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Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]

Started by campfly, May 20, 2015, 11:10:41 AM

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Thanks Kyzrati; I'll give that thread a look. =)


I've had no problems with Cogmind on Wine besides that the mouse cursor is very choppy and drags a bit. I have a feeling like theres a setting somewhere when creating the wine config that will remedy this as I've faced the issue with other wine builds and resolved it, but I'm not aware of a solution right now.

EDIT: Tried another build using the step by step guide in this thread and the mouse now works smoothly again. Glad I found this thread. I hope we can get a wrapper included in the Steam release eventually!


Yep, a wrapper is definitely planned! The main reason it hasn't happened already is it's not something I can easily do myself, so will probably rely on outside help...
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Status update about my "special" problem.
Had a partial success two weeks ago using "Set Maxfiles to 10240", but it worked just twice...

But today I just randomly started the game on my Macbook and all problems were gone! I haven't done anything on the Macbook (haven't even rebooted...). Finally, I can play Cogmind on both, my iMac and Macbook. But where the probelm was? I don't know. I hope it will be gone forver!

Thx for the support Kyzrati (can't wait for the next patch)!


Okay, well, that's odd, wonder what changed xD. I always try to help when I can!--or get someone else to help :P

Next release will take a little longer, but it'll be a nice one!
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


TLDR: Cogmind still works flawlessly in wineskin in 2017.

I thought it might provide some peace of mind to know that c909's original wineskin instructions and GlennEhrlich's subsequent fullscreen for wineskin instructions work flawlessly on a Early 2011 MacBook Pro in OSX 10.11.3 (El Capitan) running Cogmind V2.1.

I primarily use the mouse and some original keybindings. When I say flawlessly I do mean flawlessly.

@Kyzrati, I wouldn't waste any time developing or even thinking about developing a cross-platform solution. I fully agree with your plan, if an official wrapper is going to exist find somebody else to do it for you.


Thanks for the update and vote of confidence, FisherMUN!

I've certainly postponed even the wrapper simply because it's so easy to get setup now, though I imagine I'll still want to do one eventually. For now anyway I decided it's more important to do Steam first, since that involves learning about their installer system which I don't even understand in Windows yet :P

Quote from: FisherMUN on August 27, 2017, 05:01:34 AM
When I say flawlessly I do mean flawlessly.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Just wanted to chip in and say that on High Serra that wineskin still works fine but I needed to go into > > Set Screen Options and then disable 'Auto Detect GPU Info for Direct3D' to get the game to work.

In a totally unrelated note, it would be very helpful to be able to increase the fontsize in game, I had to downscale my screen to 1152x720 to be able to easily read what was happing onscreen!


Thanks for the info vodkat, that setting requirement makes sense since Cogmind doesn't use Direct3D or the GPU at all :P

Very interesting that downscaling actually helped you! I've never heard of anyone actually using that approach since it would generally make things more unreadable. Since that doesn't increase the number of rows on the screen, but you find it more readable, perhaps you should instead use your native resolution and switch to a different font, like Terminus? Or did you try that?

As per this page linked from the System Requirements, you can't increase the font size beyond what your resolution supports, but that's not really what determines true cell size anyway--physical screen dimensions are what matters, so everything will be larger on a larger display.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


I understand the game is currently in development, and seemingly focused on Windows.
But I've been trying to get the game working on OSX High Sierra and have had no luck with the latest version of Wine.
I'll attach a log of the crash on Wine, as it's a little esoteric of myself. Let me know if this issue is something that we can troubleshoot. It looks like it's either missing some permissions or some library.



Yeah this'll be something that other Mac users will have to help with since I don't have/use one (this is part of why there's no official non-Windows version since I can't personally offer the same personal system support and suggestions that I can on Windows :/).

Since it's an issue with your specific OSX/Wine setup rather than a bug in the game. I'll move it to the Support board thread where all the OSX solutions/walkthroughs are (not sure if you've checked that thread yet, but in any case it's where someone might be able to help--I'll ask other Mac users what they think, as we have several on the Discord server).
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Warning to macOS users: The latest version from Apple, Catalina/10.15, is incompatible with Cogmind, so the only option to play Cogmind or other 32-bit games (or other games through Wine) is to not upgrade, or dual boot, as suggested by Valve.

I've written more about my stance on macOS here on the blog. Apple's moves and general behavior in recent years have killed any chance of releasing a click-to-play version on that platform.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Additional update on the Catalina situation: the official Crossover 19 release reportedly runs Cogmind on Catalina just fine, even though it's 32-bit on a 64-bit system :)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Update for M1 users: See this thread for how to get it running fine there, courtesy of Luigi.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon