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Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]

Started by campfly, May 20, 2015, 11:10:41 AM

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Just wondering if anybody has tried this with Wine on a mac. It runs great in Windows 10 on my bootcamp mac, but this game is so much fun that I'd love the ability to keep it on hand throughout the day and not just when I have time to reboot into Windows.

If it will work with Wine, which engine would be recommended?



I'd think it would work, reportedly it has no problems running under Wine on Linux. I've gotten plenty of games running on Mac with wine, but unfortunately I no longer own a mac to check out how Cogmind runs.


I've tried it with Crossover (a commercial Wine), and the first launch worked great for me. My subsequent runs have a serious problem with frequent full-screen white flashes. I haven't tracked the problem down yet.


For the record, I have reports that "Cogmind runs fairly well under PlayOnMac once you install the VC2010 redistributable" (referring to the one mentioned in the install instructions).

Edit: Another to add to the list. Apparently "with winbottler Cogmind works better than some natively ported games in OSX." Supposedly I could use this to package the game for OSX users? If that's the case then it's definitely something I will look into and provide.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Basically this is what you need to do with winebottler. Supposedly wineskins is as simple, though I haven't tried it myself.

Pressing install will ask for a path to save the bundle to. If you're packaging for yourself, just aim it to your Applications folder and enjoy cogmind. If you don't check "Silent install", you'll need to agree to MSVC++ 2010 EULA in its install dialog.

Feel free to remove winebottler afterwards if you don't need it for anything else.


Thank you for the details. So aside from Mac owners being able to do this themselves, this is something I could also theoretically use to package Cogmind and distribute it as a one-step installer for OSX users?

I don't have a Mac, so I would have to set up a reliable OSX VM to take care of it. Sounds like a good possibility, though.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


From the technical standpoint this is all you have to do. I'm not sure about legal one though.

I've just tried bundling Cogmind without vcrun2010 and it launched without any problems, so that's one EULA off your shoulders. Still, you'd have to deal with wine and winebottler licences before bundling anything.


I ended up getting it running using Wineskin Winery, going with the most recent Wine engine from the list and copying the Cogmind folder and files via the "Install" phase instead of selecting an install executable. Have launched and played briefly a few times now with no problems. The window keeps the menu bar at the top which slightly spoils the dark terminal magic, but I haven't tried playing with the video settings yet.

If you could provide a Mac version, I think it would be warmly received and would especially make a difference for those who play primarily Steam games.


I just now tried the WineBottler approach. Very slick! Unfortunately, I see the following misbehaviors on my machine: 1) still getting the fairly frequent full-screen white flashes. 2) the F1 key (for bringing up the menu) doesn't work. I saw this latter behavior when I tried to run Cogmind.exe inside of a Windows XP bottle in Crossover. For some reason, I'm only getting the Fn keys to work in Windows 7 or Windows 8 Wine environments (on Crossover).

Maybe both of these issues are local to my machine - I'll try it on my home machine this weekend. I'm on latest Yosemite on a 2014 MacBook Pro.


Quote from: Slotos on May 21, 2015, 05:24:02 AM
From the technical standpoint this is all you have to do. I'm not sure about legal one though.
I see. I'll have to look into it later.

@campfly: If what you refer to is a native Mac version, that would be quite difficult from an engine standpoint due to the large number of interconnected projects and libraries, many containing VS/windows-specific code.

It would be really nice to enable a hassle free solution for Mac users. At the same time, I wonder if it's easy to make literally one distribution that would work nicely across all OSX systems. If not, then it seems like providing clear guidance/support for Mac users to use any of multiple options that work best for them might be the better route. I'm not at all familiar with Mac development so perhaps you guys could suggest whether we could use a single method of distribution that "just works."
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


@dylanmac: I have not noticed any lack of functionality in the Wineskinned Cogmind that was there in playing the Boot Camp Windows 10 version. But I haven't played a session for more than an hour yet. My MBP is also much older than yours (2011) and maybe the hardware differences have something to do with it. If I get a white flash, I'll let you know.

@Kyzrati: Thanks for the great game and for making it so svelte that it runs fast even when run in virtual wrappers. If at some point you find a way (I don't know much about this) to package it so that mac users can just double click the application icon and go, I think nobody would care whether it was native or not unless the program gets much more bloated during development such that it would slow down on older macs when wrapped. I guess my thought is that if you are headed towards a Steam release in the next year of so, having it playable on all three OS would really get a substantially larger audience. Just a thought.


I tried Cogmind on Crossover on my other MacOS machine, which is a Hackintosh tower, and I'm seeing perfect behavior, with no white flashes or other issues, so the one problem I'm seeing is machine-specific. Oddly, I tried manually setting both the integrated and discrete GPUs, and got the white flashing behavior with both settings. Off to research more possibilities.


Considering white flashes, I only get them in full screen mode during mac system OSDs fade out time. Can't attest to windowed mode, I haven't tested it specifically but I also haven't seen any flashes with it. F1 also works fine on my MBA 2013. Are you sure you're using modifier key, so it's F1, not brightness down? Funnily, that's how I first witnessed the white flash behaviour.


Hi everyone,

Excuse my ignorance, but I am new to Wine and Winebottler in OSX.  How did you get the following to appear in Winetricks?  I followed the Winetricks link from the website, but was not able to find anything when I searched for vcrun2010.


I had good luck using Wineskin (, here's some instructions for anyone who's having trouble getting it working.

1.) Open wineskin

2.) Hit plus to add an engine

3.) Choose whatever's the latest version of Ws9wine, right now its 1.7.40. Hit Download and install.

4.) Click on create new wrapper and name it Cogmind. This might take a few minutes. You may get some prompts from wine to install missing components. Just OK through these to install them.

5.) When it's done, click view wrapper in finder

6.) On the newly created Cogmind app, right click and go to Show Package Contents

7.) Drag your COGMIND folder into the drive_c folder here

8.) Open the Wineskin app in the same package folder

9.) Hit advanced, on windows exe, click browse and find the COGMIND folder and choose COGMIND.EXE

10.)  Go to options and check option key works as alt

11.) Close the Wineskin app

The wrapped game is now ready.


Worked an absolute treat -runs as cleanly as on my desktop PC.  Thank you!


Quote from: campfly on May 21, 2015, 07:14:21 AM
I ended up getting it running using Wineskin Winery... The window keeps the menu bar at the top which slightly spoils the dark terminal magic, but I haven't tried playing with the video settings yet.

For Wineskin on Mac, you can make it true fullscreen without a Mac menu bar by opening up the wineskin app in the package contents (step 8 in c909's Wineskin directions), and do the following:

- Choose Set Screen Options

- In "Override Wine control of Screen Settings?" choose Override

- In "Override Setting" choose Fullscreen

- Leave the remaining options as is

You can then run cogmind fullscreen if it's options have fullscreen on.

Additional note for folks having problems with F1 and other function keys: make sure that in the Mac System Preferences you have in the Keyboard section "Use F1, F2, etc keys as standard function keys" selected.


Quote from: Kyzrati on May 21, 2015, 09:43:01 AM
Quote from: Slotos on May 21, 2015, 05:24:02 AM
From the technical standpoint this is all you have to do. I'm not sure about legal one though.
I see. I'll have to look into it later.

@campfly: If what you refer to is a native Mac version, that would be quite difficult from an engine standpoint due to the large number of interconnected projects and libraries, many containing VS/windows-specific code.

It would be really nice to enable a hassle free solution for Mac users. At the same time, I wonder if it's easy to make literally one distribution that would work nicely across all OSX systems. If not, then it seems like providing clear guidance/support for Mac users to use any of multiple options that work best for them might be the better route. I'm not at all familiar with Mac development so perhaps you guys could suggest whether we could use a single method of distribution that "just works."

Honestly it runs fine in wine for linux out of the box, so I wouldn't be too worried about that. Second, you used SDL right? So ports should be fairly easy. And third, Apple has rescinded their needing a license to develop on your own hardware! (That's mostly for iPhone devs, but I'm still really excited about it and had to share)


Quote from: ironpotato on June 10, 2015, 03:52:36 PM
you used SDL right? So ports should be fairly easy
SDL yeah, but there's a lot of VS/Windows-specific code and a mess of other libraries to deal with--that and the engine doesn't come anywhere close to compiling in gcc... I do rest easier knowing that Wine compatibility is excellent, though I'd like to find an even better solution than manual installation.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


I've gotten the game to run fairly well over wine on OSX! It's not perfect, specifically getting the AZERTY keyboard to play nicely with wine and your game, but it's close. Altogether the keyboard behaves like a fusion between QWERTY and AZERTY at its best.

-First, to note, I am using Wineskin Winery. Under QWERTY, the game runs perfectly, but AZERTY is evil.

-When I've tried setting the Mac driver to override that of X11 (in Wineskin screen options), I lose the use of the Alt key, even when the option is selected to make the Option key behave as Alt. It works wonderfully otherwise.

-When the X11 driver is selected, I can use the Alt key as expected but the number-row behaves oddly. After some testing at an in-game terminal's manual command prompt, where the output of keying down the num-row should be '1234567890', instead it reads as '12345\7   '. The last three numbers '890' the game refused to print and it outputs spaces instead. After some later testing it's apparent that X11 refuses to play nicely at all and keybindings are all over the place.

