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Settings not saving..

Started by MagicWalker, May 24, 2015, 10:54:21 AM

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As tittle says,my settings is not saving, i need to set my option again and again everytime i start cogmind...
Any ideas?

Thanks :)


Thanks for reply :)

Well i dont have a antivirus...i Recently uninstaled bitdefender because it was slowing my computer too much... I dont have antispyware,firewall either...


Where did you install the game to? If I place it in my Program Files folder I'm getting the same behavior. Probably because you need administrator privileges in order to write to the Program Files directory.

@Kyzrati: I think on Windows all user-specific data should be written to %appdata%.


On another partition to my "games" folder...

edit: ok so i extracted archive to different folder (same partition) and it works now.. :)


Quote from: MagicWalker on May 24, 2015, 12:37:47 PM
edit: ok so i extracted archive to different folder (same partition) and it works now.. :)
One of the requirements for installation is that it be somewhere you have admin privileges to allow for file saving to the local directories.

Thanks for helping me out infectedm!

Quote from: infectedm on May 24, 2015, 11:27:20 AM
@Kyzrati: I think on Windows all user-specific data should be written to %appdata%.
It's true that this is the "proper" way to do it, but I personally find it incredibly annoying when games do that. Most roguelikes store their files locally. But then of course most roguelikes are not commercial games...

If possible I'd like to keep it as is, but if it becomes a huge issue for a lot of people I could change it. (The funny thing is, once that changes we start getting queries about "where the heck is my config data?!" :P)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Many games offer when instaling to choose where you want to have your saves etc. stored...


There is one drawback when you store your files in the installation folder: if there are two people playing the game on the same pc, they need to have separate copies of the game... Considered the size of the game this isn't too much of an issue though :)

As a workaround for the game being installed in the program files folder:
icacls "C:\Program Files\COGMIND" /grant %USERNAME%:(CI)(OI)F
This grants all full access to the current user. Needs to be executed with admin privileges: press Win+X -> Command prompt (admin).

(I think this issue should be gone when you release on Steam - some of my Steam games also seem to store their savegames locally)


Quote from: MagicWalker on May 25, 2015, 02:16:12 AM
Many games offer when instaling to choose where you want to have your saves etc. stored...
Interesting, I haven't encountered that before.

In any case, Cogmind doesn't have an installer (I hate them myself, but I should provide the option eventually when the potential audience grows).

Quote from: infectedm on May 25, 2015, 04:22:59 AM
There is one drawback when you store your files in the installation folder: if there are two people playing the game on the same pc, they need to have separate copies of the game... Considered the size of the game this isn't too much of an issue though :)
Haha, that is true, and another way to look at the benefit of user-relative data storage, which is why MS does it... but it's annoying for those who prefer having everything in one convenient place and not have to go find some differently named directory (or subdir, or subsubdir...) over in %appdata%.

Quote from: infectedm on May 25, 2015, 04:22:59 AM
As a workaround for the game being installed in the program files folder:
icacls "C:\Program Files\COGMIND" /grant %USERNAME%:(CI)(OI)F
This grants all full access to the current user. Needs to be executed with admin privileges: press Win+X -> Command prompt (admin).

(I think this issue should be gone when you release on Steam - some of my Steam games also seem to store their savegames locally)
I'm not too familiar with Steam, but I imaging it does handle local saving just fine since games are run under Steam's own privileges.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon