I see that the Cogmind is uploading scores to the server, are there plans for a public ladder or online listing of the scores?
I do hope to have this in the future in some form, yes. Right now it just stores your score sheets on gridsagegames.com.
I'm not doing anything with them yet, but later on we can analyze them to get metrics useful for balancing the game, or just fun
They'll also be used when we have tournaments, but I've yet to set all that up. I think my original plans for a tournament next month may have to be postponed because I'm still too busy with the non-dev stuff. Cogmind's popularity has exploded a little more than I anticipated...
Bone files would also be a nice extra feature, if possible.
Would that really be meaningful/noticeable with Cogmind, though? As is the maps are quite large, especially once you get out of early areas--you're likely to only see a small portion of a map before you leave it (and your entrance point is actually randomly chosen from among several possibilities).
You can try to sell me on the possibility, though I'm generally against any kind of meta that affects future games.