- After you save your work, and exit the program, then reload your work again, pallete is not as it was before exit, and all layers are visible again (even if there were hidden layer)
"It's a feature, not a bug."
You have to manually save your palette by pressing the 'S' button below the palette. This is to allow you to make temporary changes to a palette without permanently affecting the palette file, which you may not want to change.
And layer
UI settings information is not stored for images. (Not that there's a lot to save--they don't even have names, just a hide and lock state.) This is intentional. I've considered having that stored in a separate file, but it would be unwieldy and problematic for several reasons, and the information isn't something I'd like to store in the .xp file, which is intended to be pure image information, so it's better left out. You only have a few layers, anyway. Their states will only be stored until the program is closed, to help with cases where you're editing lots of files at once (which is what I'm often doing).
- When I'm changing color, and I click for example on R edit field to change R value, first character press is always ignored, so to enter 15, I need to press 1 twice.
Good catch! I never click on those since it's faster to use the keyboard, so I hadn't encountered that one before. I'll fix that for the "real" 1.0 release (I know you're currently using the 1.0 preview version).
(Note that you can simply type "R15"+[Enter] and it will change that color for you. No need to use the mouse. All dialogue buttons are available as hot keys like this.)
And one question. In binary format when I load the data after all layer data is loaded there is excess cc 100 bytes left. Is this data important, or can I just ignore it?
I'm not sure where you're getting extra data, since nothing is stored after the image itself. The file composition is exactly what's shown in the manual specs. As long as you're getting your image as drawn, I wouldn't worry about it, but I noticed you wrote your own reader. Just make sure it does what the other readers are doing and you should be safe. (Maybe it has to do with gzip? I don't know.)