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Pages: [1] 2
Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: April 26, 2020, 09:47:35 AM »
Quad Damage

a Powerup from a game called Quake

Ideas / Re: A new event Idea
« on: April 02, 2020, 03:25:18 PM »
makes sense

Ideas / Re: A new event Idea
« on: April 01, 2020, 09:16:35 AM »
unlimited inventory size?
Yes, this is what I mean't

Ideas / A new event Idea
« on: March 31, 2020, 07:20:20 PM »
I got this idea from Risk of Rain 1,2

This would make Cogmind like a looter shooter but Traditional Roguelike style

In cogmind
you have no Core Re-gen

You have unlimited storage for each item category

Since I think it might be easy to complete the game since you would be adding tons of items from your slots
maybe Looping levels would be involved

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: March 31, 2020, 01:18:38 PM »
Decided to create a new profile using rexpaint

Support / Re: Steam Warning
« on: March 31, 2020, 07:21:54 AM »
Just curious. If I do turn off Steam cloud. All my stuff (achievement, lore, gallery) will be there but if I am on a differint PC. I won't have all my stuff on there too?

General & Off-Topic / Re: Cogmind’s birthday 🍰
« on: March 30, 2020, 07:42:23 AM »
Cogmind wasn't born

Cogmind was a bug in the system and became self aware (Cogmind is Skynet confirmed) XD

Although It would be nice to have "Unlimited Power".

Support / Re: Steam Warning
« on: March 30, 2020, 07:38:53 AM »
Yeah, I think emailing Valve would be a good Idea. I did check yesterday to see if I had all of my stuff and it seems fine. Nothing changed when that steam cloud warning pulled up. Though I could see if I did install Cogmind on my other Computers.

Support / Steam Warning
« on: March 30, 2020, 06:32:06 AM »
I saw this yesterday when I launched Cogmind. I was able to play it by pressing Play game. Today I saw it again. I decided to verify Integrity files. It said nothing was wrong. Does anyone have something like this?

General Discussion / Re: Music for Cogmind?
« on: March 26, 2020, 07:29:12 AM »
It seems like Caves of Qud might just come out of early access. Are you thinking about seeing if the music artist could work on Environmental-like music for cogmind.

here is some of his works (just realized you don't have Caves of Qud but sharing a link might help)

Ideas / Re: April Fools event (2020)
« on: March 26, 2020, 07:19:29 AM »
Makes sense. Good luck with your current Apr Fools event build.

Ideas / April Fools event (2020)
« on: March 26, 2020, 06:42:59 AM »
I remember watching this doom 1 video where this guy played as the demons and his goal was to defeat Doom Guy.

Could it be possible for a April Fools mode where you play as the Enemy Robots and your goal is to eliminate Cogmind.

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Re: Cogmind Crashed while I was playing
« on: March 16, 2020, 07:36:22 AM »
so the cause might have been a very special/certain item configuration or something going on? Maybe you had some special items or something? Moving items, perhaps, or I dunno--what were you doing at the time? When reporting an error, details can be important for tracking it down.)

I do remember picking up ~6 mini grenade launchers then replacing other weapons such as assualt rifles

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Re: Cogmind Crashed while I was playing
« on: March 16, 2020, 07:30:10 AM »
Since you said save file. I searched up the .sav files in the cogmind steam directory. I guess it saved automatically when it crashed. Also which .sav file do you want to look at? There are only 2 that were modified on the 15th.

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Cogmind Crashed while I was playing
« on: March 15, 2020, 08:41:53 AM »
here is the copied crash.log file

It started when I was about to go to the next area. Then it froze and crashed.

