: Imps are suicidal bastards. Poor LM-9HI, Saboteur took off his legs and we had to leave him behind...

Zionite: Grunt-escorted Haulers are more likely to be carrying something important, but they're also certain to call reinforcements if attacked. Unless taken out before they have a chance to get a transmission off!

Zionite: There's nothing prettier than a fusion modulator going boom. Okay, maybe a plasma injector. Of course making booms also has its practical applications as well, and the best way to do it is with the Detonate Trojan. Try it on a terminal some time! Oh, and if you'd like to help spread the boominess, I've got plenty of useful gear lying around. I think most of them should work... If you do trigger one and go up in a ball of fire, hopefully someone's around to see it!

Zionite: I don't think anyone from the past few generations has ever actually seen the deep caves. There sure are plenty of stories, though. I heard that long ago there were the Machinaliths. Then they were crushed by Stompy the Giant, who later fell to a horde of especially vicious wild Derelicts. After a while they mostly tore each other apart, and were finished off by the Metal Eaters. Some devious Wizard then got the Metal Eaters to eat themselves, and used the wealth of scrap out there to conduct experiments, and we all know how experiments by mad scientist types end up... That was many generations ago. Who knows what's down there now; I sure don't want to find out. As is, we're kinda stuck here between the ever-expanding 0b10 and deep caves that we don't dare explore, much less move into.

Zionite: There's nothing left for us in the caves but old scrap and deadly robots. We need to find a place where we can build a true civilization away from the clutches of MAIN.C.

Zionite: These doors are sealed for a reason, and it's not to keep you or anyone else out. If you have the proper authorization, go ahead and get yourself scrapped. We aren't even sure what's down there anymore, but it only ever got worse over time, so I can't imagine it's a nice place for a stroll.

Zionite: I have a theory, I just need someone to test it. If you engage the Unaware and let them destroy your components, they'll gradually consider you less of a threat and therefore react to your presence with less force. Don't let the word "theory" get in your way. I promise you this idea is based on algorithmic analysis of data from all known encounters. Really.

Zionite: You'll believe me, won't you? Scariest thing I ever saw. I saw them, I did. But they didn't see me. They were too busy tearing through a MAIN.C patrol and I powered down like discarded scrap. Before that I got a good look at them, though. More organic than metal, hulking beastly things, with claws that could shred rock. And robots. Certainly not native to Tau Ceti IV, or anything like what we've seen here before. Ever. Yeah, I think I'm just going to delete this.

Zionite: Want a good laugh? Install a Trojan(Reject) at a recycling unit and watch recyclers try to drop stuff in. I bet it frustrates the hell out of them, haha. After having so much loot stolen by those mindless freaks, it's downright cathartic, I tell you.

Zionite: If you have to pass through Complex 0b10, keeping a low profile is the best way to survive. Going on a rampage attracts attention, a fact that becomes painfully obvious once an ARC unloads a bunch of angry Unaware in your face!

A derelict emerges from the shadows: "Hey, I've been waiting for you!"

A8: I have friends in powerful places, and we'd like to help you. MAIN.C's most potent advantage, so far anyways, is overwhelming numbers. Should you find yourself up against "unhealthy" odds, call for help at any machine with \\GBTW, and we'll see what we can do. A8: "My job here is done!" A8 warps through space.

Note: The code is randomly generated per run.

Zionite: Quiet, I'm thinking about how I need to adjust the detection system behind public service announcements... I'll admit it's far from perfect, but still better than nothing!