Yeah it's being caused by the same thing I mentioned earlier, which can be seen at the end of the run.log. The meta data is corrupted (so it can't be loaded properly), and this is caused by Steam cloud having failed or incompleted a data transfer last time you played. Just reinstalling doesn't solve this because Steam
will still load your corrupted meta data from their cloud.
As per the instructions in the thread I linked earlier:
Looks like your game metadata got corrupted. All you need to do to resolve it is delete the /user/game.bin file in the Cogmind directory.
This will unfortunately clear any of your collected lore and some other metadata (previous achievements will be redownloaded from Steam so that's not a problem), but Cogmind also saves multiple backups of older metadata so you could try to restore from those first if you like/want to retain your records. To do this, copy the game.bin file from a recent /bak/ directory to the /user/ directory, and try to start it like that.
(Note that if you have Steam cloud enabled, it can interfere with you trying to replace files in that directory, so you might want to turn it off for the best effect.)
You can ignore the middle part about backups since you're reinstalling from scratch anyway, but the important bit is that you need to deactivate Steam cloud for Cogmind while you're fixing this, otherwise Steam will just use the bad data anyway (the cloud upload was probably stopped midway through on a previous run, and for some reason Steam doesn't actually check whether they've successfully updated a file, leading to corruption :/).