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Pay2Buy Leaderboards and Stats

Started by Kyzrati, April 19, 2019, 01:44:54 AM

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A few weeks ago we had a special Pay2Buy release for 4/1, and unlike previous events I actually set the scores for this one to upload so we could collect some data for fun. And of course if we've got the scores, might as well put them on a leaderboard, too :)

As with the usual leaderboards, you can access the scoresheets from there as well.

A total of 42 players participated in this event over 77 runs, with 69 of those runs over the minimum score threshold for stat inclusion. (Remember this only includes players who opt in to stat uploading.)

4 of the runs were wins, by Terminus, Kyzrati, Trione, and inSANE. But Pay2Buy isn't about winning, it's about capitalism! Spending Cogcoins! Buying shiny new parts in an emergency before you become a scrap heap!

There were 2,442 purchases in all. Top 10 CogShoppers:

  Zyalin        209
  Terminus      141
  Kyzrati       119
  Joel          111
  Trione        93
  Marcus Aseth  87
  GridBugBear   86
  Howard        80
  inSANE        77
  muxecoid      77

In all shoppers spent 2,340,396 Cogcoins. Zyalin spent the most in a single run (266,374). The most expensive purchase was made by GridBugBear, who spent 8,505 for an Experimental Focal Shield.

Players purchased 610 loot boxes, accounting for 20% of all CogShop purchases. muxecoid bought the most loot boxes in a single run (62), and the highest percentage of loot box purchases goes to RNGesus (how appropriate!) with 95.5%. 15.4% of runs purchased no loot boxes at all.

Only 6 loot boxes earned a special item, and only one player (Zyalin) opened enough loot boxes at the right opportunity to obtain two special items in a single run.

Thanks for playing, and remember you can activate this mode at any time to try it out, including in future versions.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon