Hey everyone
-How did you learn about Cogmind?
Stumbled upon it in the TIGsource forums and was immediately hooked
-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?
Brogue, also played a lot of Iter Vehemens Ad Necem back when it was still being developed. Yes, I'm a filthy casual and loving it.
-What are your other favorite games?
Baldur's Gate I, II, Planescape Tormen, the Pikmin series, the Legend of Zelda series (although it peaked with Wind Waker), Spelunky
-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?
I'm an interaction designer and really really love my field. Last year I worked as an adjunt teacher at a university at an interaction design program, and I seem to have a knack for education too. And to be a bit on-topic, gave three different "experimental game design" courses, actually! I even used Cogmind in a lecture discussing game aesthetics.
On the side I explore different programming paradigms for fun, but never use it for anything productive. Currently on a concatenative languages binge.