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Suggestion Guidelines

Started by Kyzrati, May 18, 2015, 04:25:05 AM

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You can suggest pretty much anything. After all they're just suggestions and can at least lead to some interesting discussion. Make a new thread for your new suggestions! (Don't tack new suggestions onto existing unrelated threads.)

Keep in mind that there are already clear design goals for Cogmind, as well as more to the game than is publicly available knowledge, all of which must be taken into account before implementing changes or new features.

That said, I take all suggestions under consideration in shaping Cogmind's development. Some of the game's important features and content were the result of either direct suggestions or comments that sparked my imagination or indirectly influenced the game in some other way.

Some existing/ongoing aggregate suggestion threads:

Some suggestion topics are inevitable dead ends so I'll give my responses here to head those off. I'm the kind of dev who likes to say "yes, we will totally do that," but here is the page where I have no choice but to express a lot of Nope ::)

Mobile/Tablet Support. Games for these platforms are best designed from the bottom up to work in that environment, while Cogmind focuses on what works best for PCs. Many design elements, everything from the interface to the mechanics, would be quite different if implementing the same game concept for that kind of platform.

Multiplayer. Not happening. The closest we'll get is high score competitions, seed-based tournaments, and similar events. Feel free to organize these on your own / amongst yourselves, by the way. There will be official tournaments at various points, but as long as there's interest why not have more?!

Modding. I have no doubt there is modding interest, but Cogmind isn't really that kind of game, at least not now. It may be possible one day, but even then it will be somewhat limited because the game was not created to be highly moddable. If you're into modding, take a look at my other project X@COM, which will eventually make a glorious return based on advances made during Cogmind development, while also including a major focus on user-created mods and even total conversions.

(This topic will likely be updated in the future with more information.)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon