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Author Archives: Kyzrati

Non-Interactive Machines

Non-interactive machines were first discussed in the context of the object placement algorithm of the previous post. But there is plenty more to cover. Distribution We can’t simply pick random machines for any and all maps. The types of machines on a given map should reflect the theme of that map, be it storage, factory, […]

Posted in Design | Tagged , , , , | 2 Responses

Furnishing a/the Dungeon

Most traditional roguelikes are pretty barren, especially those of the subterranean variety where a map is composed of rooms empty except for monsters, items, and a small selection of interactive props or obstacles (e.g. altars, plants, pools of some liquid). This reflects, and highlights, the genre’s focus on tactics and strategy. If an object doesn’t […]

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Dungeon Prefabs

Procedurally generated maps are great, but even with variety factored into an algorithm it naturally won’t produce anything outside its parameters. This is good in that it keeps the style consistent, but individual areas sacrifice character as a result. Hand-crafted map pieces can restore some of that character where you really need it, be that […]

Posted in Design, Dev Series: Procedural Maps | Tagged , , , | 5 Responses

Dungeon Metrics

Rarely will an algorithm produce a perfect procedurally generated map, and even if it does, some degree of post-processing will still be necessary to analyze the layout. When we look at a map produced by a generator, we can determine pretty quickly whether or not the layout is sufficient for our purposes; we can also […]

Posted in Design, Dev Series: Procedural Maps | Tagged , , , , , | 11 Responses

Mapgen: Cellular Automata

Unlike the 7DRL, which only spanned a 10-level “main dungeon,” Cogmind will cover a much greater area. Naturally a larger world needs a greater diversity of regions to explore. Taking place underground, many of the outlying areas tend to be caves, and for that cellular automata are usually the best choice for generation. I say […]

Posted in Design, Dev Series: Procedural Maps | Tagged , , , | 6 Responses