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The Future of Cogmind [UPDATED for 2020!]

Started by Kyzrati, November 17, 2019, 06:23:12 PM

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This past week Cogmind finally broke the 500-review threshold on Steam, meeting the requirements for an Overwhelmingly Positive rating! Many thanks to everyone for all your support <3

I'd stopped reminding people to leave reviews for a long time so they'd mostly just been slowly trickling in throughout the year, but I'm glad I asked again recently with the Beta 9.1 release because after hovering not far from the threshold for so long we've finally hit this milestone and I'm really excited since it means we'll be able to undertake the promised huge expansion that's going to add a major new faction with its own tech, NPCs, systems, maps, and more!

I first wrote about this over a year ago, RE the the Merchants Guild.

Still No DLC

As stated before, I only want to offer free expansions to players rather than using paid DLC, but this also means I need to have a way to fund development. To me it's valuable enough to have the benefit of this rating, at least enough that I've promised to do the Merchant expansion, and hopefully we can keep the Overwhelmingly Positive status so that it continues to benefit Cogmind's exposure since there are so many more things I want to add and work on but can only do so for so long without the funding.

Patreon has been a great help in this regard so far, though at present it doesn't cover all the costs of development. It does, however, offer other goals for extra content.

I've been considering raising the base price of the game by another $5, considering it's a unique niche game with a now massive amount of content, though I'm not sure about that since I feel around $20 is already a pretty good level in general.

Anyway, I'm already looking forward to the Merchants Guild expansion, which is likely to be a post-1.0 thing, but we'll see since for me there are still some other personal roadblocks to actually putting 1.0 out there and I'm happy to build it before the full release if necessary.

New Goal

It also looks like we need a new goal, and this time it's different from the one on Patreon.

If we keep this "OP" rating and reach 800 reviews on Steam, I'll add a new derelict community centered around their own theme and unique tech, in a new map. It's been mostly planned out for a while now already, but that's all I'll say for now, the details are a surprise. I can say it'll definitely be something people will like ;)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon