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Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]

Started by campfly, May 20, 2015, 11:10:41 AM

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Thx for your reply Kyzrati :)

I've done some further testing. I've booted to Win7 on my Mac and got both issues under Windows. I've packed the game with Wineskin on my Macbook and both, quitting and uploading, work flawlessly!

So maybe the problem is hardware specific and not Mac specific?


Huh, that's really weird. Glad you got it working, though! (Well, not exactly ideal since the behavior on that particular machine isn't right :/)

Where those two issues are concerned, based on the way you describe them they're not even related internally (quitting and score uploading, since the latter isn't done unless you've actually finished a run). Considering you booted to two separate OS's on the same machine--even Win7--and got the same result, a logical conclusion would be it's something in the hardware, but that makes little sense...

For now we'll file this under "WTF" and see if anyone else encounters the same issue.

I assure you it's not that I want to dissuade you from quitting the game ;)

Thanks for reporting it, Chad. Eventually for Mac users I'd like to hire someone to make a professional wrapper, which I imagine would be tested across a range of systems.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Quote from: Slotos on May 21, 2015, 01:52:59 AM

Basically this is what you need to do with winebottler. Supposedly wineskins is as simple, though I haven't tried it myself.

Pressing install will ask for a path to save the bundle to. If you're packaging for yourself, just aim it to your Applications folder and enjoy cogmind. If you don't check "Silent install", you'll need to agree to MSVC++ 2010 EULA in its install dialog.

Feel free to remove winebottler afterwards if you don't need it for anything else.

With WineBottler 1.8-rc4 on OSX 10.11.2 El Capitan the program does not seem to want to run with these settings.  The crash.log contains the following:
/Applications/$ cat crash.log
Cogmind - Alpha 5c

I=0000002 Initializing resources
W=0000015 Config::init() | Unable to open user/cogmind.cfg, creating new default config
I=0000016 Initializing Rogue Engine X
I=0000016 |   Starting SDL
I=0000052 |   Importing icon
I=0000053 |   Confirmed resource initialization
I=0000053 |   Loading colors
I=0000053 |   Initializing font type data
I=0000053 |   Mapping standard ASCII values
I=0000053 |   Loading fonts
F=0000054 |   |   REX::loadFonts() | Unable to open config file (data/fonts/_config.xt)

I'll see if WineBottler 1.6.1-Stable suffers from these issues.


That's the very first file the game tries to open when it starts, so it could be a permissions thing, although it's only trying to read this file, not write to it, in which case maybe it's doing something odd with the path? Apparently it's working for others. Still, more evidence that it will be nice to have an official release :)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


I've had really good luck with running cogmind in under OS X (El Capitan 10.11.4) with wine installed via homebrew -

I still have a few glitches, for instance, if something interrupts you while you are full screen, the game gets unhappy. but you can usually sort that out by hitting escape or CMD-tab-ing a few times.

That being said. if I run it in a window, it runs great! (It will stay in windowed mode after quitting and re-opening. so you should only have to hassle with setting it once!)

Here's what I did to get here:

note: this is all done via the command line (

- Install the Homebrew package manager -
- Install Xquartz `brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz`
- Install Wine `brew install wine`
- Install Winetricks `brew install winetricks`

- cd /path/to/COGMIND.exe // this is important, you *must* cd in to the directory first for whatever reason.
- wine COGMIND.exe


Alpha 9 seems to work just fine in full screen mode  ;D

Left Empty


First post here, but I wanted to share a bit of workarounds I have found for some issues that don't seem to have been discussed yet.

First, using Wineskin, I have found the game ran more smoothly using the WS9WineCX15.0.1 engine (this is just an older Wine engine, but modified by the folks at Codeweavers with interesting compatibility patches) and checking you used the Mac Drivers instead of X11 in the Screen options.

Second, to be able to use alt+ shortcuts, I had to check the "Option key works as Alt box" in the Options tab. Thus I am able to use the command key instead - for instance, I hit Command+F4 to save and quit, instead of having to go through the menus.

Hope it helps!

Thank you for the great game. Looking forward to not be terrible at it ;D


Welcome Left Empty, and thanks for the extra info!

That Alt solution is extra useful, since I know for keyboard-using players that key can be a problem on non-Windows systems without the right options/settings. Good to know :)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Hey all; I recently got Cogmind working in Wine on my system, but my audio doesn't seem to want to work.  I tested in winecfg and Wine itself seems to recognize pulseaudio correctly as my audio card; and I can hear its' test sounds in the settings area.  But Cogmind itself seems to give no audio that I can hear when I run it.  (From my limited testing so far, the rest of the game seems to work fine.)

I checked Cogmind's audio settings, and audio is enabled/unmuted and set to what seem to be reasonable volume settings.

I haven't modified Wine's default settings in any way from the point of installation.  If anyone can provide some further insight on how to fix this, it'd be much appreciated!


Hm, I was waiting for a day to see if anyone would reply, but no luck yet. I don't use Macs myself, though I can say this is definitely an issue on the side of whatever Wine solution you're using, so changing Cogmind settings won't have any effect.

Did you try using one of the other solutions in this thread? There are like 3-4 different ways people are playing on OSX :P. Maybe that would help rather than changing settings in your current setup? (I've just put out the word on Twitter to see if someone might be able to offer some more advice, too.)

(Later on I'll also be distributing Cogmind with a Wine wrapper that should "just work" so that everyone doesn't have to use their own solution.)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Hey folks!

Haven't been here for ages and saw Kyzratis Twitter post and I wanted to share my latest experiences with Cogmind on OSX.

First, I own an iMac and a Macbook Air, both with the lastest OSX Version (El Capitan). Using Wineskin, I was only able to play Cogmind on the Macbook. The game ran fine on the iMac, but the game kinda freezed when saving and quitting the game.  Saving worked, but the issue was very annoying, interstingly the problem also occured when bootin to Windows 7 on my iMac... also: uploading scores doesn't work... so I only played on the Macbook. A while ago I made a clean install of OSX on my Macbook and suddenly I got the  same issue on the Macbook when quitting the game. I tried everything to get the game back to a stable  This was the day where I stopped to play the game :( I think this was on Alpha6. I tried again I following releases, without success.

Let's jump to today. I saw skymakers post and installed Wineskin again on my iMac, created a wrapper (latest version for engine and Wineskin), and the game works fine on the iMac. For the Macbook I got the same issues than before.

So maybe there is a way to figure out where the problem is. Maybe Kyzrati can give a few insights what exactly happens if we click Save&Quit , Suicide/Restart and Quit, Delete Save. Or do you have some kind of debug mode, which cpuld help to narrow down the problem?

Could you give us some informations about your system? That would help a lot! Also: have you ever used another game/program with wine?


Hey Chad, thanks for stopping by, and for the info.

The only thing I can think of in terms of freezing when trying to quit (and the likely cause here, really), is that when you exit the game tries to save your data to disk, and my guess here is that the OS is blocking it from doing that. Insufficient permissions is the usual culprit. (Score uploading not working could be a similar issue--blocked due to limited permissions.)

Of course, one easy way to tell if this is the case is to see what files are/aren't being saved (or updated) to the game's /user/ directory. Like game.bin, tutorial.bin, cogmind.cfg, buffer.txt... Those and your /scores/ records. Was it even possible to save and resume a game later? (Though could've been blocked, too.)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


There is no problem with saving the game or saving the scores. I've also checked if there is aproblem with the OSX Firewall, but also disableing the Firewall has no effect.

In the case of Save & Quit, the game freezes just befor the exit sound.
In the case of Suicide/Restart the message (score uploaded to doesn't come up and (uploading score...) stays. Restarting with SPACE works fine from here, ESC to quit freezes the game...


Hm okay, sounds like two separate issues, then.

The persistent "uploading score..." means it wasn't able to get in contact with the server for whatever reason. Could be OS-side (though you did check the firewall :/) or it could be server-side (it does sometimes take a little while to connect or be down for a minute, but really that's kinda rare overall, and won't be a frequently repeating issue).

Freezing after the exit sound is... interesting. Playing that sound is the third to last thing the game does before shutting itself down. The only processes after that are 1) delete all the game data from memory and 2) add the last line to the run.log file and close it. Perhaps there's something the OS doesn't like about the data deletion?

It closes fine in Windows itself, so if Wine is handling things properly (as in, acting like Windows), it should be okay. That this particular issue--actually both issues--don't seem to be impacting any of the other OSX users generally means it's likely interference from very specific hardware, third-party software, or OS settings, which is really hard to track down unless we get one or more other people saying they see the same thing! This is why it will presumably be good when there is one standard way that everyone plays on a Mac... I need to get on that, but can't do it with my current hardware.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


It is freezing BEFORE the exit sound!

Currently the game runs fine on the iMac and not on the Macbook, before it was vice versa, so I assume it's not a hardware nor a OS problem.
As I use the same Wineskin version and the same wrapper, there should also be no problem. So I assume it is something in the background which Wineskine uses to emulate the Windows environment. From the technical view, Wineskin creates an App (which is basicly an executable folder), which contains the wrapper and if installed the program (The wrapped cogmind app is 544.6 MB, btw!).

If run a test on both machines with a blank run.log file (thank for pointing me to that):
iMac (runs fine):
I=0032106 |   |   \---DONE
I=0032106 |   |   Saving game meta data
I=0032110 |   \---DONE
I=0032110 |   Cleaning up program before exit
I=0032330 |   GM::endGame() | Ending game
I=0032335 |   \---DONE
I=0032340 \---DONE

Macbook (freezing):
I=0036036 |   |   \---DONE
I=0036037 |   |   Saving game meta data
I=0036042 |   \---DONE

Does that narrow down where the problem is?

For the upload problem:
The log says:
I=0009428 |   Sending content...
I=0009428 |   Waiting for ACK...

But on the Macbook there seems to be no reponse (Not for uploading, nor for the Version check/News). I've created a Wine version of the Internet Explorer to check if there is a problem with internet connections and wine on the Macbook, but using IE had no problems.

