Storage Units, especially at the high end (really mostly Hcp.), are excessively good when it comes to combat runs, enough so that they're feeding a "carry as much as you can" meta strategy. This needs to be fixed.
I'm just dropping this here in a new thread where anyone can contribute their thoughts (or link to any other previous discussion points I may have missed).
zxc recommends possibly
removing Hcp. units entirely. As much as I don't want to do it, that might be a good idea.
An alternative is to increase their slot count and rebalance them to take up more space but perhaps require less mass (?). That said, as much as Storage Units of different slot size can make sense, I really wanted to keep all of them at one slot because it enables easy swapping, and is much simpler to wrap your head around.
Another change coming to Storage Units: they'll be immune to critical hits, and attacks from Saboteurs.
Regarding distribution, another issue I'd like to address which was brought up in an unrelated thread:
Storage units could be worked on. I think maybe splitting up where you find them would help - right now you find all storage units in -10 because they're all rating 1. More efficient (in terms of weight) would be nice for some lower capacity ones (since they're kind of neglected), but 16m/8inventory seems like a good one slot compromise for the ultra-heavy builds.
It's possible to find them later, but by then it's possible to find a
lot of different items, so there is a somewhat reduced chance for Storage Units specifically. According to the distribution stats, there is a minimum 0.7% chance for an item/stockpile to be an Hcp. Storage Unit (and another 0.7% for Lrg.), meaning almost every floor has a reasonable chance to contain at least one. (By comparison, there's a 2.1% chance on -10.)
In terms of stats, perfect balance across items is not entirely necessary because some are meant for other robots, thus not always ideal for your own use. In Cogmind's case, smaller Storage is just for backup when you can't find something else (as in later floors where you have less chance of finding an Hcp. unit and have to take out other robots for smaller units, unless you can build your own Hcp. unit, which is where that mechanic comes in).