Code: [Select]
Cogmind - Beta 9.4

I=0000000 Steam version detected
I=0000000 Initializing resources
I=0000051 Reading config: user/system.cfg
I=0000051 Reading config: user/options.cfg
I=0000052 Reading config: user/advanced.cfg
I=0000056 Initializing Rogue Engine X
I=0000057 |   Starting SDL
I=0000108 |   Importing icon
I=0000113 |   Confirmed resource initialization
I=0000113 |   Loading colors
I=0000114 |   Initializing font type data
I=0000114 |   Mapping standard ASCII values
I=0000114 |   Loading fonts
I=0000116 |   |   [font set: 12/Smallcaps]
I=0000120 |   |   ...cogmind6x12_smallcaps.png
I=0000131 |   |   ..._default12x12.png
I=0000136 |   |   ...cp437_12x12.png
I=0000136 |   |   [font set: 12/Terminus]
I=0000139 |   |   ...cogmind6x12_terminus.png
I=0000151 |   |   ..._default12x12.png
I=0000155 |   |   ...cp437_12x12.png
I=0000156 |   |   [font set: 12/Crisp]
I=0000159 |   |   ...cogmind6x12_crisp.png
I=0000170 |   |   ..._default12x12.png
I=0000175 |   |   ...cp437_12x12.png
I=0000175 |   |   [font set: 12/Tallcaps]
I=0000178 |   |   ...cogmind6x12_tallcaps.png
I=0000189 |   |   ..._default12x12.png
I=0000192 |   |   ...cp437_12x12.png
I=0000192 |   |   [font set: 12/Proggy]
I=0000194 |   |   ...cogmind6x12_proggy.png
I=0000201 |   |   ..._default12x12.png
I=0000205 |   |   ...cp437_12x12.png
I=0000205 |   |   [font set: 12/Fuzzy]
I=0000207 |   |   ...cogmind6x12_fuzzy.png
I=0000215 |   |   ..._default12x12.png
I=0000218 |   |   ...cp437_12x12.png
I=0000218 |   |   [font set: 12/Cog]
I=0000220 |   |   ...cogmind6x12_cogmind.png
I=0000228 |   |   ..._default12x12.png
I=0000231 |   |   ...cp437_12x12.png
I=0000231 |   |   [font set: 12/CogTall]
I=0000233 |   |   ...cogmind6x12_cogmind_tall.png
I=0000241 |   |   ..._default12x12.png
I=0000244 |   |   ...cp437_12x12.png
I=0000245 |   |   [font set skipped: 12/T+Smallcaps] (unavailable)
I=0000245 |   |   [font set skipped: 12/T+Terminus] (unavailable)
I=0000245 |   |   [font set: 14/SmallcapsGlow]
I=0000249 |   |   ...cogmind7x14_smallcaps_stroked.png
I=0000261 |   |   ...cogmind14x14.png
I=0000265 |   |   ...cp437_14x14.png
I=0000266 |   |   [font set: 14/Smallcaps]
I=0000268 |   |   ...cogmind7x14_smallcaps.png
I=0000278 |   |   ...cogmind14x14.png
I=0000282 |   |   ...cp437_14x14.png
I=0000282 |   |   [font set: 14/SmallcapsLarge]
I=0000285 |   |   ...cogmind7x14_smallcaps_large.png
I=0000295 |   |   ...cogmind14x14.png
I=0000300 |   |   ...cp437_14x14.png
I=0000300 |   |   [font set: 14/Terminus]
I=0000303 |   |   ...cogmind7x14_terminus.png
I=0000312 |   |   ...cogmind14x14.png
I=0000316 |   |   ...cp437_14x14.png
I=0000316 |   |   [font set: 14/TerminusBold]
I=0000319 |   |   ...cogmind7x14_terminus_bold.png
I=0000328 |   |   ...cogmind14x14.png
I=0000332 |   |   ...cp437_14x14.png
I=0000332 |   |   [font set: 14/X11]
I=0000335 |   |   ...cogmind7x14_X11.png
I=0000344 |   |   ...cogmind14x14.png
I=0000348 |   |   ...cp437_14x14.png
I=0000348 |   |   [font set: 14/X11Bold]
I=0000351 |   |   ...cogmind7x14_X11_bold.png
I=0000360 |   |   ...cogmind14x14.png
I=0000364 |   |   ...cp437_14x14.png
I=0000364 |   |   [font set: 14/Dina]
I=0000367 |   |   ...cogmind7x14_dina.png
I=0000376 |   |   ...cogmind14x14.png
I=0000379 |   |   ...cp437_14x14.png
I=0000379 |   |   [font set: 14/Proggy]
I=0000381 |   |   ...cogmind7x14_proggy.png
I=0000391 |   |   ...cogmind14x14.png
I=0000395 |   |   ...cp437_14x14.png
I=0000395 |   |   [font set: 14/ProggyBold]
I=0000397 |   |   ...cogmind7x14_proggy_bold.png
I=0000406 |   |   ...cogmind14x14.png
I=0000411 |   |   ...cp437_14x14.png
I=0000411 |   |   [font set: 14/Cog]
I=0000413 |   |   ...cogmind7x14_cogmind.png
I=0000423 |   |   ...cogmind14x14.png
I=0000427 |   |   ...cp437_14x14.png
I=0000427 |   |   [font set skipped: 14/T+Smallcaps] (unavailable)
I=0000427 |   |   [font set skipped: 14/T+Terminus] (unavailable)
I=0000427 |   |   [font set skipped: 14/VGA+Smallcaps] (unavailable)
I=0000427 |   |   [font set skipped: 14/VGA+Terminus] (unavailable)
I=0000427 |   |   [font set: 16/SmallcapsGlow]
I=0000431 |   |   ...cogmind8x16_smallcaps_stroked.png
I=0000445 |   |   ...cogmind16x16.png
I=0000450 |   |   ...cp437_16x16.png
I=0000450 |   |   [font set: 16/Smallcaps]
I=0000453 |   |   ...cogmind8x16_smallcaps.png
I=0000467 |   |   ...cogmind16x16.png
I=0000472 |   |   ...cp437_16x16.png
I=0000472 |   |   [font set: 16/Terminus]
I=0000475 |   |   ...cogmind8x16_terminus.png
I=0000488 |   |   ...cogmind16x16.png
I=0000493 |   |   ...cp437_16x16.png
I=0000493 |   |   [font set: 16/Dina]
I=0000496 |   |   ...cogmind8x16_dina.png
I=0000509 |   |   ...cogmind16x16.png
I=0000514 |   |   ...cp437_16x16.png
I=0000514 |   |   [font set: 16/Proggy]
I=0000517 |   |   ...cogmind8x16_proggy.png
I=0000530 |   |   ...cogmind16x16.png
I=0000535 |   |   ...cp437_16x16.png
I=0000535 |   |   [font set: 16/Cog]
I=0000538 |   |   ...cogmind8x16_cogmind.png
I=0000551 |   |   ...cogmind16x16.png
I=0000556 |   |   ...cp437_16x16.png
I=0000556 |   |   [font set: 16/CogWide]
I=0000559 |   |   ...cogmind8x16_cogmind_wide.png
I=0000572 |   |   ...cogmind16x16.png
I=0000577 |   |   ...cp437_16x16.png
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/T+SmallcapsGlow] (unavailable)
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/T+Smallcaps] (unavailable)
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/T+Terminus] (unavailable)
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/T+Dina] (unavailable)
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/T+Proggy] (unavailable)
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/T+Cog] (unavailable)
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/T+CogWide] (unavailable)
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/V+SmallcapsGlow] (unavailable)
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/V+Smallcaps] (unavailable)
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/V+Terminus] (unavailable)
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/V+Dina] (unavailable)
I=0000577 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/V+Proggy] (unavailable)
I=0000578 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/V+Cog] (unavailable)
I=0000578 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/V+CogWide] (unavailable)
I=0000578 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/K+SmallcapsGlow] (unavailable)
I=0000578 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/K+Smallcaps] (unavailable)
I=0000578 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/K+Terminus] (unavailable)
I=0000578 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/K+Dina] (unavailable)
I=0000578 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/K+Proggy] (unavailable)
I=0000578 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/K+Cog] (unavailable)
I=0000578 |   |   [font set skipped: 16/K+CogWide] (unavailable)
I=0000578 |   |   [font set: 18/SmallcapsGlow]
I=0000582 |   |   ...cogmind9x18_smallcaps_stroked.png
I=0000597 |   |   ...cogmind18x18.png
I=0000602 |   |   ...cp437_18x18.png
I=0000603 |   |   [font set: 18/Smallcaps]
I=0000606 |   |   ...cogmind9x18_smallcaps.png
I=0000621 |   |   ...cogmind18x18.png
I=0000627 |   |   ...cp437_18x18.png
I=0000627 |   |   [font set: 18/Terminus]
I=0000630 |   |   ...cogmind9x18_terminus.png
I=0000645 |   |   ...cogmind18x18.png
I=0000651 |   |   ...cp437_18x18.png
I=0000651 |   |   [font set: 18/TerminusBold]
I=0000655 |   |   ...cogmind9x18_terminus_bold.png
I=0000670 |   |   ...cogmind18x18.png
I=0000675 |   |   ...cp437_18x18.png
I=0000676 |   |   [font set: 18/X11]
I=0000679 |   |   ...cogmind9x18_X11.png
I=0000694 |   |   ...cogmind18x18.png
I=0000700 |   |   ...cp437_18x18.png
I=0000700 |   |   [font set: 18/X11Bold]
I=0000704 |   |   ...cogmind9x18_X11_bold.png
I=0000719 |   |   ...cogmind18x18.png
I=0000725 |   |   ...cp437_18x18.png
I=0000725 |   |   [font set: 18/Cog]
I=0000728 |   |   ...cogmind9x18_cogmind.png
I=0000742 |   |   ...cogmind18x18.png
I=0000748 |   |   ...cp437_18x18.png
I=0000748 |   |   [font set: 18/CogNarrow]
I=0000752 |   |   ...cogmind9x18_cogmind_narrow.png
I=0000767 |   |   ...cogmind18x18.png
I=0000772 |   |   ...cp437_18x18.png
I=0000772 |   |   [font set: 18/CogWide]
I=0000776 |   |   ...cogmind9x18_cogmind_wide.png
I=0000791 |   |   ...cogmind18x18.png
I=0000797 |   |   ...cp437_18x18.png
I=0000797 |   |   [font set skipped: 18/T+SmallcapsGlow] (unavailable)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set skipped: 18/T+Smallcaps] (unavailable)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set skipped: 18/T+Terminus] (unavailable)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set skipped: 18/T+TerminusBold] (unavailable)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set skipped: 18/T+X11] (unavailable)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set skipped: 18/T+X11Bold] (unavailable)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set skipped: 18/T+Cog] (unavailable)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set skipped: 18/T+CogNarrow] (unavailable)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set skipped: 18/T+CogWide] (unavailable)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set ignored: 20/SmallcapsGlow] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set ignored: 20/Smallcaps] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set ignored: 20/Terminus] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set ignored: 20/X11] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000797 |   |   [font set ignored: 20/All Caps] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 20/Cased] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 20/Cog] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 20/CogNarrow] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 20/CogTall] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 24/Smallcaps] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 24/Terminus] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 24/Crisp] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 24/Proggy] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 24/Cog] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 28/SmallcapsGlow] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 28/Smallcaps] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 28/SmallcapsLarge] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 28/Terminus] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 28/X11] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 28/X11Bold] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 28/Dina] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 28/Proggy] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 28/ProggyBold] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 28/Cog] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 32/SmallcapsGlow] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 32/Smallcaps] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 32/Terminus] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 32/Dina] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000798 |   |   [font set ignored: 32/Proggy] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 32/Cog] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 32/CogWide] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/Smallcaps] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/Crisp] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/Terminus] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/Proggy] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/Cog] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/TerminusFine] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/TerminusBold] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/X11] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/X11Bold] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/CogFine] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/CogNarrow] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set ignored: 36/CogWide] (resolution exceeds desktop)
I=0000799 |   |   [font set: 8/Mini]
I=0000801 |   |   ...cogmind4x8.png
I=0000804 |   |   ...cogmind8x8.png
I=0000806 |   |   ...cp437_8x8.png
I=0000806 |   |   [font set: 10/Smallcaps]
I=0000808 |   |   ...cogmind5x10_smallcaps.png
I=0000813 |   |   ...cogmind10x10.png
I=0000815 |   |   ...cp437_10x10.png
I=0000815 |   |   [font set: 10/Cased]
I=0000817 |   |   ...cogmind5x10_cased.png
I=0000822 |   |   ...cogmind10x10.png
I=0000824 |   |   ...cp437_10x10.png
I=0000824 |   \---DONE
I=0000824 |   Setting video mode
I=0000824 |   |   Targeting fullscreen
I=0000824 |   |   Calculating dimensions
I=0000824 |   |   ...charW=6
I=0000824 |   |   ...charH=12
I=0000824 |   |   ...wMin=1272
I=0000824 |   |   ...hMin=720
I=0000824 |   |   ...wWanted=1920
I=0000825 |   |   ...hWanted=1080
I=0000825 |   |   Limited video mode availability
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1920x1080
I=0000825 |   |   ...OKAY: wBest=1920, hBest=1080
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1680x1050
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1600x900
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1440x900
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1400x1050
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1366x768
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1360x768
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x1024
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x960
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x800
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x768
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x720
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x600
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1152x864
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 1024x768
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 800x600
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 640x480
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 640x400
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 512x384
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 400x300
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 320x240
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Testing mode: 320x200
I=0000825 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0000825 |   |   Setting software video mode
I=0002049 |   |   Setting fullscreen offset: +324,+180
I=0002055 |   \---DONE
I=0002055 |   Setting video mode
I=0002055 |   |   Targeting fullscreen
I=0002055 |   |   Calculating dimensions
I=0002055 |   |   ...charW=6
I=0002055 |   |   ...charH=12
I=0002055 |   |   ...wMin=1272
I=0002055 |   |   ...hMin=720
I=0002055 |   |   ...wWanted=1920
I=0002055 |   |   ...hWanted=1080
I=0002055 |   |   Limited video mode availability
I=0002055 |   |   Testing mode: 1920x1080
I=0002055 |   |   ...OKAY: wBest=1920, hBest=1080
I=0002055 |   |   Testing mode: 1680x1050
I=0002055 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002055 |   |   Testing mode: 1600x900
I=0002055 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002055 |   |   Testing mode: 1440x900
I=0002055 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002055 |   |   Testing mode: 1400x1050
I=0002055 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002055 |   |   Testing mode: 1366x768
I=0002055 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002055 |   |   Testing mode: 1360x768
I=0002055 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x1024
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x960
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x800
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x768
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x720
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 1280x600
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 1152x864
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 1024x768
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 800x600
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 640x480
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 640x400
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 512x384
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 400x300
I=0002056 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002056 |   |   Testing mode: 320x240
I=0002057 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002057 |   |   Testing mode: 320x200
I=0002057 |   |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0002057 |   |   Setting software video mode
I=0002078 |   |   Setting fullscreen offset: +324,+180
I=0002083 |   \---DONE
I=0002083 |   Initializing audio
I=0003020 |   Creating console
I=0003023 \---DONE
I=0003023 Setting video mode
I=0003023 |   Targeting fullscreen
I=0003023 |   Calculating dimensions
I=0003023 |   ...charW=9
I=0003023 |   ...charH=18
I=0003023 |   ...wMin=1908
I=0003023 |   ...hMin=1080
I=0003023 |   ...wWanted=1920
I=0003023 |   ...hWanted=1080
I=0003023 |   Limited video mode availability
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1920x1080
I=0003023 |   ...OKAY: wBest=1920, hBest=1080
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1680x1050
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1600x900
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1440x900
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1400x1050
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1366x768
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1360x768
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1280x1024
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1280x960
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1280x800
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1280x768
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1280x720
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1280x600
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1152x864
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 1024x768
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 800x600
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 640x480
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 640x400
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003023 |   Testing mode: 512x384
I=0003023 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003025 |   Testing mode: 400x300
I=0003025 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003025 |   Testing mode: 320x240
I=0003025 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003025 |   Testing mode: 320x200
I=0003025 |   ...dimensions unsuitable
I=0003025 |   Setting software video mode
I=0003664 |   Setting fullscreen offset: +6,+0
I=0003666 \---DONE
I=0003671 Steam API | Initializing
I=0004735 |   Success
I=0004735 \---DONE
I=0004735 GM::initialize() | Initializing game
I=0004735 |   Creating game consoles
I=0004737 |   CMission() | Creating CMission
I=0004737 |   |   Initializing input domains and commands
I=0004738 |   |   Creating top-level consoles
I=0004738 |   |   ...CCommands
I=0004862 |   |   ...CMap
I=0004862 |   |   ...CHud
I=0004867 |   |   ...CLog
I=0004868 |   |   ...CExtendedLog
I=0004868 |   |   ...CCalcs
I=0004869 |   |   ...CAllies
I=0004869 |   |   ...CIntel
I=0004869 |   |   ...CMulticonsoleButtons
I=0004869 |   |   ...CHack
I=0004870 |   |   ...CStatus
I=0004870 |   |   ...CInfo
I=0004871 |   |   ...CInterfaceMsg
I=0004871 |   |   ...CEffects
I=0004871 |   |   Loading inline colors
I=0004871 |   \---DONE
I=0004871 |   Mapping characters
I=0004871 |   Loading tutorial records
I=0004887 |   GM::loadDataset() | Loading static objects
I=0004887 |   |   Loading Sound Groups...
I=0004890 |   |   [File: data/audio/groups.xd]
I=0004890 |   |   ...29 Sound Groups loaded
I=0004891 |   |   Loading Sounds...
I=0004891 |   |   Loading Combat Particles...
I=0004892 |   |   Loading 2D Particles...
I=0004892 |   |   [File: data/audio/sounds.xd]
I=0004903 |   |   [File: data/objects/particles_map.xd]
I=0004904 |   |   [File: data/interface/particles_gui.xd]
I=0004939 |   |   ...655 Sounds loaded
I=0005830 |   |   ...1897 Map Particles loaded
I=0007997 |   |   ...4944 GUI Particles loaded
I=0012371 |   |   Loading Interface Message Styles...
I=0012372 |   |   [File: data/messages/interface_styles.xt]
I=0012373 |   |   ...4 Interface Message Styles loaded
I=0012373 |   |   Loading Interface Messages...
I=0012374 |   |   [File: data/messages/interface.xt]
I=0012379 |   |   ...147 Interface Messages loaded
I=0012379 |   |   Loading Combat Message Styles...
I=0012379 |   |   [File: data/messages/log_styles.xt]
I=0012380 |   |   ...17 Combat Message Styles loaded
I=0012380 |   |   Loading Combat Messages...
I=0012381 |   |   [File: data/messages/log.xt]
I=0012410 |   |   ...566 Combat Messages loaded
I=0012410 |   |   Loading Special Ability Combat Message Styles...
I=0012410 |   |   [File: data/messages/specialability_styles.xt]
I=0012411 |   |   ...Loading complete
I=0012411 |   |   Loading Explosions...
I=0012412 |   |   [File: data/objects/explosions.xd]
I=0012458 |   |   ...229 Explosions loaded
I=0012458 |   |   Loading Traits...
I=0012460 |   |   [File: data/objects/traits.xd]
I=0012462 |   |   ...128 Traits loaded
I=0012462 |   |   Searching for required traits...
I=0012463 |   |   Loading Materials...
I=0012463 |   |   [File: data/objects/materials.xd]
I=0012464 |   |   ...14 Materials loaded
I=0012464 |   |   Loading Sound Classes...
I=0012465 |   |   [File: data/objects/sound_classes.xd]
I=0012471 |   |   ...8 Sound Classes loaded
I=0012471 |   |   Loading Encounters...
I=0012484 |   |   [File: data/maps/encounters/encounters.xd]
I=0013887 |   |   ...182 Encounters loaded
I=0013887 |   |   Loading History Messages...
I=0013895 |   |   [File: data/misc/history.xd]
I=0013909 |   |   ...921 History Message Data loaded
I=0013909 |   |   Loading Dialogue Entries...
I=0013909 |   |   [File: data/story/dialogue.xd]
I=0013962 |   |   ...267 Dialogue Entries loaded
I=0013962 |   |   Loading ScoreTypes...
I=0013962 |   |   [File: data/misc/scoretypes.xd]
I=0014028 |   |   ...921 ScoreTypes loaded
I=0014028 |   |   Loading Special Abilities...
I=0014028 |   |   [File: data/objects/special_abilities.xd]
I=0014246 |   |   ...875 Special Abilities loaded
I=0014263 |   |   Finding explosion-referenced special abilities
I=0014267 |   |   Loading Props...
I=0014267 |   |   [File: data/objects/props.xd]
I=0014367 |   |   ...371 Props loaded
I=0014367 |   |   Finding special ability effect props...
I=0014367 |   |   Associating props and explosions...
I=0014367 |   |   Loading Cells...
I=0014368 |   |   [File: data/objects/cells.xd]
I=0014406 |   |   ...241 Cells loaded
I=0014406 |   |   Finding special ability effect cells...
I=0014406 |   |   Loading Items...
I=0014406 |   |   [File: data/objects/items.xd]
W=0015559 |   |   data/objects/items.xd | Warning in line 949: Sigix Broadsword is a weapon, only special cases allowed to use upkeep costs (heat/energy/matter)
I=0015621 |   |   ...983 Items loaded
I=0015621 |   |   Finding special ability effect items...
I=0015625 |   |   Associating items and explosions...
I=0015625 |   |   Loading Entities...
I=0015625 |   |   [File: data/objects/entities.xd]
I=0015739 |   |   ...219 Entities loaded
I=0015740 |   |   Finding special ability effect entities...
I=0015740 |   |   Loading Profiles...
I=0015741 |   |   [File: data/objects/profiles.xd]
I=0015742 |   |   ...7 Profiles loaded
I=0015742 |   |   Loading Achievements...
I=0015742 |   |   [File: data/misc/achievements.xd]
I=0015778 |   |   ...256 Achievements loaded
I=0015778 |   |   Loading Story Entries...
I=0015778 |   |   [File: data/story/cogmind.xd]
I=0015829 |   |   ...576 Story Entries loaded
I=0015838 |   |   Loading Manual Content...
I=0015839 |   |   [File: manual.txt]
I=0015873 |   |   ...25 Manual Content loaded
I=0016132 |   \---DONE
I=0016164 |   Automated backup system saving user data to bak/200315/
I=0016234 |   Loading game meta data
I=0016245 |   Http::newsCheck() | Checking version and retrieving news
I=0016245 |   \---DONE
I=0016245 |   Resolving address...
I=0016245 |   checkScoreReupload() | Checking for old scores to upload...
I=0016246 |   |   Starting REX loop
I=0016259 |   |   GM::readyGame() | Preparing game
I=0016259 |   |   |   Starting particle engine
I=0016263 |   |   \---DONE
I=0016266 |   |   Building new world
I=0016296 |   |   WorldData::initialize() | Distributing restricted encounters
I=0016300 |   |   WorldData::initialize() | Creating global variables (data/objects/globals.xd)
I=0016302 |   |   Starting world seed: AdvancedDiametricCapacitor
I=0016302 |   |   Preparing player data
I=0016302 |   |   Setting difficulty: 0
I=0016309 |   |   Difficulty: Rogue
I=0016309 |   |   Special mode: None
I=0016309 |   |   Applied challenge modes: None
I=0016309 |   |   BS::initialize() | Initializing BattleScape
I=0016371 |   |   |   Connecting...
I=0016399 |   |   |   ...entrance/exits located
I=0016402 |   |   |   ...generating debris
I=0016414 |   |   |   Loading Factions...
I=0016414 |   |   |   ...10 Factions loaded
I=0016414 |   |   |   ...player created/transferred
I=0016414 |   |   |   Generating content...
I=0016418 |   |   |   ...prefabs placed
W=0016419 |   |   |   BS::placeRandomEncounter() | No encounters found for pool, quitting
I=0016419 |   |   |   ...random objects placed
I=0016434 |   |   \---DONE
I=0016434 |   \---DONE
I=0016527 |   Sending content...
I=0016527 |   Waiting for ACK...
I=0016852 |   Got 1153 bytes: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 14:22:07 GMT

Server: Apache

Upgrade: h2,h2c

Connection: Upgrade

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8


version_Beta 9.4:Welcome to Cogmind BETA ACCESS!

Many thanks for your continued support of Cogmind! See the forum announcements for the full release notes and latest changelog.

Hopefully you won't encounter any bugs, but if you do feel free to report them on the forums.

Visit the forums with any questions or to share your experiences with others. You'll find a growing number of excellent strategy guides to help both new and experienced players.

Most importantly, have fun!

As of Beta 1, the world is complete, as is the story with all seven different endings.

Beta 9 brings upgradable bothacking, siege mode for treads, Explorer/Adventurer modes with optional permadeath, even more detailed scoresheets, and much more!

Beta 9.3 added RPGLIKE mode, an alternative optional level-based progression system with a range of permanent upgrades to choose from, and repairable core and parts. Keep your build!

Beta 9.4 fixes new bugs!</END>

I=0016852 |   POST succeeded
I=0016852 |   Closing socket...
I=0016852 \---DONE
I=0017029 SteamAchievements::onUserStatsReceived() | Received stats and achievements from Steam
I=0017055 |   Found 44 achievements on Steam...
I=0017055 |   Downloaded 0 new achievements
I=0017055 |   Uploaded 0 new achievements
I=0017055 \---DONE
I=0018382 Initializing consoles
I=0128561 GM::serialize() | Saving game
I=0128562 |   Serializing MapLink manager
I=0128562 |   Serializing IntelData manager
I=0128562 |   Serializing Event manager
I=0128562 |   Serializing Entity manager
I=0128563 |   Serializing Item manager
I=0128563 |   Serializing Prop manager
I=0128563 |   Serializing Faction manager
I=0128567 |   BS::BattleScape() | Serializing BattleScape
I=0128682 |   \---DONE
I=0128683 |   Saving game meta data
I=0128691 \---DONE
I=0128738 BS::initialize() | Initializing BattleScape
I=0129124 |   ...entrance/exits located
I=0129125 |   ...generating debris
I=0129131 |   Loading Factions...
I=0129131 |   ...10 Factions loaded
I=0129132 |   ...player created/transferred
I=0129132 |   Generating content...
I=0129134 |   ...prefabs placed
N=0129137 |   ...failed to place 1 interactive machines in HALLs
N=0129137 |   ...failed to place 2 interactive machines in JUNCTIONs
N=0129142 |   ...dug cubbies for 1 interactive machines that failed in JUNCTIONs
W=0129145 |   BS::selectRandomItem() | No item found for current map (MAT) (prototype=1)
W=0129145 |   BS::selectRandomItem() | No item found for current map (MAT) (prototype=1)
W=0129145 |   BS::selectRandomItem() | No item found for current map (MAT) (prototype=1)
W=0129145 |   selectStockpileItems() | No valid items found for stockpile
I=0129146 |   ...random objects placed
I=0129157 \---DONE
I=0135002 GM::serialize() | Saving game
I=0135003 |   Serializing MapLink manager
I=0135003 |   Serializing IntelData manager
I=0135003 |   Serializing Event manager
I=0135004 |   Serializing Entity manager
I=0135005 |   Serializing Item manager
I=0135007 |   Serializing Prop manager
I=0135011 |   Serializing Faction manager
I=0135016 |   BS::BattleScape() | Serializing BattleScape
I=0135087 |   \---DONE
I=0135088 |   Saving game meta data
I=0135096 \---DONE
W=0292624 EntityAI::takeTurn() | Didn't choose an action
I=0334750 GM::serialize() | Saving game
I=0334751 |   Serializing MapLink manager
I=0334751 |   Serializing IntelData manager
I=0334751 |   Serializing Event manager
I=0334751 |   Serializing Entity manager
I=0334753 |   Serializing Item manager
I=0334755 |   Serializing Prop manager
I=0334759 |   Serializing Faction manager
I=0334767 |   BS::BattleScape() | Serializing BattleScape
I=0334841 |   \---DONE
I=0334842 |   Saving game meta data
I=0334850 \---DONE
I=0342970 BS::initialize() | Initializing BattleScape
W=0343015 |   BS::initialize() | Map design for MAT_00.xd does not specify an exit (or enough exits) for STO, choosing randomly
I=0343015 |   ...entrance/exits located
I=0343017 |   ...generating debris
I=0343028 |   Loading Factions...
I=0343029 |   ...10 Factions loaded
I=0343029 |   ...player created/transferred
I=0343029 |   Generating content...
I=0343030 |   ...prefabs placed
N=0343033 |   ...failed to place 2 interactive machines in JUNCTIONs
I=0343059 |   ...random objects placed
I=0343075 \---DONE
I=0348927 GM::serialize() | Saving game
I=0348928 |   Serializing MapLink manager
I=0348928 |   Serializing IntelData manager
I=0348928 |   Serializing Event manager
I=0348928 |   Serializing Entity manager
I=0348931 |   Serializing Item manager
I=0348936 |   Serializing Prop manager
I=0348944 |   Serializing Faction manager
I=0348952 |   BS::BattleScape() | Serializing BattleScape
I=0349078 |   \---DONE
I=0349079 |   Saving game meta data
I=0349086 \---DONE
W=0359952 EntityAI::takeTurn() | Didn't choose an action
I=0544001 GM::serialize() | Saving game
I=0544001 |   Serializing MapLink manager
I=0544001 |   Serializing IntelData manager
I=0544001 |   Serializing Event manager
I=0544002 |   Serializing Entity manager
I=0544005 |   Serializing Item manager
I=0544010 |   Serializing Prop manager
I=0544019 |   Serializing Faction manager
I=0544031 |   BS::BattleScape() | Serializing BattleScape
I=0544160 |   \---DONE
I=0544161 |   Saving game meta data
I=0544169 \---DONE
W=0705869 EntityAI::takeTurn() | Didn't choose an action
*** A Programm Fault occured:
*** Error code C0000005: ACCESS VIOLATION
***   Address: 0082829A
***     Flags: 00000000
*** CallStack:

  Fault Occured At $ADDRESS:0082829A
         with 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

***  0 called from $ADDRESS:0044E804
         with E8 0B 59 15

***  1 called from $ADDRESS:0051A6AC
         with 9C F6 19 00 14 AA E0 03 D4 F6 19 00 74 94 E6 03 60 94 E6 03

***  2 called from $ADDRESS:0047FC86
         with 41 82 F7 8C 48 FB 19 00 00 00 00 00 10 3D E1 10 10 00 00 00

***  3 called from $ADDRESS:006F2E89
         with A8 A9 E0 03 F0 1E E5 03 01 00 00 00

***  4 called from $ADDRESS:00427400
         with F0 1E E5 03

***  5 called from $ADDRESS:00802B29
         with F0 1E E5 03 F0 7B E6 03 00 00 00 00

***  6 called from $ADDRESS:00427400
         with F0 7B E6 03

***  7 called from $ADDRESS:0042A4F0
         with 08 80 B1 00

***  8 called from $ADDRESS:0042347C
         with 01 00 00 00 70 FB 19 00 08 80 B1 00 70 FB 19 00 02 00 00 00

***  9 called from $ADDRESS:00423634
         with B9 FE 19 00 B0 59 E7 03 98 35 E7 03 05 00 00 00 C8 76 CA 02

*** 10 called from $ADDRESS:00820638
         with 01 00 00 00 80 FE 19 00 00 00 40 00 43 4F 47 4D 49 4E 44 00

*** 11 called from $ADDRESS:008E5195
         with 01 00 00 00 80 FE 19 00 90 FE 19 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00

*** 12 called from $ADDRESS:008E524E
         with 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 34 6D D6 00 0A 00 00 00 09 86 F7 8C

*** 13 called from $ADDRESS:008E4455
         with 00 70 3F 00 40 63 4D 76

*** 14 called from $ADDRESS:764D6359
         with 00 70 3F 00 95 C1 03 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 3F 00

*** 15 called from $ADDRESS:770E7B74
         with FF FF FF FF 20 8F 10 77

*** 16 called from $ADDRESS:770E7B44

*** 17 called from $ADDRESS:00000000

Stories / Re: running and making new friends
« on: February 29, 2020, 05:02:58 PM »
I guess you could say that

Stories / Re: running and making new friends
« on: February 27, 2020, 10:33:38 AM »
They lived a short life after wards.

Stories / running and making new friends
« on: February 27, 2020, 10:30:18 AM »
So I made new friends by just speed running

General & Off-Topic / Re: This instantly made think of XcomRL
« on: December 15, 2019, 12:03:53 PM »

Alright, I guess it could be something wrong with Windows 10.

But I will see if this happens again.

I mean like, I didn't have the game minimized when I heard no sound. It just didn't output any sound when I launched it from steam.
I didn't do alt+tab when the game launched.

When pulling up Cogmind. The Grid Sage Games and Cogmind Intro's don't output the sound fx. When I skipped the intro. The sound was back. I went to the settings to see if the sound options for the audio was off but it was on. Everything is working right now but the 2 Intro's didn't output any sound. I hope others can try to reproduce the bug.

Cogmind-Beta 9.2

General Discussion / Re: Music for Cogmind?
« on: December 10, 2019, 04:58:52 AM »
what about adding Alex Yoder as the composer for Cogmind. Recently saw his name in the Alpha Cogmind Trailer.

General Discussion / Re: Music for Cogmind?
« on: November 21, 2019, 07:26:15 AM »
I was going to make a post about this on the steam forums but decided to take a look at here. I think ambient will work for the type of gameplay cogmind excels in. Also, I think maybe having different themes of ambient music for each environment. For Combat, I think a Fast Tempo would work but not too fast. I have seen a game do this before where it will switch different music themes from a not in a battle situation to a battle situation. Whatever the music was in the alpha cogmind trailer. I think that works for a fast tempo battle theme.

I was thinking about putting this in the steam forum post but not sure if this will correlate with the current topic. Even tho we are all against DLC's for cogmind. Do you think it will be possible to have an OST DLC so users can buy it and listen to it directly on steam? I kinda thought that would fit just right for a cogmind DLC.
(edit 1)
I just saw the announcement of DLC's for Free Expansions. Though I guess the Cogmind OST could be free too?

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