Hello, This post is particularly pointed towards Kyzrati given it's nature (i know you'll see it, i've been lurking long enough to know that you reply to almost everything) but i was wondering if anyone knew where i might be able to access the game's assets, i'm currently working on a tabletop adaptation / remix of Cogmind and i have RexPaint and a handful of screenshots that's i'm currently using to replicate / base some of the art off of, but if possible i'd like the source pictures to make the process easier so that i have assets for my players (and possibly some custom ones of my own after i study the art style in depth a little more). This is a private venture since i'm a DM and want something new and interesting, but i might consider releasing the mechanical system and any custom art here if i make any reasonable progress on all of this. I poked around in the internal files but only found these strange .x files i couldn't open and a surprising lack of things like robot names on files. If you can't help me in this i understand, i just figure there's at least no harm in asking at the very least since it would be a god send if it's possible to decompile the art in any way.
Bonus: a sheet of hack-job scouts i adapted for the lolz while getting the hang of REXPaint: