Indeed I've mostly avoided storage units in most of my games, and in my combat runs I've been using just one HCP storage unit and one spare in my inventory. Looking at Adraius's success with stacking multiple HCP storage units is interesting. By doing that you can carry loads of redundant parts, and maybe thereby reduce the effect of RNG on your game. Combat runs seem to go fine enough until you reach that critical stage where you have suffered enough attrition that you can't sustain a functioning combat robot anymore, and then you just die (or in my case, run around naked for a while and then die).
Yes, definitely. With tons of storage you can maintain something acceptably functional for a long time, and extend that with salvage - but the clock is ticking, and on treads you're going nowhere fast. I hate Programmers as much as I do because a) their corruption eventually erodes my combat effectiveness in a way that's extremely difficult to counteract, and b) I can't rely on their salvage for weapons - blasted EM resistance! =P
In fact, I got the idea of using more than one storage unit from Kyzrati's story recounting his combat build almost winning a seed run; he was using a couple storage units to haul around extra armor. I felt like Aristotle shouting 'Eureka!' as he jumped out of the bathtub - why hadn't I tried that before!?
Keep in mind that an additional Hcp Storage Unit is only eight extra storage, though; I really could carry the world if they were 50% larger!
It would seem a possible fix is to reduce (possibly drastically) the amount that non-small units allow you to store. Those numbers in particular are straight from the 7DRL, and didn't undergo the same scrutiny that much of the rest of the items and general mechanics did. That happens to be another solution that wasn't brought up earlier, and could simultaneously help alleviate the potential for incredibly long inventory lists.
I could see reducing the capacity of storage units as a possible fix; it would alleviate the inventory view issue, and get combat builds back to salvaging more and hoarding less - hoarding is pretty strictly superior at the moment as you tend to get pristine, higher-rarity weapons, possibly cannons, and you get some choice of what damage type they are. If you're salvaging, you have poorer options almost all the way around - come to think of it, do
any enemy robots use cannons? Salvaging is more interesting in a gameplay sense as it forces the player to adapt (and overcome), but frankly, from the perspective of the combat Cogmind, it wants to be forced to adapt as little as possible, because any adaptation will be forcing it away from what is 'optimal' for the build.
If storage units were to be made smaller, I think there would need to be some corresponding change to compensate; on top of hoarding > salvaging, a large chunk of the viability of treaded builds IMO lies with having enough storage to carry backups of everything crucial, plus - debatably - hackware. Later in the game, at minimum, that entails two power units, one propulsion unit (before Alpha 3 this would have been two), two heat sinks (they're common salvage, but you need multiple of them, and a few unfortunate hits or a Brawler than gets in close could knock them off quickly), around five direct-fire weapons, at least one launcher, a couple armor plates, and a couple hackware utilities for reducing threat - that's 15 slots in all, and that's carrying absolutely no backup Targeting Computers or other combat utilities, or room for discretionary items like a backup Force Field (if you'running one and can find a backup), anti-corruption utilities, or other interesting items you find.
I second zxc's comments about Small Storage Units. I only use them until I have a different utility to fill the slot on -10, then never waste a slot on them again.
On the topic of storage unit reform, I'd like them to be more durable. Maybe it is part of the balance for them to be an achilles' heel of a Cogmind relying on one though... I always carry a spare when I can and Adraius has been spotted with inventories full of them
I actually think that storage units, especially the larger ones, are pretty durable as is. I only carried around a bunch of Hcp Storage Units that one run because Hcp. models are pretty rare, and having them early makes storage space pretty cheap. If you read my full rant on Programmers in the weekly seed run thread, I entered -3 with every single one of those Hcp. Storage Units alive and kicking, and I was running four at the time! Hitpoint damage didn't kill them - Programmer crits destroyed every single one of them by the time I reached -2. =(
You can also get Medium ones pretty easily by killing Transporters. (also - spoilers! - Serfs get Mediums and Transporters get Larges on -1!)
I wonder if I think storage units are fine but you think they're a bit weak because I'm used to running combat builds, which run armor, but also run a lot of
weapons, which also have a very large coverage and tend to soak damage for other parts - storage units actually have a surprisingly small coverage in comparison, IMO.