I can imagine how hearing a new soundtrack whenever you discover a new branch is going to feel awesome. Or music for W/R17 events (maybe played only once, before it fades back into ambient for the floor). There could be a separate music for high security and for having SW (maybe those can have actual music when different areas only have ambient?).
There's so much that could be done.
And that, Valguris, is the problem
Ideally we'd have a huge amount of different stuff for locations and events, but I don't see that happening because there's just so much content!
Also one of the other things I have to keep in mind is that if we were to go an "everything has unique audio" route, this is also a drag on and/or limits future expansions because each would then need to add yet more music for consistency. This would be easier if I already had a quick and easy go-to source for the perfect music, but I don't...
This is why it's sorta nice that I can reuse robot tiles to represent different/unique robots (even though ideally some of these would have their own look), but even those are about at their capacity and I've in some cases had to limit ideas because of it. Eventually we
will be getting more tiles, but it doesn't happen as frequently as it probably should, and I don't really want music to end up the same way.
In that case it would seem that basically there is no event-based stuff at all, it's just mapwise ambience which itself doesn't change.
I just dug up my old notes on this, and an absolutely minimum requirement would be something like 8 different tracks, a decent variety would require about 12 tracks, and a wide variety would need at least 18 tracks! (all assuming there are no more new areas, which there will be...)
18 is quite a lot of tracks, at least assuming they'll not be super short, which we wouldn't want. They'd need to be at least 4-5 minutes each, which is over an hour of audio.
Even tho we are all against DLC's for cogmind. Do you think it will be possible to have an OST DLC so users can buy it and listen to it directly on steam? I kinda thought that would fit just right for a cogmind DLC.
Oh sure when I say no DLC I mean for Cogmind's main content itself. OST DLCs are a completely different matter, and actually not really in my hands since that depends highly on the composer. Some composers like to sell their OST separately as a source of revenue, on Steam or elsewhere. This is a matter of contracts and whatnot, and I don't even have a composer so I have no idea.
At the moment I'm playing and I'm in "proximity caves"
I really like the music here. Very atmospheric. I would like to have something similar, but with unique features for each location.
Yeah I've been liking the couple of "test" ambient tracks that are in the game so far, too. Very subtle but nice and appropriate. Almost don't want to get rid of them at all xD (just expand on that)
And how do you feel about robovoices in the game? For example, when an alarm is triggered, we hear a sound and receive a text message. Maybe in some cases make voice announcements? In a special atmospheric robovoice Or when the security notices us, they might say something
Or it does not fit into the style of the game and in the world of robots, there is no need to communicate via voice?
Well technically we have "voices" already, but only for special NPC dialogue, and they're not actually saying anything we can understand, just each one has a unique style of audio bleeping that represents them. I wouldn't want any English in there though, for sure. Not the right atmosphere for that. Now maybe one day if there are humans involved...