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Cogmind is officially "Coming Soon" on Steam!

Started by Kyzrati, September 27, 2017, 05:30:40 PM

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Things are in motion! Cogmind is officially coming to Steam, with a new store page already set up and everything.

The official launch is set for October 16th, 6pm PDT.

Check out the Coming Soon page for more info, and to wishlist it if you'd like to be notified by Steam. (I'll of course be posting my own announcements everywhere.)

As mentioned before, Cogmind is coming to Early Access so it's technically not a "full launch." Cogmind is already a very complete experience--fully playable, balanced, and generally free of bugs, filled with tons of content and even seven endings to discover. So why EA? Basically I have a lot more stuff I'd like to add if possible, including major extra features, and declaring it EA is one way to signal that.

The full EA spiel as seen on the Steam page:

In the meantime, I'm working on putting together a Steam build, and all the other required announcements, marketing stuff, and whatnot. Let me know if you have any favorite streamers/LPers in mind that would be appropriate to contact about playing Cogmind. I have an old list I'll be referencing, and some have contacted me already, but I'll be on the lookout for more in the days to come.

Thanks everyone for your support so far, and I'm hoping when the time comes you'll review Cogmind on Steam to help convince prospective players that it's a project worth supporting! More support means more features :D

Spreading the word would be a great help as well!

Release News:

Our final pre-Steam version, Beta 2.2 "Shields for All," came out earlier this week. Glance at the changelog:
Beta 2.2
or check out the full release notes and images here.

The first Steam version will essentially be the same as this.

Here we go!
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Yayyy!!! Looking forward to seeing 1000+ users on Cogmind Discord/Forum at the same time. I wonder how that will be like. :D


Heh, I don't think our Discord chat can handle that--even now in pre-release when we have 5-6 really active people it starts getting confusing and/or hard to follow! (Technically it'd be feasible to start a separate Discord server and split out into multiple channels, but I prefer sticking to the composite Roguelikes one we have now.)

I imagine a lot of the new players will be on Steam and probably use the Steam discussion boards anyway, but there will be associated publicity that brings in a fair number of DRM-free players who can join us here :D

(And notice to everyone: As of today new forum settings mean we have replies enabled for everyone on announcements now! It's been kinda lonely in this board for the past couple years where only I could post, a decision made to keep the announcements ordered properly, but a mod has taken care of that so feel free to comment away!)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


\o/ Only eight more days! :)

Will there be Steam achievements?


So soon xD

There won't be achievements on launch--didn't have enough time to prepare those. They'll be one of the first things for development to focus on after the launch, though. The preparations will take longer than normal, too, since Cogmind will have its own integrated achievements UI that non-Steam players will be able to use as well.

Come to think of it, considering that's a confirmed major feature I should probably add it to the FAQ roadmap...
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon