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Upcoming Features (Alpha 10)

Started by Kyzrati, August 06, 2016, 02:46:24 AM

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Alpha 10 will be here soon! [Update: Released! Changelog and notes here.]

Though map-wise we're getting into development of endgame branches, there are also features which impact the entire experience one way or another. And as usual here are some of those I can more easily share in images:

A brand new central UI to browse collected lore for reference and to see how many pieces of the puzzle (or tips!) you might still be missing.

Remote Datajacks now come with built-in targeting assistance.

Volley window replaced by Evasion window (except in targeting mode), where you can see a breakdown of defensive modifiers and their combined effect on the chance of being hit.

Repeat a build command on reconnection without reloading the schematic--Fabricators remember what was last loaded.

Part info visualization data preceded with a '+' when you already have a schematic for that part.

Seventh part data visualization mode, Matter, for graphing relative matter consumption of weapons.

Gallery status indicators controlled from options menu, and uncollected items shown directly in labels while option active.

Fabricators may be preloaded with schematics that you can build instantly, even without having the schematic yourself.

Hack-linking a target robot now displays that stasus in three redundant locations: their info window, the scan window, and in the robot label itself as "(+)".

This new artifact will become one of the most coveted items in the game. But what is it? :P

While I won't spoil the new maps, for those of you who've been exploring the end game areas this exit/entrance is now open for business :D

Lots more info to come with the release notes!
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


And we have one more nice little feature I decided to squeeze in shortly before release at the cost of an entire Sunday :P

Because it's about time we got THIS:

Menu access to all discovered unique hacking codes, accessible for both mouse and keyboard users.

Also works for robot-targeting codes:
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Oh here's one more--a quick one, but nice to have :D

Parts list autosorting now orders same-type parts by integrity, high to low. ...not that you would ever have a build that looks quite like this one :P

Now it's really time to start packaging this thing up...
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon