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Looking forward to the Steam release!

Started by DanielCoffey, October 10, 2017, 02:45:59 PM

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I am delighted to have been pointed to Cogmind by one of the recent LP videos on YouTube as I fondly remember losing far too many hours in my youth to Moria and Angband, not to mention CoQ, Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld recently. It is really nice to see that there will be a Steam release in about a week.

I have to say that the graphic style of the game, particularly the loading (and dying) sequence have clearly been assembled with love and really draw the player into the game. I remember having the same feeling in the introduction of the Amstrad CPC6128 game "Cholo" which had you controlling a wireframe 3D "rat" robot to carry out simple tasks remotely. Those were the days where the games tended to come with a novella to draw the player in since the graphics were so simple. Imagination was important. Cogmind has the same feeling in that you have to "think like a robot" to get the most out of the story.

On a separate subject, when I put Cogmind on my Steam wishlist I did notice an oddity... Steam informed me "Is this game relevant to you? This game doesn't look like other things you've played in the past." This is despite me having CoQ in my Library right now and being signed into Steam. The two games even have the same Genre tags...

Title: Cogmind
Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, Strategy, Early Access

Title: Caves of Qud
Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, Strategy, Early Access

Odd. Perhaps it will sort itself out once the game is out.

Anyway, I eagerly await the release.


Hi DanielCoffey! Yep, all about immersion and not even a main menu just straight into "you're a robot, go do robot things" :)

I definitely hail from the age in which pretty much all games had a lot of love put into them (and it showed), whereas today there's so much money in the industry that the goal is more often to just maximize profit and create things for the widest possible audience. At least the recent indie resurgence has gotten back to the original spirit in a lot of ways, with accessible tools enabling a greater number of individuals and small teams to tackle bigger projects.

Quote from: DanielCoffey on October 10, 2017, 02:45:59 PM
On a separate subject, when I put Cogmind on my Steam wishlist I did notice an oddity...
I don't know much about Steam algorithms, other than the common complaint that they rarely work well. Maybe that particular one hasn't yet been solidified until the game is actually on sale? I dunno. Even that result is at odds with what you can see at the bottom of our respective store pages--already #1 for each other on our "more like this" list :P

Thanks for your support, and I hope you enjoy it!
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