It was named "Interacting with machines remotely". The name was not as precise as it could be since it hid itself from you, so I edited it and added "by flying over a line of bots".
Oh right, that one, hehe. I had thought it was a dedicated thread and didn't recall that the interactive one was caused by jumping! (I only marked it down to fix, rather than actually fixing it yet, and it was filed under "flight + interactive machines" rather than jumping, so my searches weren't pulling it up
Hope next release is not going to be delayed too much by having all found bugs or inconsistencies piled on you like that. Considering currently confirmed bugs are full of threads started by me the time you spent fixing those likely has cost you more than I have paid for Alpha already.
Oh not at all! And besides, all of this stuff needs to be fixed/addressed anyway, so better to get it out of the way as soon as possible (to make room for whatever pops up next release xD). And while you're the one doing most of the recent Alpha 12 reporting on the forums, I've received even more reports of different issues over other channels. There's plenty more than just this board--could be at least two dozen fixes in Alpha 13 (generally for small stuff, though, as usual).
In all bugs occupy only a small fraction of a single release's dev time, as most are easy to track down and fix. It's the new content and feature requests which take up most of the time.
#2 I don't mind as is, however. I think it makes sense to require that fliers get down and stop zipping around for a turn to attempt the rewiring (rewiring is also intended to be a dangerous thing to do in combat, whereas out of combat you have all the time you need).
Aha! Then may I suggest something along those lines be entered as a disadvantage into the manual?
Good suggestion
Note that to compensate, it is likely that in a future release any Datajack (remote or melee) will be able to automatically rewire bots on the first hit, if you have one.
Nice, although flying is definitely the most powerful mobility option for stealth/hacker builds already. I personally think it does not need buffing.
Quite true. It's definitely already the easiest, although while here I've used the word "compensate," it's not really intended only for fliers anyway, just anyone who might be able to take advantage of it. I'm most interested in this mechanic potentially giving combat bots another good reason to carry around a Remote Datajack.