This week Alpha 2 will be released, and here's a quick preview of some of the more "showable" features:
The alpha supporters list, animated of course
(This is separate from the gallery, and both are accessible via top-level buttons in 16:9 resolutions.)
All the fonts provided in the weeks-old preview pack now come with the game:
Compare the stats of any item with those of any other item by selecting consecutive items (and yes, now you'll be able to continue selecting items even directly from the map while item/robot info is open).
Tactical HUD mode comes with extra features, including item ratings shown directly in their labels.
Open item info directly from the stats of allies, robot schematics, and hostile robots (the latter only if you have scanners, of course).
Adjust floor tile gamma in the options menu, helpful in sprite mode where it might be difficult to distinguish between dark known/unknown floor tiles on certain monitors.