Start of -4. Doing OK considering the lack of decent armour.
Now here is something truly nasty. I was moving to a better position to fight from, but between moves my treads get rejected and my move delay suddenly becomes 1900; so unwittingly I allow a bunch of attacks on me. I think part rejection should stop actions for a time and be made slightly more obvious (like the collision warning).
Not in a good state...
Start of -3. I've salvaged the situation to a degree. Looking dandy now. Also, the entrance is enclosed inside a secret passage. How bizarre.
Amazingly I hack the location of the exits. It's a long trek.
Nasty battle
that never ends...
It's actually not a huge battle by the standards of my other combat runs, but nevertheless it's a key battle because it's so damaging. I'm out of weapons.
Salvaged what I could. You can see this is still extremely terrible. The slots are filled but this is the edge of ruin.
I manage to defeat two programmers with just a Hvy. Laser. Notice the flight units.
Doing what I can... It is pretty much just a question of when I will die at this point.
Yep, thank you ARC. That'll do it.
Now to try the most flimsy long-shot...
I did say flimsy.
And I did say long-shot.