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Messages - Supernovadx

Ideas / Re: Attachment hotkeys?
June 14, 2015, 04:17:59 AM
Just throwing out similar ideas. What about a similar item autoswap. Like I've got aluminum legs in my propultion category. I also have a couple stockpiled in my inventory. If my legs from my hull get damaged it might be nice to have it auto replace the legs from the inventory in if they get too damaged or become unusable.

I'm on the fence with this. What do ya'll think?
General Discussion / Re: Alpha1b fanfare!
June 14, 2015, 04:11:29 AM
Ok ok, here is my suggestion that fits the why not both category. Are you ready?
First, make it an item. Bam ok, whats step 2
2) Now that it's an item, give it different levels where each level can see different trail distances so the first one can see 3 place, next 5 etc...
c) Put the Augmentation in the starting area so you have the option to take it, and have the Android dude 17 reccomend picking it up for new players.

Personally I do think it's worth a slot. I think it would be great to have at the start, and if I don't need it later I'll just drop it. But imagine the insight for dodging watchers with longer trails from higher upgrades. I'd have to test them myself, but I think it sounds like a solid plan especially for stealth.

How does this sound?
Ideas / Re: Semi Persistant Weapons and Effects
June 13, 2015, 02:08:35 PM
I had a couple more ideas for weps that I'll add in the top too.

I thought of a blade launcher similar to that of quake where you shoot it once and It bounces around. This one could be cool. Also maybe a flame thrower that can light small amounts of ground on fire. The NPC's already have flame throwers but it might be interesting to see it have some sort of terrain effect even if not very large.
General Discussion / Re: Alpha1b fanfare!
June 13, 2015, 02:05:23 PM
QuoteMaking a Utility that enables the trails sounds like the perfect solution, a heat tracking system or something.

To be honest that's what I thought the trails were going to be all along, I didn't expect them to just pop up in the options. They allow you to see enemies even if they are out of sight. Kyzrati, as much as I love them I think they would be better off in an item.
Ideas / Re: Improved running
June 13, 2015, 01:45:50 AM
QuoteI can see how one might still be prone to mistakes if for example there's a hostile out of sight and you click too far and end up in the wrong position when they arrive.

Exactly, I still use mouse movement occasionally when moving to doors and things along those lines, but I'm clicking much more often because instead of just picking a path I click on corners and specific spots so I don't end up dead.

That being said I mostly stick to keyboard now because I can check whats going on while the turns are happening and I have the chance to change my direction if I decide half way through that the path is too sketchy.
Real men run to -3 naked. Rock out with your cock out if ya know what I mean.
Ideas / Re: Wait X turns command/key
June 12, 2015, 04:06:10 PM
I would say hit like alt-w or something and a popup comes on screen saying, How long would you like to wait? Then type in the amount of turns and hit enter.
Ideas / Re: Improved running
June 12, 2015, 04:03:54 PM
I've tried this game on a laptop and on a desktop, and honestly even the laptop movement in my opinion is not much of a drawback. Plus pretty much any auto movement for me is kind of a death sentence. Like Kyzrati said every movement is critical which is why I stopped using the mouse movement right after I started.
General Discussion / Re: Mandatory Music Thread
June 12, 2015, 03:59:09 PM
Also Recently what I've been doing is throwing on Pandora and playing a Martin O'Donnel playlist. He makes the soundtracks for Halo, that also seems to fit pretty well.
Stories / Re: Builder gets the kill
June 12, 2015, 01:07:08 PM
Haha thats the greatest thing i've ever heard. I think the dev needs to put in some sort of firefight evading code for the AI of passive robots, but this is really funny. Thanks for sharing.
Have you guys heard of Sanctuary RPG. It's a single life RPG, not a roguelike like it claims. It's ASCII art is impressive and they have a free demo available on their site.

gog edition:
Stories / Funny Things
June 11, 2015, 07:37:18 PM
Here is an Imgur Gallery of some of my Cogmind edevours. Feel free to take a look. I will be updating it as I play and do more. This is not a super significant post, but I wanted to let people take a look anyway.
Nice run, and even better documentation. Wow. I hope something like this will end up in the series.
I saw this and decided to give Rex a shot. First try with no reference :)

What about like an on screen display thing that pops up. Like this:

This could work for enemies and players

1) Shoot
2) Watch bullet/energy blast/volley fly towards the location that you targeted or miss completely
3) When it reaches its target a little popup that says "HIT" or "miss" shows up next to the place that you targeted or that the enemy targeted

This would be cool if you were running away you could see right in front of you if you are being hit or not. It's easy to understand and very helpful information wise.
Yea, I think that would be cool. I have no idea how to do that, but I'd certainly like to help out on that as well.
Ideas / Re: Semi Persistant Weapons and Effects
June 11, 2015, 05:06:26 AM
I just changed the name of the topic to clear some confusion. It is no longer just semi persistant weps, it now includes effects as these can be just as interesting.
Ideas / Re: Semi Persistant Weapons
June 11, 2015, 03:22:02 AM
Thanks for your response first of all.

QuoteMost of these ideas are apparently targeted at crowd control, and mostly to the effect of making escapes easier, making escapes any easier than they are now (for the prepared and experienced player) would definitely be overpowered. This is why last year shortly after adding a feature that allows you to hack Engineers and get them to build temporary walls, I removed it. (They can still do this, but the game won't let you assimilate them.)
Haha It must be a bit of a Freudian slip in terms of item creation.

QuoteAll that said, in terms of "persistent area of effect" type weapons, one of the earliest new features planned for implementation which might scratch that itch and add a new dimension to combat are Traps. They will come in a variety of types, some similar to ideas you've mentioned, though I've yet to work on the details. At first these will only be stationary, and only for the enemy to use against you, but I can see it becoming possible that you can use them against the enemy later on. (You can see this feature on the roadmap--it's been there for a while.)
That seems cool. Can't wait for that.

At the moment I can't think of any other weapon ideas, I'd like to see if other people can come up with some. I'll come back later if I think of anything that does not involve crowd control.
Haha so many times I'll be running away and just "BAM" everything is disabled.
The only question after that is.
Suicide? or Run?
General & Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
June 10, 2015, 10:41:42 PM
Links to everything I mention will be in the bottom if I can find them

Hi I my name is supernovadx. What you should know about me is I love to do pretty much everything about videogames. I'm into super boring simulation stuff. Like just watching simulations is fun. I've used 3dvce and boxcar 2d and all that. I love that stuff. I've been developing games for under a year now, and really love it. I also love being in videogame betas more then when the game is actually released, I love being a part of the process. I've been in over 30-50 different betas and am a part of the community in most of them. This one is the most recent one. Some other stuff is I've used pretty much every coding language known to man, but am beginner in all of them. I participated for the first time in the most recent ludum dare. I got to work on AI for the first time which was cool. My game was called Pie Day Revenge.

Basically speaking if you know a game I've not at least heard of then there is a problem. I'm the game guy i'm not amazing at any particular game, but I know alot about game design and genres and stuff based on sheer amount of games I've played.

-How did you learn about Cogmind?
I can't remember exactly, I think it was an article by a news site. Maybe kotaku or gameinformer or something

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?
haha ok, lets start the list. I'm a huge roguelike and simulation fan. I'm a person who enjoys progress quest. Like legitimately enjoys it. So thats one, I started my roguelike adventure when looking for quick games to play at school. I ended up coming across Cataclysm DDA which I played a lot of. That lead me to Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup and Dwarf fortress. I'm also a huge fan of Brouge. Then I found out people made full roguelikes for money, so I slowly but surely got some of them. These games include Keeper RL which is like Dwarf fortress combined with dungeon keeper. I also played spelunky the binding of isaac and rebirth. I have many hours in don't starve, and a new roguelike called Catacomb Kids. I've also played Dungeons of Dreadmor, sword of the stars: The pit, and FTL.

-What are your other favorite games?
Um, yea. So I have over 200 games in my steam library alone. Over the course of the year I go through cycles of games that I like. It starts with roguelikes and simulations, then base building, then action, then racing, then strategy rts, then roguelikes again etc. So I could not tell you. Just know that I like new games. A lot.

Actually most recently my favorite games are this, and Rocket League. I cannot wait for that to come out. I had the beta for a week and I put 50 hours into that. I really love it and you should check it out too.

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?
When I'm not playing games I'm doing parkour, hanging with friends, watching youtube videos about new games, discovering new games, coding games, and messing about with some language of code.

List of References:
My Game:
Rocket League:
Sword of the Stars: The Pit:
Dungeons of Dreadmor:
Catacomb Kids:
Don't Starve:
Binding of Isaac:
Dungeon Keeper:
Keeper Rl:
Dwarf Fortress:
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup:
Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead:
Progress Quest:
Boxcar 2d(Genetic Cars Also):
Genetic Cars:

Ideas / Re: Semi Persistant Weapons
June 10, 2015, 10:09:04 PM
QuoteI'm in favor of things like this. I don't think it will solve all my issues with Cogmind's current combat, but it would certainly help.
Thanks for the comment

QuoteIncoming nitpicks.

QuoteRunning away is already too easy. Making it easier with smoke trails would be devastating.
A valid point. I agree if you have flight units it is very easy to get away. What I will say is if you are a hulk bot with massive treads and heavy equipment, and for whatever reason you need to run, the smoke would come in handy. My solution is to make it more resource intensive.

QuotePoison gas should be corrosive since poison implies some sort of biological shenanigans.

QuoteElectric gas could easily be called a field, or a cloud, or something non-gaseous. Electric gas sounds... weird.

Changes will be made to the list based on your suggestions. Thanks for responding.
Ideas / Semi Persistant Weapons and Effects
June 10, 2015, 07:30:52 PM
I was talking with someone on the IRC who felt the combat needed a little something to make it more exciting. I agreed. Although the combat is cool, and the weapon types at higher levels are very interesting I think the game could use a little something else. I looked to brogue and other rogue-likes like cataclysm dda to help me come up with some Ideas. I figured out that the main problem with the combat (for me) is each interaction/turn is its own entity and there are almost no weapons that last multiple turns. Without these semi persistent weapons the combat turns can feel disjointed and separate. Here is my solution, a short list of weapons that I think will make the combat much more enjoyable. Feel free to add to the list in the comments.

I will mention each weapon and talk about why it is good. Be sure to notice the theme of these weapons and upgrades making combat more strategic and making the turns flow together nicer.

The important thing to remember is all of these effects last multiple turns

Smoke Trail Emitter:
Each turn consumes energy and Matter must be resource intensive so that only bigger bots can use it.
Ejects a smoke trail behind the cogmind obstructing opponents vision.
This makes Running a more legitimate tactic, and provides more fun in the "flight" part of fight or flight gameplay
If the player blows up a wall or something with a grenade it can also generate smoke which the player can use to escape as well.

Posion Gas:
This can be in weapon form, but it is also a game object
The player can find a gas emitter and spray it down a corridor to damage and deter enemies from coming their way
The player can fill a room with gas and damage all enemies inside then while the gas is still active the player can fire into the room and depending on the type of weapon the player can either just pick off enemies or light the gas on fire.
This can also cause some sort of item damage along with core corrosion -ArseFace

Electric Gas Emitter:
Electric Field Emitter:
Same Delio as the other gasses
When walked into it increases corruption and shuts down systems


Gas blower:
a way for enemies and the player to overcome their gas problems

Energy Wall Placer:
The player can place a small energy wall energy from their power module. It blocks fire from opponents, but anyone can walk through it.
Certain types of ammo damage the wall more
The wall goes away when the player turns it off, runs out of energy, or exceeds a maximum distance from it

Acid/Lava Ejectors:
Require large amounts of cooling to hold
When activated sprays liquid on ground
When stepped on applies heat
Would be great to combo with Th weapons to finish off enemies
would also be good for blocking off thin corridors

Blade Shooter -NEW
Similar to that of Quake
When shot the blade flies around several times a turn
Can bounce
dies after some period of time

Flame Thrower that sets ground alight -NEW
More of a Mod to the pre existing flame thrower
Has a small chance of setting ground areas alight

Other things:
When different machines explode they can emit different substances such as gasses
like if a nuclear reactor explodes near a player or enemy it should emit something along the lines of the electric gas shutting down systems of nearby robots.

I feel this will add a bit more motion to the game's current combat system and give players a better strategic advantage. I love cogmind and I can't wait to see it get better. Thank you.
I can't wait to hear your responses positive or negative.
General Discussion / Re: Mandatory Music Thread
June 10, 2015, 05:33:41 PM
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling PPPPPP the soundtrack of VVVVVV fits perfectly with the theme of this game. I like the Sci-Fi nature of the soundtrack and it matches the Terminal graphic aesthetic.

A little bit of introduction: I'm fairly new. I think I've had like 10 - 15 runs so far and I've made it to about level 3 or 4. I've never come across an ally until this moment.

What started off as a fairly normal run turned into a dangerous one very quickly. I had worked my way around the first level silently and efficiently and made my way to a terminal. I hacked the terminal to find that I only had a Mine entrance nearby. I was not particularly happy with that, so I decided to look around for more exits. I found none but scouts on patrol and technicians ready to shut down their terminals. This caused a bit more mayhem then I might have hoped, and with my patients running thin I decided to take the mine exit.

Upon loading up the mine I was greeted with three close rage mercenaries, and two troopers. At this point I was about to go onto the forums and be like (WHY YOU GOTTA DO DIS!). But I decided to stick with the game and make my way to a defensible position. While beginning to flee I turned back to check on my enemies to discover a stranger derelict had emerged from the shadows.
"Quick, help me dispose of these!" he said.
I turned around and helped him finish off the pursuers.
We finished them off and I was happy as ever. Finally an ally someone who I could trust in this godforsaken game.
"I will help you out of here," he said.
Excited, I began to move toward the only pathway available to us. Only to fall into the hands of the troopers waiting on the other side.
I was cocky we had taken out the robots before, we could do it again. Or so I thought. Within one volley my robot companion was dead, and I was left to handle the mission myself. If a little bit saddened at that.
His last words were "Mission, incomplete."