Is there any chance that the problems are connected?


Quote from: Chad on August 11, 2016, 10:59:37 AM
It is freezing BEFORE the exit sound!
Whoops, my bad! Way too busy lately :/. Thanks for pointing that out. Again :P

Quote from: Chad on August 11, 2016, 10:59:37 AM
(The wrapped cogmind app is 544.6 MB, btw!).
Hm, the pre-wrapped one I distributed at Alpha 5 with the help of alaska was "only" 385 MB :P

Quote from: Chad on August 11, 2016, 10:59:37 AM
Is there any chance that the problems are connected?
Okay, looks like they're connected!

According to the differences between the logs (thanks!), I can see that on game exit the hang occurs where it's trying to deinitialize the network resources, but before it can do that I have it set to wait indefinitely for any attempted connections to complete. I didn't imagine that a connection attempt could actually never complete/timeout/whatever (stupid of me! though I admit I'm terrible at anything having to do with network development :P). This calls for a fix that will time it out properly in the event of a connection block, and an appropriate message for the log.

I'm going to PM you my pre-wrapped OSX version of Cogmind and let's see if that works instead of what you have.

Thanks for helping out. I wonder where skymaker went?
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Thx for the wrapper (nice icon and .dmg folder background, btw  ;)), unfortunately it doesn't work. I'm pretty sure, that there is someting different on my two systems. But its hard to find something useful.

I think the problem lies somewhere at the window managment. The Wine logs produce an error, but I haven't figured out what causes this error. I've tested the WineskinX11 window managment system and XQuartz (which runs terrible on the Macbook and dosn't help either), the error is basically the same.

I'll try to find out what causes the error...


Hey Chad, maybe it is a permission-thing.
i had to change the permissions for the user
here for the first time in the Cogmind-history.

When i was logged in as the root/admin i had no issues,
logged in as user with all the root-permissions i came in trouble.

then i saw that all files are own by the root and the group root.
simply change the group-owner from root to user for every file in the Cogmind-folder was the solution.

my suggestion just to be sure, log in as root/admin and start. just to exclude an permission-issue.

good luck


Thanks for your suggestion Enno. I've already tried that. Opening the App with sudo and giving full permissions to the app. As I run Cogmind on two systems (same OSX, XQuartz, Winskin, Wrapper versions), on one successful, on one unsuccessful, there must be something very special. The error message in the Wine logs ("XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server") don't help. Google only provides very special solutions, or the usage of an updated wrapper, so no help there.


Quote from: Chad on August 12, 2016, 03:00:09 AM
Thx for the wrapper (nice icon and .dmg folder background, btw  ;)), unfortunately it doesn't work.
! ... hm, worked for all the other Mac users who've tested it (though I admit no one has tested it combination with Alpha 10, the version I gave you contains Alpha 5 by default). Something very odd going on with your system then.

Wonder what it could be. When I get a new laptop, hopefully I could set up OSX in a VM and do some testing myself, though having zero experience with Macs you guys are way ahead of me already :P

Also, let me know if you want to play on the system where it's possible to do so but the internet connectivity hang thing is too bothersome. I can give you an advance hotfix that includes a timeout. (Otherwise that will be coming in Alpha 11.)

(All credit for that icon and .dmg work goes to alaska--he did that whole thing for me and just sent it over. Very nice job :D)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Quote from: Chad on August 12, 2016, 04:41:20 AM
error message in the Wine logs ("XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server"
maybe you have to install x11 again !?


No need for the hotfix as long as Cogmind runs on one system.
The problem is not version dependend, I've tried several Cogmind versions (all I still got on my HDD).

Quote from: Enno on August 12, 2016, 05:41:11 AM
Quote from: Chad on August 12, 2016, 04:41:20 AM
error message in the Wine logs ("XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server"
maybe you have to install x11 again !?

Wineskin uses its own version of XQuartz (which is the successor of Apples X11). But I've also tried to reinstall XQuartz and even forced the reinstalled XQuartz instead of Winskins version, without effect.


Hey all (and @Chad in particular); pardon my delayed response.  Life got a bit busy there for a while with a summer course I was finishing up, among other things.

Revisiting this thread, it may not have been the best place to post my issue; I'm running a full Linux system (Arch Linux, more-or-less), rather than a Mac, but I posted here because I was seeing some mention of similar sound issues if I recall right.  My hardware is a Lenovo laptop, basically.  I installed Wine fresh on here when I wanted to try Cogmind, and I haven't run any other programs in Wine to date.  Would any more information help, or should I go find/start a Linux specific thread?



Ah, well, hehe, this being the OSX thread we had made that assumption xD. Wine may very well behave differently depending on the architecture.

There is a Linux thread here where others have been talking about their approaches--haven't heard of anyone with this issue before, though. So far it's mostly a bunch of players reporting in that their particular setup works.

I'd suggest checking out the posts in that thread (there are some details), and if you're still having trouble try asking over there. Having not used Wine before, it's possible you're encountering a settings issue on that end.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon