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 on: November 09, 2024, 01:42:45 PM 
Started by Boondiggle - Last post by Boondiggle

I made some ascii art for the guns a few years ago, but had to put that on hold for personal reasons. I'm back and ready to continue, but a problem I had then is cropping back up now.
Some colors, when exported to CDDA format using ctrl+j, are either different colors than what's in-game (some values of yellow in REXpaint become shades of brown in CDDA, for example), or are color combos that do not work at all (e.g. 'color_yellow_brown' throws an error and does not display. 'yellow with a brown background' does exist in-game, but it's called 'color_yellow_yellow' instead).

I looked through the REXpaint settings/config and could not find a way to change or add color tags for export. I looked through the directory, too, but didn't see any files I could open in notepad that had these color tags defined anywhere.

I'm motivated to get this working. I'll run a test later to see exactly which ones aren't working and what they should be instead. If I get a list of "bad color > good color" together, is this something that can be fixed?

 on: November 08, 2024, 05:39:40 AM 
Started by squiddy - Last post by N.W.L
okay, so this might just be a case of "you need to git gud", but I'm genuinely sort of lost. i have over 70 hours in the game now and im not gonna lie the late game is kinda kicking my ass.
Don't worry I have 460 hrs and I can't pull a W all the time, mostly due  to greed.
And sorry to burst you bubble but research is the lowest point that I would consider "late game". And Access is not the end either, but the road there. You are the Cogmind, and this is a game, but this is Cogmind, there is always more just around the corner

The Cogmind Discord channel is an excellent place for help, but I think you are already there? Then the wiki, the best place for item stats.

 on: November 08, 2024, 12:17:31 AM 
Started by squiddy - Last post by CaptainWinky
Are you running flight?  You can win on any propulsion type but flight is often recommended as the most consistent for a first win.  You're fragile and have low support but you can leave enemies in the dust.  If you do this, try to get prototype flight units from the haulers on -9 and -8  because non-prototypes are extra fragile and have lower support.  With a collection of hackware you can reliably find exits with Access(Main) and Access(Branch) on terminals.  Another hack that may not seem immediately useful is Enumerate(Maintenance) which shows you the location of all the maintenance bots on the map.  You don't really care about those bots but the paths they take give you a general layout of the entire map, a real lifesaver once you hit Research.

Are you going to branches?  Caves branch ends have a variety of things that can help you: items, intel, schematics, even alignment with other groups.  I don't recommend imprint for beginners because it disables terminal hacking but it is good to try at least once.  Warlord is a more popular choice.  He has a lategame drawback now but on flight it may not matter that much.  Something else that Caves gives you is a way to get rid of alert for free.  You can try to alert purge with hacking but you can always do it by leaving the complex for a while.  You need to be prepared for the possibility of an ambush at the start of a caves map, but again on flight you leave them in the dust.  The second map in a caves branch has an early exit back to the complex so you want to go all the way west unless you're in really bad shape.  If you visit caves regularly you're unlikely to get those frequent assaults in Factory, though the little Spotter drones might cause an increase in search patrols if they scan you on your way back through Proxy Caves.

Instead of sensors you can take Farcom from the Exiles, with the bonus of being allowed to take one of their possibly lifesaving prototypes with you.  Farcom is free sensors against all hostile bots in the complex--it doesn't work in caves so keep that in mind, and you need to be careful which exits you take when you get to Research.  Once you consistently reach -3 Farcom becomes less desirable as you may really want to see what's in those mysterious research branches, but getting those built-in sensors and playing with those prototypes is both fun and helpful.

 on: November 07, 2024, 03:55:53 PM 
Started by squiddy - Last post by squiddy
okay, so this might just be a case of "you need to git gud", but I'm genuinely sort of lost. i have over 70 hours in the game now and im not gonna lie the late game is kinda kicking my ass. i can pretty consistently get through factory, but around -5/-4 i just lose all of that skill and it turns into an endless wave battle of assult squads, with me running for my life desperately looking for a way out instead of being sneaky. the sheer amount of patrols kinda leads to inevitable battles that raises my alert, witch in turn increases my ass whooping's frequency, witch means i have to switch all my fancy sensors out witch normally leads to me alerting more squads because i couldn't react to another squad coming to pernitrate my shiny metal carapace from another direction. i HAVE gotten to -1 before. but that was by pure chance and i almost immediately got my coggy ass clapped into oblivion. if anyone has any tips PLEASE drop some knowledge on me, i so BADLY want a win

 on: November 06, 2024, 03:08:39 AM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by R-26 Lightspeed
I saw a K-01 Serf use an emergency access door, despite the fact that non-combat bots are not allowed to use them.
There was no apparent reason behind this behavior, and seems to happen consistently when reproduced with the attached save files.

Video example :

Seed : FlyingDamperNanovents

Save files attached, one from a bit before it happens, and one from directly before it happens.

 on: November 05, 2024, 10:40:04 AM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by R-26 Lightspeed
I've noticed a weird thing with the "Robots destroyed" score entry.
Some things that count towards "Combat Hostiles Destroyed" don't count toward the "Robots destroyed" entry, even though the latter should be a more general category.
For example, the only difference between the two attached scoresheets is that i destroyed a Grunt through core damage using a Compact HERF Cannon.
The "Robots destroyed" counter stays at 676, but the "Combat Hostiles Destroyed" counter changes from "546" to "547".
That kill also gave me "High Alert Combat Kills" points, but no "Value Destroyed" points.

Other kill methods (or maybe targets?) did count after this one. Some other kills after that still didn't count. Not sure what is going on.

Two different backups of my save file also attached.

 on: November 05, 2024, 10:21:35 AM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by R-26 Lightspeed
In -1/Access on the seed "FlyingDamperNanovents", there's a Swarmer squad near the top-right Garrison.
That Swarmer squad kept changing the target of their patrol, without the squad leader actually ever moving more than three tiles from their starting point.
Eventually, the squad actually managed to reach one of the targets.

Example (right at the end of the gif) :

I had visited a Garrison that led me to Access and got the patrol data from a terminal there, which is how i could see the patrol paths.

I know that patrols can normally decide to change up their target early, but usually they still manage to move at least more than a few tiles towards it.
I guess my report might be more about that swarmer squad having great difficulty moving along their patrol path for some reason?

(Side note : Which is better, gifs (which can be embedded here) or videos (which have more time control)?)

 on: November 05, 2024, 09:56:15 AM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by R-26 Lightspeed
After pressing space, if the "Ruler Overlay" button is clicked while Cogmind is on-screen,
and the mouse cursor is outside the map border when it is clicking on the option,
then the mouse cursor will teleport to Cogmind.

 on: November 05, 2024, 02:35:15 AM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by R-26 Lightspeed
As visible in the linked video, the "scan" animation of the explosion prediction stops far too early (it stops when it reaches the lowest door within the visible explosion prediction).
 I'm guessing this is related to the explosion being really big?

 on: November 04, 2024, 03:59:23 AM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by R-26 Lightspeed
I got the Sunderer achievement from using the Core Stripper on a broken Researcher.
I broke the researcher using a code i got in Scraptown.
The achievement specifies instakilling an "enemy", but that Researcher was neutral (and broken), which is why i'm reporting this bug.

Since they can be enemies (just not in this scenario), this might be intentional?

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