================================================================= POLYBOT-7 Manual version: 7DRL v1 ================================================================= This file contains information regarding gameplay rules. For information about running the game see POLYBOT-7-README.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to POLYBOT-7, a 2018 7DRL by Josh Ge (Kyzrati) with tiles by Kacper Wozniak! You are POLYBOT-7, the latest in a line of fully-modular robot designs being put through The Gauntlet. Tactical positioning is crucial since you're not only under fire from other robots, you also automatically attract and attach nearby components until your slots are full--everything from various power sources and propulsion units to numerous types of utilities and weapons. Your parts *will* be destroyed, but you can blast other robots to pieces and let the salvage fly over to equip you, or find caches of even better parts to really show them what you're made of! If you're good enough, on your way through take on challenges to acquire upgrades that expand your number of available slots until you finally have space for up to a couple dozen different components at once. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Core Mechanics ----------------------------------------------------------------- * You automatically attract nearby parts and attach them when you have empty slots. * You have no inventory. The world is your inventory ;) * Press 'p' to Purge your parts, which destroys half and scatters the other half on the ground nearby. The Purge mechanic requires 100 turns to charge before you can use it again. * All salvage (and other free items once you've neared them) destroy themselves after a period of time. Items actively following you will be destroyed twice as quickly. * Gain extra slots by finding Slot Modules on the current floor. * Find other permanent upgrades by destroying Dispatchers, machines that are activated and spit out robots as you near them. * There are five floors, each of progressive difficulty. If you can win, New Game+ awaits! * You can leave the current floor as soon as you find and exit, but you can't come back so any uncollected upgrades will be lost! * If you win the game, there is a New Game+! In fact, you might discover there is even more than one "New Game+". Each becomes progressively more challenging, but if you lose at any point you also lose your NG+ status and are sent back to the first test. (This behavior can be overriden by forcing a specific test in advanced.cfg: testOverride can be set to a number 0~5.) There are quite a few other mechanics and rules worth knowing about for high-level play, but this being a 7DRL I don't really have enough time to spend making a manual specifically for POLYBOT-7 that covers them all. Fortunately since many of these mechanics are borrowed from Cogmind, you may find some useful information in that game's manual. Cogmind's manual for Beta 5 (the version which POLYBOT-7 is based on) can be found in POLYBOT-7's /rex/ directory. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tips ----------------------------------------------------------------- You can read these tips, or you can just run around spamming 'f' and see what happens :P (though you probably won't win that way!) * Reposition before fighting if possible, and force enemies through bottlenecks! Their numbers can be overwhelming so you'll want to plan for that. * Destroy Dispatchers as quickly as possible! (leaving one active eventually floods the area with robots) Doing this requires a weapon that can do more damage than its armor, but most weapons are be capable of this. * Destroyed Dispatchers always drop two or more permanent upgrade Modules, which you definitely want to collect. * Collect as many Slot Modules as possible before leaving a floor (there are generally three per floor) Slot Modules are always found in rooms with a triple door. * You want at *least* one power source, one propulsion, and one weapon to survive, so think ahead! * Don't worry too much about specific part stats, just know that higher rated parts are better (the number in brackets when they're labeled) * When you come across a group of good parts, think carefully about whether to use the 'P'urge command and shuffle your build. It'll leave you with a little less energy in the near term, and you won't be able to do it again for a little while. * If you don't need a stockpile of good parts, don't approach them! Once they begin moving towards you their timer starts, and they'll self-destruct after a time. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Commands ----------------------------------------------------------------- All important commands are listed in game on the help screen (ESC), but here is an exhaustive list with some other options: Map & Controls ---------------- Alt-Movement Keys Shift Map View ` Mapshift Mode (use movement keys to shift map; kb mode only) Shift-Move Cursor Pan Map Enter Center View on Self Alt-KP5 Center View on Self v Show Volley Range 1 Label Hostiles 2 Label Friendlies 3 Label Parts 4 Label Exits x Examine (Look) Mode Numpad Move LMB Move Arrrows Move (+Shift/Ctrl for diagonals) vi Move Shift-KP# Run r-Arrows Run r-vi Run < Use Stairs > Use Stairs LMB Use Stairs KP5 Wait . Wait Wheel Wait f Fire LMB Fire (+Ctrl to force) Ctrl-Shift+Move Force Melee Attack (e.g. melee a wall/machine) > Force Trigger Trap (at current location) LMB Force Trigger Trap (at current location) s Status RMB (Self) Status Tab Cycle Targets in Targeting/Look Mode (+Shift reverses) -/= Cycle Targets in Targeting/Look Mode KP-/+ Cycle Targets in Targeting/Look Mode Ctrl-Tab Cycle Items in Look Mode (+Shift Reverses) Ctrl-KP-/+ Cycle Items in Look Mode Parts List ------------ Shift-a~z Info RMB Info Ctrl-a~z Toggle State LMB Toggle State p Purge Parts " Toggle Upkeep Utilities ' Toggle All Weapons : Sort c Coverage Visualization (Toggle for Vulnerability) e Energy Visualization (Toggle for Heat) w Integrity Visualization (Toggle for Mass) q Info Visualization (Toggle for Matter) Message Log ------------- m Open/Close F4 Open/Close LMB Close Wheel Scroll KP+/- Scroll KP8/2 Scroll Arrows Scroll vi Scroll PgUp/Dn Page Up/Down End Scroll to End General --------- Escape Cancel Space Clear/Previous Interface Message Escape Help/Game Menu F1 Help/Game Menu ? Help/Game Menu Ctrl-Shift-Alt-s Save & Quit Alt-F10 Self-destruct/Restart F2 Toggle Keyboard Mode F3 Toggle ASCII Mode Alt-Enter Toggle Fullscreen Ctrl--/+ Adjust Volume PrtScn Take Screenshot (appears as PNG in /screenshots/ directory) Abbreviations: * KP = Keypad/Numpad * LMB/RMB = Left/Right Mouse Button * Wheel = Mouse Wheel ----------------------------------------------------------------- Options ----------------------------------------------------------------- Although I didn't have time to implement an in-game options menu for 7DRL, a lot of the same options from Cogmind still work and are accessible by editing the config files found in POLYBOT-7's /user/ directory. Some options may not be compatible with POLYBOT-7, or even cause issues, you can always change them back (or delete the file(s) and POLYBOT-7 will recreate them with default options). * options.cfg includes the basic options. You can also set your player name there to have it appear in your score sheets and uploads for a possible leaderboard implementation. * All advanced.cfg options are described in the Cogmind manual. * It's not recommended to play with system.cfg except to maybe adjust volume settings. Note however that some ambient drone sfx were tested but removed at the last minute; you can reinstate them if you like by setting soundActiveLocale=1. ----------------------------------------------------------------- More Info ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoy POLYBOT-7's style but want more, check out Cogmind, my magnum opus that I've been working on full-time for over five years now. It features a much bigger world to explore, and far more mechanics and content. (You also have a lot more control over your build; while similar in style and theme, POLYBOT-7 is a rather different experience.) http://www.gridsagegames.com/cogmind/ http://store.steampowered.com/app/722730/cogmind/ See the POLYBOT-7 release announcement on the blog to learn how it differs from Cogmind, and more about POLYBOT-7's design decisions: http://www.gridsagegames.com/blog/2018/03/polybot-7-2018-7drl/