-When run in Windows natively, the game works as intended.

Of course, being able to use the alt key is not worth losing my sanity over broken keybindings, so I am stuck using the mouse for things that would otherwise let me play the game strictly in keyboard mode. I'd also rather not switch to Windows unless I absolutely had to.

Kyzrati, is there anything I could do to help pinpoint the issue? I'm not really savvy at this and you don't have a Mac, so it might be needlessly difficult, but I'm willing to help.

Edit: The X11 driver option is a mess. The mysteriously vanished '6' key turned up next to backspace somehow, and the contents of that key, which should be '-' and '_' turned out to be on the other side of the keyboard where QWERTY tilde would be. I'm so lost.


Welcome Mononoke! I mean Reverie ;)

Yeah, I don't have a Mac, and use QWERTY myself (though I do use a non-English OS). For now I'd have to defer this question to our Mac experts, though honestly regardless of OS in the end any non-QWERTY layout is probably going to end up causing trouble. Anyone else have advice on this?

This is on my list of things to investigate for the next build--whether or not I can effectively translate keyboard layouts internally. Cogmind doesn't normally support key rebinds, but I might be able to work around that for specific layouts. Since using the mouse is an alternative I didn't mark it as high enough priority for Alpha 1b, but I'll see what I can do by Alpha 2.

Some other AZERTY players reported their woes as well (here), but in your case it looks like something else Mac-related could be the problem, so maybe someone familiar with the system could offer some advice. I haven't used a Mac in like... 20 years :/
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Quote from: Kyzrati on June 15, 2015, 07:41:29 AM
Welcome Mononoke! I mean Reverie ;)

Yeah, I don't have a Mac, and use QWERTY myself (though I do use a non-English OS). For now I'd have to defer this question to our Mac experts, though honestly regardless of OS in the end any non-QWERTY layout is probably going to end up causing trouble. Anyone else have advice on this?

This is on my list of things to investigate for the next build--whether or not I can effectively translate keyboard layouts internally. Cogmind doesn't normally support key rebinds, but I might be able to work around that for specific layouts. Since using the mouse is an alternative I didn't mark it as high enough priority for Alpha 1b, but I'll see what I can do by Alpha 2.

Some other AZERTY players reported their woes as well (here), but in your case it looks like something else Mac-related could be the problem, so maybe someone familiar with the system could offer some advice. I haven't used a Mac in like... 20 years :/

Thanks for your response! I think I'll wait until you provide some international keyboard support before stressing over this too much. It's not too much trouble to drag things out of my inventory with a mouse until then ;)


Hm, well, since I'd have to do it eventually and we're talking about this now, I did a little research into the SDL 1.2 library Cogmind is built on, and apparently there is no way around this issue (on my end, anyway) without switching the entire library to an alternative (and very different) version, which I'm not sure would completely solve the problem, either.

Apparently it has to do with some special OSX behavior that is "trying to be smart" and instead ends up screwing with the number line key codes that it hands to the game. This same thing has been reported with other games using the same library.

I would like to migrate to a more modern library at some point, but that would be a huge change and I'd like to first collect a list of any possible benefits (there are actually very few right now, making it more of a trouble-ridden headache than anything else...).

This is just preliminary research--I'll look into it again, but it seems like there might not be a good solution :'(
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


First of all: COGMIND runs fine for with Wine on my Mac. I've just noticed a small issue and I don't know if it's just me.
The game stucks on quitting the game. It doesn't matter if I save & quit, suicide, or just quit. Savegame creates successfully, same goes for deleting a running game. So the problem is on the quitting part.
Same goes for uploading scores. I'm not sure if it works, it just says uploading score... forever, dont know if there's a success message when the upload is finished. Haven't eseen my name on the highscores yet ;(

Anyone an idea to solve the quitting problem?


None of the Mac users have mentioned this yet, but perhaps they encountered it and it was a simple setting change? I'm unfamiliar with Macs myself; Hopefully someone else might be able to chime in on this.

I can say that regarding the score uploading system, once successful the message will change from "uploading score..." to "score uploaded to", which means the game is apparently unable to reach the site from your computer for some reason. I would imagine it's being blocked on your end (the site has been going down for a few minutes each day but it would be quite a coincidence if that happened exactly when you finished). If that's still a problem for you come the Alpha 3 tournament, note that I'll also be accepting score sheets sent separately via email as well. I do know that some other Mac users have had no trouble uploading scores, but there also seem to be multiple varying solutions for running Cogmind on a Mac.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon