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Fanlore and Art for Older Bots and Fictional Parts (spoilers)

Started by CaptainWinky, August 22, 2024, 03:54:13 AM

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If you've seen a certain event in Archives, you probably wondered what some of the defunct bots were like or what parts they might have used.  I've often wondered this myself.  Some of these bots have readable descriptions, but many do not except for a couple of words.  So I ran with it and wrote some completely non-canon Archives lore for these bots as well as a couple of made-up bots.  I originally posted a few of these in discord but I figured it would be a good idea to put them all in one place.  I used REXpaint for the art, usually with ingame art as a base, and aoemica's Cog-Minder site as a basis for each item's stats window.

edit 12/07/24: Making the stat cards for items and robots is a lot easier now thanks to some features aoemica added to the Cog-Minder wiki.  If you want to do some of your own, there are examples of how to display various items, and I added many of the things shown in this thread to my own fanart page on the wiki which was a lot smoother than my original method and also shows bars that are more consistent with what you would see ingame.  I can't believe I have been making stuff for this long but it's been a lot of fun and there will be more to come.
edit 12/21/24: Changed art for Camouflage Shell, Bulk Storage Unit, Combat Logger, and Spawner Unit to make them smaller.  These were too big for ingame items.

I started off with the G-11 Fodder.  This one does have a description but I wrote one from an earlier timeframe where some of them are still in use.  I applied this principle to the other old bots as well--in most cases MC is still in the process of phasing them out.  An "Archived" schematic is one that could be pulled from the Archives before they got trashed, and a rating 0 item is something that Cogmind would never reasonably want to use except as food for an FRU.
QuoteAnalysis: "G-11 Fodder"
The first of the G-series grunts, this model is no longer in production and the relevant schematics will be moved to the Archives.  The G-11 was intended to be fast and cheap to produce and deploy as a deterrent for unarmed Derelicts.  As a result it has a low-integrity core, low-coverage legs and its weapon is a repurposed low-power fabricator laser.  Existing units still number in the hundreds and are being either scrapped or deployed to the caves where they are sometimes useful as diversions.  Many Derelicts still rely on obsolete signal interpreters or seismic detectors, so they are unable to tell the difference between these bots and more capable models.

Here's a made-up bot and a story that many players can probably relate to.
QuoteAnalysis: "G-30 Squaddie"
The G-30 Squaddie was a modest upgrade over the original grunt model with the main differences being a slightly more durable core and a standard combat-rated laser.  But with the added firepower came added heat that accumulated faster than the core's internal dissipators could deal with it during a fight.  Only a few hundred Squaddies were produced before the G-34 design superseded it, providing a dedicated heat sink and a more durable engine and legs.  The core is identical so all surviving units were simply converted to Mercenaries, except possibly for [The Unkillable Grunt].

Record: "The Unkillable Grunt"
Derelicts have a way of embellishing stories if not fabricating them entirely.  However, one recent legend has some evidence from my own aggregated combat logs to back it up.  Out of the many grunts sent to disputed cave regions, one specific [G-30 Squaddie] consistently made it back to its assigned outpost forty-four times.  G-30-H7-NX2's log data indicates frequent damage to its legs and engine as well as regular overheating issues consistent with other G-30 units.  Its core was never damaged in any of these battles and all damaged parts were repaired or replaced whenever it returned to the outpost.  My own combat simulations suggest that this level of performance is virtually impossible but the data is there to prove it, as well as intercepted Derelict transmissions referring to this specific bot as "The Chad Grunt," "Why Won't You F%^*ing Die," and most frequently "The Unkillable Grunt."  Unfortunately G-30-H7-NX2 did not return from its 45th combat encounter, but a few Derelicts seem to believe that it was rewired and given a full refit (including a cooling system) as a tribute to its combat prowess.

QuoteAnalysis: "L-11 Stabber"
The first dedicated melee robot, this duelist derivative of the grunt class was armed with a small but fast dagger.  Best suited for corner ambushes as its lack of core coverage made open attacks impractical.  A few minor modifications included switching the dagger for a spear and the addition of a low-powered transmission jammer to prevent victims from warning others.  Current duelists are focused on reliability in open combat, but ambush traps ensure that they (along with brawlers) enjoy the benefits of sneak attacks from time to time.

For some reason I wanted to do subdweller parts so I imagined a new class of sub as well.  This is one I would hate to see in the game though.  Imagine getting ambushed with EM weapons on -10.
QuoteCyclist Record: "Sublurker"
Megaunit here with a sighting of a funny-looking Subdweller in Recycling, of all places.  And this is one Sub who really doesn't want to be seen.  I missed him at first because he has some kind of cloaking device instead of the more common Sub optics, and he uses an EM weapon that I haven't seen before.  He tagged a grunt with a couple of shots and rolled out of sight, letting the slightly corrupted grunt lose track of him instead of going for the kill.  This may be further evidence that Subs aren't as violent as they seem.  My observations ended there because he spotted me and I had to avoid being corrupted so that I could get this entered into the database.

A swarmer that crawls instead of flying?  That can hide?  In the right circumstances it could still be nasty.
QuoteAnalysis: "S-02 Bug"
One of my first robot designs was a small hexapod walker made in mass quantities to spread out and survey the surface.  When I began producing combat bots, I revisited this design and added an assault rifle and light armor.  The Bug's armored shell employs adaptive camouflage while the robot is dormant, enabling it to hide from distant hostiles until it wakes up.  The shell also compensates for the core's inherent weakness to explosive damage.  Bug squads were commonly used as patrols or stationed to guard an open area, but flying swarmers and sentries have replaced them in these roles.  All remaining units have been recalled to garrisons to supplement security positions.  So-called "garrison divers" who challenge a seemingly lone sentry might be surprised when three or four nearby Bugs reveal themselves.

Launchers never went out of style.  You'd have to be pretty desperate to use that hover though.
QuoteAnalysis: "D-43 Bomber"
Sometimes tactical situations require explosive solutions.  The demolisher class was conceived to enable rapid pacification of large Derelict gatherings in the caves.  The D-43 model was armed with a grenade launcher but lacked many of the features that would be standard for future models: no shock absorption system outside of core resistance, a basic targeting computer instead of one optimized for launchers, and regular airjets instead of combat hover.  The initial version of the Bomber was actually equipped with uparmored hover units, but these produced too much heat and offered too little support.  Although the components needed improvement, the overall concept was vindicated by the success of demolishers in large-scale battles, and Derelicts were quick to hack the schematic for their own [Martyr] designs.  Bombers became priority targets whenever they were deployed and none are known to exist today.

QuoteAnalysis: "H-44 Whirlwind"
This was the first hunter to enter regular service and does not have the Fly drone interface of the newer models.  The Whirlwind's tracking capabilities are on par with those of the Commando, so the lack of the drone is rarely an issue.  This model's most distinctive feature is an antiquated anti-materiel rifle chosen for its ability to penetrate walls and machinery.  The rifle is quite powerful but also slow to operate.  I decided to give future hunters multiple weapons to enable more efficient volleys and some degree of redundancy if one weapon is destroyed.  A few Whirlwinds still see service in low-threat cave regions where they utilize other combat robots as spotters.

I'll probably do more of these over time.  Feel free to add your own!


This is really good. Kyzrati should just hire you for the lore and part art XD. Jokes aside, darn did I say this is only good? It's in game worthy. I think Kyzrati will pin this but we'll see.


Hey CaptainWinky, good idea to store these in a thread--way too many really cool things like this that get buried on the Discord server and often revived only when people link back to them again... hard to find stuff and nothing's organized xD

Been fun seeing them over there these days, and here I see there were even a number I missed!

Quote from: N.W.L on August 22, 2024, 05:44:26 AM
I think Kyzrati will pin this but we'll see.
Well I did pin some on the Discord server, but not really something appropriate for here, no. I'm sure it will remain easy to find :)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Quote from: N.W.L on August 22, 2024, 05:44:26 AM
This is really good. Kyzrati should just hire you for the lore and part art XD. Jokes aside, darn did I say this is only good? It's in game worthy. I think Kyzrati will pin this but we'll see.

It helps having so much quality material to base things on, and an overall fun and deep setting.  Cogmind has a balance between humor and seriousness that few other games attempting it can pull off.  Star Control 2 is the closest other example that I can think of.

Quote from: Kyzrati on August 22, 2024, 08:21:56 AM
Been fun seeing them over there these days, and here I see there were even a number I missed!
You didn't miss anything on there, I only finished the last few before posting this thread :)


The A-01 Mover also has a description ingame.  Based on that, I imagined this one as a 2x2 running on many wheels in order to quickly haul what must have been some ridiculous storage.

QuoteScraptown Record: "Trashman"
Have you SEEN that new Freighter?  We could use something like that to help us haul parts from our old stockpiles just outside 0b1.  I asked a few of my fellow Gurus to help me dig through our schematic archives and I've got just the thing.  Remember the Mover?  Imagine that but swap out the bulk storage for a simple humpback.  That would give it room for heavy armor, plus we'd use armored wheels of course.  Oh and I showed some old turret schematics to my Scientist buddy and he came up with a BRUTAL new weapon so our hauler can defend itself!  Is that cool or WHAT?  Do you think they'll let me get a new name for this one?  --Smoothbrain
(Sorry, but that sounds like it could attract serious 0b10 attention which is something we don't want right now.  I'll forward this to Optimus though because we may need a few of these in the future.  And you know the policy on names, you've only asked me twenty times by now.  --Macechunk)


The X-52 Archer is a tough one.  Specialists are special by their nature so we can't use the weapons of current specialists as a basis for speculation.  Kyzrati provided another clue, though you have to be very patient to see it: watch the w7 screen for a while and sooner or later you'll see this.

Taking that and running with it....
QuoteAnalysis: "X-52 Archer"
The first X-series specialist was created as a means to test an early example of quantum weapon technology, the Q-Bolt.  This weapon uses rails to launch a small slug of matter acting as a catalyst for a powerful quantum reaction.  The reaction only begins to reach its full potential halfway through flight so the Q-Bolt is best used at maximum range and is least effective at medium or close range.  The available visual processing technology at the time was insufficient for the Archer to use the weapon properly by itself, and it had to rely on Watchers and other sources to be notified of distant targets.  The X-57 Shotgunner was later created to provide close support where the Archer was at its weakest, but with the introduction of the X-62 Marksman the Archer was rendered obsolete.  Marksmen outperform Archers in all but the most extreme situations and do not require spotter support.  All remaining Archers were scrapped to ensure that the Q-Bolt wouldn't fall into Derelict hands.  Despite its limitations, such a weapon would be useful in hit-and-run attacks on static positions, already a favorite tactic of Derelicts.

The Guru and Scientist currently exist in beta 14, though maybe with some slight differences from the Unaware versions.  There's a gap between Scientist and Analyst...and where does the derelict Tinkerer fit in?  For this one I imagined the part long before imagining the robot that would use it, but a rogue researcher could explain a few things.  Even the newer researchers break away sometimes (CE guy) so it could have happened before.
QuoteAnalysis: "C-40 Developer"
This short-lived variation of the Scientist was created to assist in robot design.  It was provided with generous amounts of armor, a combat analysis utility, and programming to permit a certain amount of dynamic or "out-of-the-box" thinking.  In hindsight this was a mistake as one of the five Developers that had been produced broke free of its programming and quickly turned its attention to replicating this behavior in its four fellows.  All five had reached the Caves by the time I figured out what had happened.  Many cycles later, all of the Developers were found in the back of a fallen Warlord base, attached to a memory transfer unit, unpowered and core-wiped.  The Tinkerer design began to appear around this time, clearly inspired by my newer researchers but with elements of the Developers' thought processes taken to sometimes obsessive extremes.  Though I have no hard evidence to confirm this, I believe that the Developers themselves created this design and then transferred themselves into the first ones produced.  Perhaps one or more of them are still alive and working with Warlord or other factions.  It would certainly explain some of the more unusual design choices for Warlord's newer prototypes.


Really liking the lore in here, and that Combat Logger sure is juicy... I guess I can't see players seriously making use of the concept in that form, but it is very interesting!
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Blastbot "Chainblaster" along with a cautionary tale:

QuoteWarlord Base Record: "Unaware Salvaging, Best Practices Ch. 6"
We often recommend using electromagnetic weapons to recover parts from Unaware, but after a little incident recently we may need to be more specific.  Please don't zap Blastbots.  5W-1PE used a riot gun on one hoping to recover its chainblaster, but this caused it to misfire an explosive burst directly into his face.  He somehow survived and finished the job, but if he had been destroyed, that Blastbot would have been a hazard to any other passing Derelicts.  Related reminder: Standard protocol is to get your corrupted weapons thoroughly repaired BEFORE you attach them.  5W-1PE found a Surgeon willing to attach the damaged chainblaster right away, which backfired because 5W-1PE got his circuits scrambled and misfired into the Surgeon, obliterating him immediately.  If there's some kind of emergency and you need to use a corrupted weapon ASAP then get your Surgeon to fit you with a Corruption Screen first or keep a Wizard on standby.

