Official development blog

Author Archives: Kyzrati

Fog of War

“Unknowns” are an important part of roguelikes. One could say they constitute the primary appeal of the genre, especially considering that it makes sense to define “fun” as a result of encountering the unexpected. Thus it’s no surprise that roguelikes are growing in popularity, seeing that they place a heavy emphasis on exploring the unknown. […]

Posted in Mechanics | Tagged , , | 7 Responses

Allies & Factions

One of the major challenges playing the 7DRL prototype was a limited list of options for dealing with hordes of enemy robots that would alert each other and swarm you. You could fight them in a bottleneck or narrow corridor, try to herd them into a group and use a powerful explosive, or better, simply […]

Posted in Mechanics | Tagged , , | 4 Responses

GUI Animation

The GUI is getting a makeover with new animations While the 7DRL had animated window borders, text printing, and button hover highlighting, all were just simple features copied over from the original source at the time (X@COM). Nonetheless, it was definitely a feature that had players going “wow” from the start, so we need more […]

Posted in GUI | Tagged , , | 8 Responses

Introducing… the Intro

Cogmind Intro

The next stretch of development is aimed at improving interface animations to further strengthen immersion. This means more ASCII eye candy, and better sound effects. I’ve started at the “beginning” by creating an intro for the game. It’s 34 seconds of procedurally generated particle effects, setting the tone and atmosphere of the game as Cogmind […]

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Drag & Drop

Cogmind Drag & Swap

I’m pretty sure Cogmind is the first ASCII roguelike to support a drag-and-drop mouse interface. Usage of drag-and-drop is not required, but it is slick, and will help non-hardcore players get into the game by enabling an intuitive feature common to modern interfaces. For mouse users, the original part manipulation controls (Ctrl/Shift-clicks) are still available […]

Posted in GUI | Tagged , | 6 Responses