Was just manually typing in palettes into .txts when I thought: 'Ya know, I should script this'
So I did
Here's a link to the script itself
https://gist.github.com/NeonCarbide/97bbf5d7ee105651c768b1171d249d83The script is written in Python3, and requires the installation of the Pillow library
https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.htmlThe script takes two arguments:
- the filepath of the image to convert to a palette
- the title of resulting .txt
Example: python3 rexpaint-palette-converter.py C:/Users/ASDF/Desktop/test.png TestPalette
The short of it is that the script takes a 1xN sized .png, N being the number of colours in the palette, and converts it into the .txt format that REXPaint uses for its palettes
The best place I've found for the 1xN palette .pngs is
lospec.com/palette-list, otherwise they are very easy to make in Photoshop, Paint, etc.
I hope y'all can make some use of it