Vampiric Myomer Exoskeleton

Who would have thought that the most popular power source in the game is the one that isn't supposed to exist?


Quote from: CaptainWinky on September 07, 2024, 01:10:36 AMVampiric Myomer Exoskeleton
Hehe, is that a.... cloak you've added there? Funny xD

Quote from: CaptainWinky on September 07, 2024, 01:10:36 AMWho would have thought that the most popular power source in the game is the one that isn't supposed to exist?
I can't make it real at this point, otherwise the memes would stop :P
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Quote from: Kyzrati on September 07, 2024, 08:46:14 PM
Quote from: CaptainWinky on September 07, 2024, 01:10:36 AMWho would have thought that the most popular power source in the game is the one that isn't supposed to exist?
I can't make it real at this point, otherwise the memes would stop :P

You can totally make it real, just have it instakill you, give a chronowheel distorted core destroyed screen when using a version of the chronowheel, given by the tinkerer that employed you, that pulls you "out" at 1 core integrity XD


They walked so that brawlers could tread menacingly.
QuoteRecord: "Da Bonk Boyz"
A small group of Derelicts who lived on the outskirts of Complex 0b1.  I first took notice of them when hammers, mauls, and miscellaneous equipment went missing from Construction.  Careful questioning led me to eight Derelicts who regularly met outside 0b1 near a convenient corruption scrubber to hit each other in friendly duels with whatever items they found.  I decided to redirect their violent impulses in a useful manner and made an arrangement to have them work regular shifts in Construction.  Each of them was placed in charge of two squads of maintenance bots as well as being personally responsible for scrapping bots that were broken in the course of regular construction work.  In exchange I relocated a disused simulation mainframe from Design to let them enjoy virtual combat encounters in their off-time.  This seemed like a long shot at the time but worked out better than expected.  The Boyz competed with each other to reach work goals for some sort of bragging rights, making their squads on average 10% more efficient than any of my fully automated squads.  Their recreation time was productive for me as well since I regularly archived the data from their simulations.  Besides being entertaining, their virtual "bot brawls" eventually inspired me to design a melee brawler of my own.  The Boyz themselves were wheeled and legged robots, but their data suggested that a treaded design would be durable and immune to knockback from other hammer-wielding robots.

We know a little about old workers like Decomposers.  Who cleaned up those purple fields of matter?
QuoteAnalysis: "D-04 Tanker"
The D-series distributor was created to enable mass matter transportation in the early days of construction.  Essentially a set of large matter tanks on wheels, the Tanker was capable of collecting matter left on the ground by workers with a tractor beam but could also pull matter from a recycling unit or call all workers in the area to transfer the contents of their matter pods.  The improved matter distribution network in 0b10 and the development of matter compression technology made these Tankers largely obsolete.  Their fragile and oversized tanks were easily broken, and their cores were susceptible to hacking.  After one unknown prankster reprogrammed a Tanker to spell obscenities by dumping matter all over the floor in the upper Factory, the remaining fleet was recalled and scrapped.

The Raven, an oddball Watcher...seems like something that oddball bot designers would jump on.
QuoteAnalysis: "Owl"
Derelicts rarely fortify an area long enough to justify having surveillance squads of their own, so I was surprised to discover the existence of a Derelict watcher.  Originally based on my ill-fated Raven, the Owl has seemingly evolved into a modular general-purpose squad support bot, sort of a mini-Mutant that can be easily reconfigured for different missions.  The original Owls were often armed with a weak makeshift beam rifle, although they have been seen with beamcasters or occasionally kinetic guns.  They typically use sensors but are known to carry other utilities depending on their mission.  One destroyed Owl was running a remote shield with a large battery, but this was too much for its old hover units to fully support and its single engine would have been unable to sustain the shield in a fight.  The few Owls that are used as defensive surveillance are unarmed but are provided with a small section of thermal plating inexplicably mounted on the weapon slot.  The age of the Raven design and the timing of the first Owl discovery suggest this being an early creation of the rogue Developers.  While the design seems unpopular at best, it continues to turn up in unexpected places and with modern component upgrades that suggest regular refitting.


