Official development blog

Tag Archives: Cogmind

Beyond the Design Doc: Unplanned Cogmind Features

Building a solid game calls for a good design doc. Laying out at least the core vision, along with preferably additional details about how features and their implementation work together as a coherent whole, is a much safer way to develop rather than repeatedly wandering down the wrong path and having to backtrack. Even back […]

Posted in Design | Also tagged , , , | 5 Responses

Cogmind Alpha Year 2 Sales Data (Pre-Steam)

Cogmind recently made it through a second whole year of its pre-Steam early access program, and as this period comes to an end I’d like to take the opportunity to, like the first year, share some data and pretty graphs :) This is an interesting milestone because it more or less coincides with the completion […]

Posted in Post-Mortem | Also tagged , , | 6 Responses

Cogmind’s Two-Year-Old New Logo

I enjoy sharing lots of information about Cogmind’s development process, and before the first alpha released two years ago, the main spot for followers to stay up to date on progress was this dev blog. Sharing early dev stuff can in some cases become a problem later when related features, graphics, or some other aspect […]

Posted in Marketing | Also tagged | 5 Responses

Versioning Schemes

Normally I wouldn’t have another post up so soon, but the topic of versioning has become somewhat time-critical. I’ve been thinking over it quite a few times in recent months, but haven’t been able to make a final decision on where to go from here. Why now? Well, know that in one sense–one of the […]

Posted in Gamedev | Also tagged , | 10 Responses

Working with Seeds

No, not plant seeds. As most fans of the genre are aware, a fair portion of a given roguelike run is determined based on values returned by a pseudorandom number generator, commonly referred to as the RNG. Before it can do its job, an RNG must be “seeded,” or given a value that starts the […]

Posted in Gamedev | Also tagged , , | 2 Responses