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Released: REXPaint 1.0

Started by Kyzrati, December 21, 2015, 08:30:17 PM

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After more than two years since its inception, REXPaint has finally reached 1.0 :D

More fonts, cellwise HSV tweaking, layer locking, options menu, and more!

If you're not familiar with REXPaint, it's a free ASCII editing tool for art, mockups, mapping, design. It's one of the most important cogs in the Cogmind development machine :P

Full release notes and demo images can be found on the dev blog here.

The full REXPaint 1.00 (151220) changelog:

* NEW: Added more CP437 fonts (greater range of image zoom/scale options): 14x14, 18x18, 20x20
* NEW: Cellwise HSV color shifting of both foreground and background (interval controlled in options)
* NEW: Info window shows palette/art foreground/background color values under cursor, either RGB or HSV (toggle with 'q')
* NEW: Rect/Copy tools can show area dimensions directly on the canvas (toggle via "RDim" button, or Ctrl-d)
* NEW: Lock individual layers to prevent accidental modification ("Lck" button, or Shift-1~4)
* NEW: Hold Alt while cursor hovering over a palette color to highlight all uses in image (akin to glyph highlighting feature)
* NEW: Options menu (the 'O' button at the bottom, or F2)
* NEW: Program settings changed while running are saved/remembered for next time, without requiring cfg modifications
* NEW: Exiting while image(s) have unsaved changes requires confirmation (can be disabled in options)
* NEW: Reset image location to top-left corner via Enter (centering switched to Ctrl-Enter)
* NEW: Ctrl-RMB copies the uppermost visible cell at that position in a multi-layered image (working w/reference layers, etc.)
* NEW: Premade Arne32/Arne64 palettes available from the website resources page
* MOD: Enhanced 16x16 CP437 font's relative proportionality with other fonts
* MOD: Image dimension limits increased from 999x999 to 2500x2500
* MOD: Removed Undo/Redo buttons to save space (use ctrl-z/y instead)
* MOD: Autosaving now inactive by default (must set desired interval value in options)
* MOD: Layer delete button changed from "Del" to "X"
* MOD: Palette/color swaps only operate on unhidden layers
* MOD: Changes to layer hide/unhide/active states no longer count towards the unsaved progress indicator
* MOD: Different cfg format, now that options are available from within REXPaint itself
* MOD: Change skin keyboard command switched from F2 to F3 (also now accessible directly from options menu)
* MOD: License in README file more explicit about commercial use of images
* MOD: Removed backwards compatibility with pre-R9 .xp images (2013 format), which were converted by 0.99r9 build (2014)
* FIX: One mixed-line glyph in the square 10x10 CP437 font was 1 pixel off
* FIX: Reversed NW/SE directional canvas scrolling via numpad
* FIX: Using the mouse to select a value box in the color picker required an extra key press before detecting input
* FIX: Creating a new image copied the view offset of the image currently open, rather than resetting it to (0,0)
* FIX: Image browser couldn't collapse subdirectories at a depth of three or greater
* FIX: Copy-paste of lone transparent cell on layer 2+ crashed editor (Note: RMB-copy faster for this purpose, anyway!)
* FIX: Cellwise drawing off edge of image without releasing LMB damaged undo history, which could crash if accessed
* FIX: Could attempt to draw multi-cell objects to parts of a large image shifted under the tools area, leading to UI issues
* FIX: Typing a grave character at the end of a text entry would crash the font renderer
* FIX: Crash on running without an enabled audio device (now no such device required)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon