Alpha 4 lands next week. The original plan was for a content-heavy release this time, but development ended up taking an interesting detour through mechanics land, so instead we have a half-and-half content/mechanics release. The latter refers to
new mechanics, not tweaked old mechanics (though there's some of that, too). Some of the new content suggested a number of mechanics that would add interesting strategic options, the best course of action being to add these immediately rather than overextending the content. After the release I'll be publishing a series of dev blog articles about the design behind these new features. I think you'll like some of the new strategic options
The much-discussed
propulsion rebalancing is not a part of Alpha 4--that needs more attention than I can afford it right now. I'll probably begin work on that for the next major version.
Below is a collection of some of the more showable features:
The Garrison Access, a brand new type of machine:
Packrat support in the form of page-wise scrolling for the inventory UI (Ctrl-[/], or Ctrl-Wheel for mouse users):
Machines have their own info window--examine them as you would any other object:
A fifth visualization mode for the parts/inventory list, Relative Heat:
Activated by pressing 'e' again (the energy view command) or clicking on the respective button. Orange for generation, yellow for dissipation, gray for inactive. This makes it easier to quickly determine what's causing your heat problems, or what's doing the best job of solving them
"Unauthorized hacks," divided into two classes: brute forcing, and Trojans. The latter allow you to install delayed or persistent effects like creating a bot net by linking multiple Terminals.
Or infect explosive machines to turn them into massive proximity bombs
There is also a brand new type of map, quite unlike the rest of the world, which while it
is very showable, I don't want to spoil it for you. (All the juicy details will be coming later in a spoiler-filled blog post, but I'll let you check it out on your own first.)