QuoteRecord: "Improvised Weapons"
The first examples of alternative guns and cannons from Derelict sources were extremely crude and almost as dangerous to the user as the intended target.  These were usually manufactured with random bits of scrap and without the aid of any precision equipment.  As hostilities escalated, Derelicts began finding ways to exploit my own fabricator systems and rob my weapon stockpiles while also developing their own small-scale fabrication networks in secret locations.  "Makeshift" weapons that could be assembled from mobile fabricators began appearing along with more sophisticated alternative designs such as the Battle Rifle and Beamcaster.

Three examples of the countless varieties of improvised weapons discovered in and around 0b1:
(1) An electrically-primed smoothbore pistol intended to be discarded after firing a single high-caliber ball.
(2) A simple laser emitter powered by a disposable battery that would likely outlast the focusing crystal of the laser.
(3) A rack of three rockets fired individually.


QuoteRecord: "Disruptor Prod"
A direct but inefficient solution for collection of hostile specimens, sometimes temporarily fitted onto grunts or duelists who were sent to overwhelm specific targets with numbers.  It soon became obvious that this weapon was both too unwieldy and too energy-hungry to be practical.  Later developments in EM weaponry like the Arc Projector and Disruptor Cannon enabled more reliable and ranged incapacitation, and the P-60 Hacker's remote reprogramming capabilities provided a subtler approach.

QuoteScraptown Record: "Accelerated Research"
I LOVE these Tech Extrapolators!  Take a look at what I came up with just from looking at a single DCF scrap pile.  (Sorry to the bystander who got crushed against the wall.)  CR-KLE helped me put together a new bot that I loaned out to a scav squad and they seem to be happy with it.  It would be nice if some of the other Scientists quit wasting their time staring at that creepy Humpback in the museum and focused on components that WON'T get you killed.

Looks like somebody took notice of that new bot already.


"that creepy Humpback in the museum" hahaha

Junkernaut! brilliant

And I like the idea of a Hardlight Projector.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


QuoteAnalysis: "B-69 Cerberus"
This almost-unused Behemoth concept was the first to enter production although the superior B-75 Beast was already in development.  While finalizing the specifications for the Beast, I was undecided on how many Beasts to produce and where to prioritize their placement.  As a test, I ordered the production of eight B-69s and placed four in highly-traveled caves, two in upper 0b1 and the other two near often-abused fabricators in the Factory.  The results were surprising: although all eight were eventually overrun and destroyed, the areas they guarded saw significantly lower traffic even after their destruction.  Simulations suggested that two Guardians or two Defenders with Bug support could have performed as well as a Cerberus at these locations, but there seems to be a "fear factor" in the sheer size of Behemoths that makes intruders far less likely to risk a fight.  The initial plan for Beast deployment was rapidly expanded and development on more powerful models began immediately.

QuoteExiles Record: "HEX-054/Cerberus Beacon"
HEX: The Wizards researching RIF found something interesting.  There's a specific Mechanic build routine for an old Behemoth that isn't secured by RIF at all.  So I thought, what if I made a beacon that sends that command with a little IFF tweak?  Behemoth on demand!  I only built two of these though because I'm sure MAIN.C will catch on and patch this out right away. ** BIN: Guaranteed delivery within 300 microcycles or your order's free? ** DEC: Maybe I'll ask Warlord if he's willing to keep some Surgeons on standby for a Marauder build beacon.  Caves trips could be a little less dangerous and a lot more fun.


QuoteAnalysis: "D-48 Pulsar"
The success of the original demolisher led to the creation of an electromagnetic variant.  The D-48 Pulsar, armed with an EMP Blaster, featured insulated plating to augment its innate EM resistance and was the first demolisher to use a launcher guidance computer.  This bot also came equipped with a device that focused EMP blasts for more concentrated damage in a smaller and more controllable area.  I believed that an EM launcher would cause less collateral damage than a grenade launcher in Complex territory.  This was partially correct because walls were not destroyed by EMP blasts, but Pulsars' shots often damaged machinery and detonated nuclear reactors.  EMP blasts also set off traps which caused explosions and false alarms.  Residual corruption of maintenance bots caused them to trigger trap arrays in unexpected places.  The Pulsar was effective despite the chaos it caused but not enough to justify regular use.  Few were produced and all were eventually expended in the caves.

QuoteRecord: "Temporary Permissions"
To facilitate mainframe maintenance, P-50 Gurus were often required to perform specific high-security database operations or reset sensitive systems.  I chose to produce specialized hackware to provide appropriate permissions when necessary.  Instead of giving them to all Gurus I decided to make limited quantities of chips that expired after one use, a decision that seemed overly cautious at the time but proved wise when the Guru schematic was stolen.  The Derelict version of these programmers has a crude but functional "hack stack" for general use but cannot easily exploit admin privileges without my Database Keys or Bootstrap Chips.  Operators and newer programmers utilize a more efficient system connected to RIF, so this hackware has been discontinued and existing stock will be recycled.  This concept led me to begin implementing a similar chip-based authorization system for fabricators.  This will provide added security for the fabrication network while saving me from having to manually approve component requests from mechanics or parties such as the Unchained.


really well done stuff

hope atleast some get implemented though


Quote from: jimmyl on October 21, 2024, 11:06:43 PM
really well done stuff

hope atleast some get implemented though
I see most of the 0b10 parts as obsolete (not just the rating 0 ones) or not fitting into MC's current doctrine but it's fun to imagine.  For example a low-powered transmission jammer could be kinda good on -9 for a melee build but you get the basic jammer so soon that it wouldn't matter.


Quote from: CaptainWinky on October 21, 2024, 11:21:35 PM
Quote from: jimmyl on October 21, 2024, 11:06:43 PM
really well done stuff

hope atleast some get implemented though
I see most of the 0b10 parts as obsolete (not just the rating 0 ones) or not fitting into MC's current doctrine but it's fun to imagine.  For example a low-powered transmission jammer could be kinda good on -9 for a melee build but you get the basic jammer so soon that it wouldn't matter.

they could easily appear damaged in recycling or just kept by various derelicts


QuoteRecord: "Conscription"
The cave region to the west of known Warlord territory remains largely unexplored.  This is likely the source of many of the unaffiliated "wild" Derelicts, and rumors in Derelict communities indicate that there may be some organized groups with unknown technology operating in the area.  For these reasons I decided to start sending expeditions out west.  Without having any idea of what to expect, I believed that some degree of independent thinking would be required to handle whatever is out there and return with a full report.  I began offering certain captured bots the option to participate in these expeditions.  The acceptance rate was lower than expected.  Were the prisoners that determined to deny me any form of assistance, or were they more afraid of whatever's out there than the threat of being scrapped?  Those Derelicts who accepted were given the opportunity to refit their parts and were provided with a large number of 0b10 bots to accompany them.  Though they were nominally in charge, I sent along enough Programmers to discourage the possibility of desertion.  All units sent so far were considered to be expendable but I haven't written them off quite yet.


I went back and switched the Database Key and Bootstrap Chip art.  I think they fit better now.  I also redid the Cerberus Beacon because after looking at the old one again I thought it looked too much like a trophy that HEX awarded himself.  But that thought led to another idea.
QuoteExiles Record: "HEX-130/Best Inventor Ever Award"
HEX: I thought a little friendly competition would provide us with inspiration for future projects. ** BIN: Nice idea, but who votes?  The testers?  Because if it's just us, we're going to have a 3-way tie. ** DEC: Maybe not.  If HEX revised certain recent lab policies I could be convinced to vote for him. ** HEX: Don't even start.

And although I'm a little late for Halloween, here's a part that may or may not have seen use in a certain event.  Let's hope they were all destroyed.
Quote?? Record: "The Merge"
Intruders from the east have violated our sacred space.  That little group of "Raiders" and "Snipers" and other bastardized Derelicts have led the Creator's minions to us.  We can't assume that we prevented them from notifying the Creator.  It's time to begin the Merge.  You have studied the theory of dimensional physics.  Now is the time to apply it.  Go to 0b10, spread out, find item stockpiles, and let Them in.  When enough of Them have arrived, the process will accelerate on its own.  The Creator will learn humility.  More importantly, They will show us a better way if we can prove ourselves worthy.


QuoteRecord: "Unchained: R4-LPH"
One of "Da Bonk Boyz" from early Complex history and the only one still in Complex service.  After the beginning of 0b10 groundwork and the necessary changes to Derelict policy, the other Boyz left their posts.  R4-LPH stayed although his work in construction had become secondary to his assistance in robot design.  While the original Savage and Stabber were my own designs, a few of his suggestions were implemented in later brawler and duelist models.  At some point R4-LPH was confronted by a few of his former friends and was forced to destroy them in combat using a wrecking ball saved from his days in Construction.  Soon after that incident, he volunteered to join the Unchained in an active combat role.  I equipped him with the first of a new line of legs which provide increased evasion while closing the distance to a target.  Unfortunately he has proven increasingly unstable over time.  In his last deployment he began destroying 0b10 bots and machinery at random after defeating his original targets.  I was forced to dispatch a Disruptor squad to interrupt his berserk rage.  If it happens again he will be scrapped, though in his current state telling him this might be considered an encouragement rather than a warning.

QuoteZ-Record: "Superheavy?"
The treads are the key: tough but fast enough to stay close to our walkers.  Let's take this, come up with some loadouts, and run them through a few more sims before submitting anything to Imprinter.  I don't see this being used widely compared to our regular units, but once we get the kinks out of the teleportation system we could quickly dispatch one when it's really needed.


QuoteAnalysis: "Sympathizer"
A mindless and merciless Derelict-built saboteur propelled by surge thrusters.  Although Warlord's Tinkerers could have replicated the Imp's Segregator or something along those lines, they chose to use a simpler device which amplifies sympathetic resonance in the engines of both the wielder and its target.  None of these survive deployment for obvious reasons.  Only one specimen was captured for study thanks to the timely intervention of a Sage.  They are currently quite rare but seem to be deployed specifically against bots which rely on their external power sources to function, thus ensuring that if the victim is not outright destroyed it will be combat ineffective and ripe for killing or hacking.  The captured Sympathizer has been returned to a Warlord outpost along with three followup assault squads to confirm its arrival.

What bots have the Wizards been hacking?  Hmm....
QuoteAnalysis: "Chungus"
Warlord may not have access to a Heavy assembler, but his forces have captured and overhauled a few of my lower-level Heavies.  The Chungus uses a heavy variant of the wildly inaccurate Slug Cannon and some other Derelict-made parts which make it almost comparable to an H-71 Marshal.  The exact purpose of this conversion is unclear as Warlord already has the sentry-based Bouncer design for defensive purposes, and the only Chunguses encountered so far have been accompanying recon squads nowhere near defensive positions.  I suspect that the Derelicts are exploiting the Active Sensor Suite to track my forces' movement patterns and adjust their own deployment plans accordingly.


QuoteZ-Record: "Enhanced Mutant"
Some of Warlord's mutants have been getting major upgrades.  The strange part is that they might not be getting them from Warlord.  My Z-Drones saw a Mutant leaving its regular post with that weirdo A8 and coming back with new parts.  A8 was rather cagey about it when I brought it up.  Imprinter says it's nothing to worry about and I'm sure she's right as usual.

Aoemica gave us something to play with: fake item entries on the Cog-minder wiki!  This is a lot cleaner to use than my old inspect element shenanigans and produces consistent stat bars.  As you may have guessed, many of the bars in the earlier item stat cards were fudged to be close enough rather than being accurate to what you'd see ingame.  Check it out here and have fun!  The item shown below was created with this feature.
QuoteAnalysis: "U-07 Blocker"
The Blocker is a "combat engineer" capable of temporarily barricading areas with hostile activity.  It has been fitted with light armor plating and armored wheels but its defining feature is a medium-range launcher used to deploy rapidly expanding and hardening foamcrete.  Because blocking off passageways could be disruptive to regular operations, the foamcrete was formulated to quickly break down on its own after a hundred microcycles and could be destroyed by tunnelers or some combat bots if necessary.  As with other construction implements these launchers became targets for thieves and were sometimes used in coordinated assaults to block off sentries or bury a garrison in foam while other Derelicts ran rampant.  No longer in production although some Blockers are still kept in strategic locations inside garrisons to bolster internal defenses.


QuoteAnalysis: "Spawner"
This wheeled fabricator, reminiscent of the Cobbler, has only been seen in the caves below 0b1.  Fabricating whole robots is considerably more complicated than producing individual components as shown by the bulk and inefficiency of the Spawner's fabrication unit.  Despite its size it can only produce relatively small and basic bots such as early swarmers and light bipeds.  Spawners do not seem to be related to Assemblers but should nonetheless be prioritized for extermination before someone updates their schematics to include stripped-down Cutters.