Near the start of my first Beta 13 run, i checked the Plasma Cutter description in my gallery because i knew it had changed.
However, the "more" button for both the Plasma Cutter and the improved variant did not work. I don't remember if i checked other items' "more" button, but if i did they didn't work either.
The attached screenshot is of the "more" button not working, as useful as that might be.
Later, when i attempted to reproduce the bug, the gallery "more" button was working. I don't know what caused it to not work that one time.
But after seeing the bothacking window bug i encountered, i'm wondering if this wouldn't be a bug of the same type, where maybe something in the actual map interfered, so here's where i was when i encountered this bug :
I don't have a screenshot, but it was in -10/Materials, in one of the first rooms (if not the first) after entering the area. The room had only one door, located up relative to the room.
I don't think there were any items on my map yet.
Seed : "FluxMiningMachine"
Non-modal UI
I already tried to reproduce the bug by having the more button in the gallery be located above where Cogmind would be, but that did not make the bug occur.