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[Beta 14] Reprogrammed Alarm Traps cause investigation without floor-wide alert

Started by R-26 Lightspeed, December 28, 2024, 02:18:21 AM

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R-26 Lightspeed

After i reprogrammed some Alarm Traps using a terminal, a Watcher eventually triggered them, causing an investigation squad, but no "Investigation dispatched" message.
It was kinda confusing to see four grunts emerge from an exit for seemingly no reason.

In the scoresheet, the investigation dispatch was correctly added to the area's total investigation squads dispatched (as the only one).


That's not a bug, you only get the announcement if you're close enough to the trap when it's triggered, which in this case you were apparently not.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon

R-26 Lightspeed

Huh. I thought all such announcements were floor-wide, but apparently not.


This one was tied to the audio effect range to offer a possible way to be more clear about where it came from, and also avoid confusing players as this one has a less common message specific to the trap itself.

Don't want people to think they stepped on a trap and be looking for that in the log (where they won't find it), when it was really off somewhere else on the map.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon