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While in the browser...

Started by gumix, February 15, 2020, 05:18:05 AM

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One thing I have sometimes to struggle with is painting same tiny tweak over multiple images.
While in the browser, RP allows for some limited painting, which is great for such tasks. Unfortunately switching layers by shortcut (1-4) seams to be disabled in browser mode. Is there anything else bound to these keys or are they simply disabled then?

If I'm in such luck and nothing is assigned, can we have layer switching by 1-4 keys active in browser mode too?

Cheers ;)


Well yeah the keys are theoretically available, for sure, but the reason you can't change that or most other settings at the time is that it's an entire different interface mode. Turns out you're still allowed to use the current tool to paint since the canvas is still visible, but the tools are hidden at the time.

Ideally both the browser and the paint tools could be visible at the same time, like might be allowed in RP 2.0, but they currently occupy the same space so having them both be visible (and therefore accessible) isn't really feasible. RP could be redesigned to require a wider aspect ratio but unfortunately that's no quick job, plus of course it would then not be as usable on smaller screens, and reduce maximum available canvas size :/

The only alternative is to actually duplicate a bunch of commands so they're also allowed in browse mode, which would really bloat the code, likely cause a lot of problems to work through and have to be removed/undone in the long term... Hm, I just spent a while trying to think through possible solutions and really don't see anything ideal for this.

BUT, you're gumix and I know you use REXPaint a lot for great work so... if all you need is the layer selection functionality (even though you can't even see the selected layer number xD), I've... made a patch for that ;). You can download it here (removed--see newer patch later in thread). I think it works okay, I mean at least it does what it's suppose to in my tests, though hopefully there aren't any side effects!

Note: One feature I definitely use a lot which can help if you're working between two specific images is ctrl-tab, which in the main paint mode switches back and forth between the latest two images as necessary. Very useful! (but I'm guessing you already know about that one)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Looks like being gumix starts to be a good thing :) Switching layers is the only thing I miss in the browser, yesterday I've discovered how to resize image without touching a mouse: Ctrl+R W <width> ENTER H <height> ENTER ENTER that is soooooo nice! Of course I use a lot of ctrl+tab too, I don't even know when it was added, it's so helpful in my current tasks!

Thank you so much for the patch
I'll give it a whirl today! I'm not sure what should I do with skins.xt but maybe I'll figure it out somehow.


Quote from: gumix on February 15, 2020, 07:37:22 AM
Switching layers is the only thing I miss in the browser, yesterday I've discovered how to resize image without touching a mouse: Ctrl+R W <width> ENTER H <height> ENTER ENTER that is soooooo nice! Of course I use a lot of ctrl+tab too, I don't even know when it was added, it's so helpful in my current tasks!
Ah yeah I've never done that with the mouse myself--I'm always resizing things and keyboard is so much better for it :)

And the ctrl-tab thing has been in there since very early, since that was something I needed a lot :P

Quote from: gumix on February 15, 2020, 07:37:22 AM
I'll give it a whirl today! I'm not sure what should I do with skins.xt but maybe I'll figure it out somehow.
Oh you just have to drop skins.xt in and overwrite the current file.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


QuoteOh you just have to drop skins.xt in and overwrite the current file.
Ok, sounds easy now. Thanks.

Btw, I'm just thinking about opposite solution, are there shortcuts for switching to next / previous file in the browser while in paint mode?

Now I'm a gumix the Cyborg!


Quote from: gumix on February 15, 2020, 08:01:45 AM
Btw, I'm just thinking about opposite solution, are there shortcuts for switching to next / previous file in the browser while in paint mode?
Nope (all the shortcuts are listed in the manual), but yeah that would be a pretty good feature, and probably not too hard to add, either. (Theoretically anyway--I've been away from the REXPaint code base long enough that I can only make an educated guess at this kind of thing.)

Quote from: gumix on February 15, 2020, 08:01:45 AM
Now I'm a gumix the Cyborg!
Haha, hang around long enough... :P
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Works great, as usual :)
Thank you!


The Good Idea That Was Easy To Implement is now in there, too ;)

I added Ctrl-Up/Down for allowing you to cycle through images while in paint mode! Note this required changing the full layer shift hotkey to Shift instead of Ctrl (although that one is less often used, plus it's more important to use Ctrl for the consistency with using Ctrl-Tab for the other kind of paint mode file control).

Get the latest patch here(edit: these features now included in all versions as of v1.50) (includes both features from this thread).

Note that as per other patches since the last official release, this one needs to update your skins.xt file since a new entry was added there for another feature from an earlier patch.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Oh my, so the unexpected just happened!
I'll have to be careful with new shortcuts, I used ctrl+arrows and ctrl+shift+arrows pretty often :)
But this change is in good direction, I'll get used to it for sure.

Thank you!


Ah, hehe, I figured if anyone used ctrl-arrows a lot it would be you, too :P

Does make more sense that Shift would be the primary key for that one, and Ctrl would be the one to change images. (For the next version I switched around the key ordering in the manual command list to make this more apparent, too, with Ctrl-Shift-Arrows becoming Shift-Ctrl-Arrows, next to the other/changed Shift-Arrows :P)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


I'm sorry. None of Ctrl-Arrows, Shift-Arrows, Alt-Arrows, Ctrl-Alt-Arrows, Ctrl-Shift-Arrows, Shift-Alt-Arrows, Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Arrows and same with PgUp, PgDn work for  cycling through images while in paint mode.
I'm not sure what I shall do...


You have to install the patch linked above. It's not in the public release yet since there hasn't been one since the patch was made.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon