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Upcoming Features (Alpha 9)

Started by Kyzrati, June 06, 2016, 08:52:22 PM

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Alpha 9 is around the corner! No plot spoilers from me, but some epic times are upon us...
[Update: Released! Changelog and notes here.]

Today I'll just be sharing the usual pre-release summary of what features I can screenshot/record for you:

Autosort your entire parts list by subtype at the press of a button.

A new class of special weapons to discover, with a new damage type. Samples:

New fabrication mechanics, with a schematic here showing the new build requirements at the bottom, and an increasing build speed for higher-tier Fabricators. (Also, the required matter comes from the system now, not you.)

Fabricators and Repair Stations display an on-map countdown timer while processing.

Building friends at a Fabricator is much easier.

The "route" section of the score sheet now also records exits discovered in each area. Those that lead to an unknown destination appear in brackets, and those you approached are marked with *

Insufficient resources (matter/energy) for any action will now include exactly how much you need directly in the message itself.

When accessed via keyboard, Intel and Order modes now show they are active with an indicator at the top of the map (otherwise you might've accidentally tapped a z/o key and aren't sure why you can't enter commands elsewhere).

Nearby explosions shake windows individually, with the effect varying by power and distance. (The true appearance I haven't been able to capture in a gif--recording FPS not high enough, so you can see it in game :P)

Bump into disrupted or rebooting allies to instantly reactivate them.

Lots more info to come with the release notes!
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon