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Author Topic: First win!  (Read 4373 times)


  • Cogmind
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  • 1st place in the Best Escapes category during Alpha Challenge 2015 1st place in the High Scores category during Alpha Challenge 2015 Shared a Confirmed Combat Win Shared a Confirmed Stealth Win Kyzrati Patron Bug Hunter Achievement leader in at least one category during Alpha Challenge 2015 Participated in the Alpha Challenge 2015 Wiki Contributor Weekly Seed Participant
  • Posts: 726
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First win!
« on: July 19, 2015, 01:59:46 PM »

Hey folks! I just won my first Cogmind game, the first of many I hope! Today I finished off an assignment for uni, so I treated myself to some Cogmind! I continued this game where I left it at -3, in a very good state (which is why I wanted to play carefully and not squander such a promising run).

This was my 13th game - perhaps a lucky number. I had reached -1 once before but my play was very disorganised and poor that time. I just ran around a lot on -1 and died after taking a ton of damage. This time round I was far better equipped, and I had a plan.

Random screenshot from -3:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

From about factory or just before, I equipped hovercraft propulsion. I'm truly thinking they might be the best propulsion, at least for my playstyle. Flight is amazing of course, but the resource requirements are so high and the storage quite poor. Hovercraft seems to strike an excellent balance between fast speed, decent carry capacity, and high availability (all the watchers have them). Around that same time, I switched to a primarily stealth/speed build. This is what worked for me on my first good run, but with more experience now I was able to make better use of the various utilities on offer.

Sensors + signal interpreters are amazing, definitely the MVP of this run, alongside ECM suites. Being able to both outrun most enemies and know where they are all the time is a fantastic combo, allowing for a whole range of evasion maneuvers. This run was the first time I made use of ECM suites, and they are great. I also think sensors > optical arrays, in terms of sheer utility. Though the optical arrays were good vs hunters before I had long range sensor arrays / advanced signal interpreter (I suppose one of these helps to spot hunters). ECM suites are very expensive energy-wise but you only need to activate them when actually trying to lose enemies.

Also fantastically useful were rocket launchers. I tried to have one throughout the game, and I did manage that for the most part. They are great weapons to complement a stealth build. I got the idea off biomatter's stealth run image album. I also used melee weapons, either regular or datajack - mostly for getting rid of watchers and replenishing on matter off civilian robots when getting low due to rocket use / item switching.

Also super useful were transmission jammers. With a fast speed like I had - 26 - I could ambush watchers and get rid of them, reboot them, or whatever, very safely, without them giving out a distress signal. This allowed for many close-range shenanigans in the midst of many enemies.

Most of the run had been very smooth, but research became very tough because of some of the chokepoints, and -1 was just bonkers at times. I spent a long time on -1 observing and learning patrol patterns, and waiting for the right time to make a move. Reminded me of some classic stealth games like Chaos Theory. -1 was just massive. I can't believe how large that floor was - real epic. I explored pretty much the entire thing, and as I was suspecting, the most heavily defended area was around the exit. Nevertheless, I did manage to reach the exit without alerting anyone except for the occasional robot for brief periods.

One of the things I began to appreciate the most this run was the mechanic of secret/hidden doors. Over the course of this run I began to understand the sort of areas likely to contain hidden doors, and honestly it's pretty fantastic when you come across the perfect secret passage right when you could really use one. Also by observing robots with sensors, you can pick up on some passages that way. This game, played in stealth style, is all about chokepoints and sectors of the map that are in a sense separated from each other due to the terrain or due to certain enemy positions and patrol patterns. Hidden doors played a huge part in tackling -1, sometimes connecting otherwise very separate sections of the level together.

I still find hacking a bit weird. I mean, it's optimal to be using hacking utilities before going ahead with a terminal, but it's also optimal to have a more combat-useful utility equipped the rest of the time. This makes for a lot of switching, which I guess uses up matter, but I find it rather finicky.

Potential bug I found: The first screenshot I have my regular build. The second one I enable overloading on the aerolev unit, and my heat generation goes down and my speed goes down (the delay increases). This looks like a bug to me.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Here I thought I found the exit to the surface! Poor me.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Screenshot near the very end of the game. Potentially massive spoiler, so be certain if you want to click. Nevermind, I decided to remove it just in case. I'll wait for what Kyzrati thinks. By the way, that method of ascending is very satisfying.

Some things I still don't quite understand but want to learn about: programmer tracking, and the log message for programmers to report to X location; and what the link hacking function on robots does.

Suggestions: I'd like a prompt when an enemy unexpectedly comes into view or notices me. One time I walked to a wall to start resting, but I just happened to open up a secret door, and a hunter was on the other side that got a shot off while I still hadn't realised what was going on. Something similar to the force_more prompts in DCSS would be sweet, and optional of course.

Final screen:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Code: [Select]
Cogmind - Alpha 1b

Name: zzxc

---[ ESCAPED! ]---

Evolutions (9)             4500
Robots Destroyed (108)     540
Value Destroyed (2353)     2353
Prototype IDs (6)          30
Alien Tech Identified (0)  0
Bonus (2000)               2000
              TOTAL SCORE: 9423

Core Integrity             1471/1600
Matter                     244/300
Energy                     827/930
System Corruption          0%
Temperature                Warm (134)
Location                   Surface

Power (3)
  Light Anti-Matter Reactor
  Particle Reactor
  Light Anti-Matter Reactor
Propulsion (5)
  Anti-Grav Array
  Aerolev Unit
  Improved Anti-Grav System
  Improved Gravmag System
Utility (14)
  Power Amplifier
  Large Storage Unit
  Gravity Neutralizing Apparatus
  Insulated Medium Armor
  Energy Well
  Advanced Force Field
  Improved Transmission Jammer
  Advanced Signal Interpreter
  Enhanced Optical Array
  Advanced Reaction Control System
  Advanced Powered Armor
  Long-range Sensor Array
  Advanced ECM Suite
  Improved Hacking Suite
Weapon (3)
  Advanced Datajack
  Smartbomb Launcher

Advanced ECM Suite
Advanced Force Field
Anti-Grav Array
Improved System Backup Module
Improved Powered Armor
Advanced Signal Interpreter
Particle Reactor
Improved Anti-Grav System
Power Amplifier

 Peak State
  Particle Reactor
  Light Anti-Matter Reactor
  Light Quantum Reactor
  Improved Anti-Grav System
  Anti-Grav Array
  Anti-Grav Array
  Enhanced Optical Array
  Power Amplifier
  Long-range Sensor Array
  Large Storage Unit
  Insulated Medium Armor
  Energy Well
  Advanced Force Field
  Power Amplifier
  Advanced Reaction Control System
  Gravity Neutralizing Apparatus
  Improved Transmission Jammer
  Advanced Signal Interpreter
  Advanced Powered Armor
  Advanced ECM Suite
  Advanced Datajack
  Smartbomb Launcher
[Rating: 153]

Power                      Light Anti-Matter Reactor
  Engine                   Ion Engine
  Power Core               Neutrino Core
  Reactor                  Light Anti-Matter Reactor
Propulsion                 Aerolev Unit
  Treads                   Light Treads
  Wheel                    Armored Wheel
  Leg                      Aluminum Leg
  Hover Unit               Aerolev Unit
  Flight Unit              Xenon Bombardment Thruster
Utility                    Power Amplifier
  Device                   Power Amplifier
  Storage                  Large Storage Unit
  Processor                Enhanced Optical Array
  Hackware                 Improved Hacking Suite
  Protection               Insulated Medium Armor
Weapon                     Advanced Datajack
  Energy Gun               Improved EM Shotgun
  Energy Cannon            Heavy Particle Cannon
  Ballistic Gun            Assault Rifle
  Launcher                 Smartbomb Launcher
  Special Weapon           Plasma Cutter
  Impact Weapon            Powered Hammer
  Slashing Weapon          Falx
  Special Melee Weapon     Advanced Datajack

Classes Destroyed          14
  Worker                   5
  Builder                  8
  Tunneler                 3
  Hauler                   12
  Recycler                 9
  Mechanic                 1
  Operator                 1
  Watcher                  5
  Swarmer                  28
  Grunt                    27
  Duelist                  1
  Sentry                   4
  Hunter                   1
  Programmer               3
NPCs Destroyed             0
Best Kill Streak           31
  Combat Bots Only         41
Matter Collected           3421
  Salvage Created          4326
Parts Attached             184
  Power                    28
  Propulsion               33
  Utility                  84
  Weapon                   39
Parts Lost                 43
  Power                    9
  Propulsion               11
  Utility                  10
  Weapon                   13
Average Slot Usage (%)     86
  Naked Turns              176
Spaces Moved               16173
  Fastest Speed (%)        434
  Slowest Speed (%)        16
  Overloaded Moves         0
  Propulsion Burnouts      0
  Targets Rammed           16
  Cave-ins Triggered       2
  Teleports                0
Heaviest Build             99
  Greatest Overweight (x)  15
  Average Overweight (x)   0
Largest Inventory          12
  Most Items Carried       12
Core Damage Taken          1495
Volleys Fired              256
  Largest                  3
  Hottest                  166
Shots Fired                430
  Gun                      360
  Cannon                   7
  Launcher                 50
  Special                  13
  Kinetic                  213
  Thermal                  125
  Explosive                50
  Electromagnetic          42
Overload Shots             0
  Energy Bleed             0
  Heat Surge               0
  Short Circuit            0
  Meltdown                 0
Melee Attacks              168
  Impact                   12
  Slashing                 36
  Piercing                 0
Damage Inflicted           6957
  Projectiles              3266
  Explosions               2105
  Melee                    1514
  Ramming                  72
Highest Temperature        419
  Average Temperature      54
  Shutdowns                1
  Energy Bleed             2
  Interference             4
  Matter Decay             2
  Short Circuit            0
  Damage (minor)           0
  Damage (major)           0
  Damage (core)            0
Highest Corruption         2
  Message Errors           1
  Parts Rejected           2
  Data loss (map)          5
  Data loss (database)     1
  Misfires                 1
  Misdirections            4
  Targeting Errors         0
  Weapon Failures          0
Haulers Intercepted        12
Robots Corrupted           0
Tactical Retreats          67
Communications Jammed      133
Parts Field Recycled       0
  Retrieved Matter         0
Parts Merge Repaired       0
Drone Launches             0
  Drone Recoveries         0
Derelicts Assembled        0
Machine Familiarity        54
  Terminals                42
  Fabricators              2
  Repair Stations          3
  Recycling Units          1
  Scanalyzers              6
Machines Hacked            54
  Terminals                42
  Fabricators              2
  Repair Stations          3
  Recycling Units          1
  Scanalyzers              6
Total Hacks                156
  Successful               64
  Failed                   92
  Catastrophic             33
  Database Lockouts        0
  Manual                   16
  Terminals                129
  Fabricators              3
  Repair Stations          7
  Recycling Units          1
  Scanalyzers              16
Terminal Hacks             45
  Record                   2
  Part Schematic           1
  Robot Schematic          0
  Robot Analysis           1
  Prototype ID Bank        6
  Open Door                4
  Level Access Points      0
  Branch Access Points     4
  Emergency Access Points  0
  Machine Index            0
  Terminal Index           0
  Fabricator Index         0
  Repair Station Index     0
  Recycling Unit Index     0
  Scanalyzer Index         1
  Alert Level              5
  Unreport Threat          3
  Dispatch Records         1
  Maintenance Status       0
  Security Status          0
  Surveillance Status      0
  Patrol Status            0
  Transport Status         1
  Investigation Status     0
  Extermination Status     0
  Reinforcement Status     0
  Assault Status           0
  Recall Investigation     0
  Recall Extermination     0
  Recall Reinforcements    0
  Recall Assault           0
  Hauler Manifests         3
  Registered Components    0
  Registered Prototypes    1
  Zone Layout              3
  Sector Layout            0
  Machine Controls         9
Hacking Detections         72
  Full Trace Events        22
  Feedback Events          2
  Feedback Corruption      2
  Feedback Part Disabled   0
  Feedback Blocked         0
Robot Schematics Acquired  0
  Robots Built             0
  Robot Fabrication Matter 0
  Robot Fabrication Time   0
Part Schematics Acquired   5
  Parts Built              0
  Part Fabrication Matter  0
  Part Fabrication Time    0
Parts Repaired             1
  Part Repair Time         30
Parts Recycled             0
  Recycled Matter          0
  Retrieved Matter         0
Parts Scanalyzed           6
  Part Schematics Acquired 4
  Parts Damaged            0
Robot Analysis Total       1
Robots Rewired             0
Robots Hacked              5
  Non-combat               21
  Combat                   0
  Parse                    1
  Link                     5
  Rebooted                 3
  Overloaded               7
  Assimilated              0
  Manual                   0
  Secondary                5
Robot Hack Failures        17
Allies Hacked              0
Hacks Repelled             0
Total Allies               0
  Largest Group            0
  Highest-Rated Group      0
  Highest-Rated Ally       0
Total Orders               0
  STAY                     0
  GOTO                     0
  ROAM                     0
  FOLLOW                   0
  GUARD                    0
  AID                      0
  BUILD                    0
  TUNNEL                   0
  DROP                     0
  PICKUP                   0
  COLLECT                  0
  EXPLORE                  0
  RETURN                   0
Terraforming Orders        0
  Walls Built              0
  Walls Tunneled           0
Ally Attacks               0
  Total Damage             0
  Kills                    0
Peak Influence             739
  Average Influence        76
Maximum Alert Level        2
  Low Security (%)         87
  Level 1                  5
  Level 2                  6
  Level 3                  0
  Level 4                  0
  Level 5                  0
Squads Dispatched          39
  Investigation            19
  Extermination            13
  Reinforcement            7
  Assault                  0
Exploration Rate (%)       40
  Regions Visited          11
Turns Passed               13386
  Depth 11                 109
  Depth 10                 757
  Depth 9                  1577
  Depth 8                  318
  Depth 7                  675
  Depth 6                  569
  Depth 5                  625
  Depth 4                  535
  Depth 3                  542
  Depth 2                  1119
  Depth 1                  6560
  Scrapyard                109
  Materials                2652
  Factory                  2404
  Research                 1661
  Access                   6560

 Prototype IDs
Heavy Ion Engine
Improved Airjet
Improved Gravmag System
Aerolev Unit
Improved Medium Laser
Improved Spread Laser
Improved EM Shotgun
Improved Lightning Gun
Ion Burst Cannon
Improved KE Penetrator
Neutron Missile Launcher
Shock Maul
Kinetic Spear
Plasma Lance
Advanced Power Amplifier
Gravity Neutralizing Apparatus

 Alien Tech Recovered

Seed: 1436708605
Play Time: 405 min
Sessions: 17
Mod: N/A
Game No.: 22
Keyboard: 0
Font: 18/Terminus
Map View: 76x50

« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 02:28:17 PM by zxc »


  • Cyborg
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Re: First win!
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2015, 04:04:30 AM »


Love the itemisation!  It's quite a bit different from the setups I have at Level -3 (although I don't tend to get much further than that).  I'm a massive fan of the Enhanced Optical Array, it's probably my most favourite mid/late-game item.  I know that good Sensor Arrays in combination with Signal Interpreters are technically better, but the fact I usually get the Optical Array a little earlier I've always had a soft spot for it.

A couple of things I've not experimented with, but something you've used pretty effectively for this run, is the Datajack and the Transmission Jammer.  I might have to try a few runs where I actually give them a shot.  And it's good to see a nice melee weapon take you all the way to the end (I find they're great for replenishing the matter used up by Launchers) and it's so much fun to speed in *whack* and speed out :)

I can see from the score sheet you spent about as much time in the last level as the rest of the game.  I don't know if I would have kept the concentration up without making a silly mistake out of frustration.

Thanks for taking out that screen shot at the end.  I really want to see it for myself (although I think I know what it might be).

Some things I still don't quite understand but want to learn about: programmer tracking, and the log message for programmers to report to X location; and what the link hacking function on robots does.

In regards to the Linked function, the manual states that it adds  "+15% for hack-linked targets" as a modifier for volleys and goes on to explain that it "embeds a program that broadcasts data to Cogmind and all allies via the datajack, helping predict what the robot will do next. This confers a +15% bonus to both targeting and damage against that robot." 

The Programmer stuff I can't reliably explain, but through experience I find that Programmers are sent to your location if you cause too much of a fuss either by having a high Security Rating or just the fact you have made it too close to the surface.  I've also noticed that they seem to always find you if called to your location, regardless to whether you have an ECM Suite equipped or not.  I seem to recall biomatter or Kyzrati confirming this at one point, but I can't seem to find the link just now.


  • Cogmind
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  • 1st place in the Best Escapes category during Alpha Challenge 2015 1st place in the High Scores category during Alpha Challenge 2015 Shared a Confirmed Combat Win Shared a Confirmed Stealth Win Kyzrati Patron Bug Hunter Achievement leader in at least one category during Alpha Challenge 2015 Participated in the Alpha Challenge 2015 Wiki Contributor Weekly Seed Participant
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Re: First win!
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2015, 04:47:23 AM »

I did carry a melee weapon around a lot, but I almost never used it. I only really used melee weapons and datajacks on the occasional civilian robot to get some matter, and watchers (I love killing watchers!). But I highly recommend the transmission jammer for this style of play. Watchers become non-issues with one.

I did spend ages on -1. A lot of it was just waiting around in a safe area for the right moment to move through a chokepoint. It was also due to the fact that I explored the entirety of the level, and the level is indeed massive.

The link hack doesn't seem too useful then. Maybe for a fighting build.

The programmers were a bit weird, since they seemed to come to my general location when called, but when I left, they weren't quite following me (and I did experiment with using an adv. ECM suite).


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Re: First win!
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2015, 09:21:37 AM »

Congratulations! Wow, that's an impressive amount of time spent on -1, and an amazing build for -3.

Here I thought I found the exit to the surface! Poor me.
No, but it would've been a very interesting way to go had it not been locked :P

Potential bug I found: The first screenshot I have my regular build. The second one I enable overloading on the aerolev unit, and my heat generation goes down and my speed goes down (the delay increases). This looks like a bug to me.
This is probably not a bug, but it is a bit complicated and I'd like to do something about that. When you have too many such active propulsion units the affect on speed and time does weird things with the numbers. I'll look into this issue specific to hover/flight and see what I can do. I believe it's properly following the current rules of the game, but the end result is problematic for the player. I need to reanalyze the design from the player's perspective and try to improve that. It's on my list of things to do for Alpha 3.

I still find hacking a bit weird. I mean, it's optimal to be using hacking utilities before going ahead with a terminal, but it's also optimal to have a more combat-useful utility equipped the rest of the time. This makes for a lot of switching, which I guess uses up matter, but I find it rather finicky.
I might make some changes to that system eventually, but the full potential of hacking hasn't quite been unlocked. There will be more you can do with it later. Forcing you to attach parts for perfection is annoying, but is a necessary part of differentiating true hackers from the occasional "hobbyist." Honestly it wasn't in the original game or design, so it's been integrated with everything after the fact and doesn't quite fit perfectly as is.

Screenshot near the very end of the game. Potentially massive spoiler, so be certain if you want to click. Nevermind, I decided to remove it just in case. I'll wait for what Kyzrati thinks. By the way, that method of ascending is very satisfying.
Glad you think so; biomatter said it gave him quite a rush of emotion =p

Yeah, for now I'd say let's keep spoilers like the end area off the forums. I guess you could use a spoiler tag and clearly indicate it as such for those who don't mind spoiling themselves, though we have to think about the players who prefer to avoid spoilers but have less self-control ;)

Suggestions: I'd like a prompt when an enemy unexpectedly comes into view or notices me. One time I walked to a wall to start resting, but I just happened to open up a secret door, and a hunter was on the other side that got a shot off while I still hadn't realised what was going on. Something similar to the force_more prompts in DCSS would be sweet, and optional of course.
There already is a prompt, the flash-fade on their background means they've noticed you. The problem in this case (if you didn't get the flash) was that he hadn't yet noticed you when the door opened. That must've been pretty funny/scary :P.

An indicator when you spot an enemy, regardless of whether they've seen you, is something that auto-stopping on threats handles for you in mouse mode, but obviously you're using the keyboard here... I could add a sound effect to make it even more obvious, but that would get annoying. How else might you want it to be indicated? Anyone else? I'll think about it.

but the fact I usually get the Optical Array a little earlier I've always had a soft spot for it.
The drawback is that they only work for you in corridors and very open areas--much less useful in tight quarters.

The Programmer stuff I can't reliably explain, but through experience I find that Programmers are sent to your location if you cause too much of a fuss either by having a high Security Rating or just the fact you have made it too close to the surface.  I've also noticed that they seem to always find you if called to your location, regardless to whether you have an ECM Suite equipped or not.  I seem to recall biomatter or Kyzrati confirming this at one point, but I can't seem to find the link just now.
Yeah, I've mentioned it before, on /r/Cogmind I believe it was. There will be a place in the world (not in there yet) where you can learn how it works. For now know that basically they can track you no matter where you are and what you have, but once they see you they are like any other robot in their ability to lose trace of you. So if you plan to run away, let them spot you from a distance, then take off with your ECM. They'll keep hanging around and looking for you, though, so personally I prefer to just take them out rather than risk running into even more hostiles and Programmers at once later.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


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  • Posts: 726
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Re: First win!
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2015, 10:24:29 AM »

Won again!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Code: [Select]
Cogmind - Alpha 2

Name: zzxc

---[ ESCAPED! ]---

Evolutions (9)             4500
Robots Destroyed (30)      150
Value Destroyed (1056)     1056
Prototype IDs (0)          0
Alien Tech Identified (0)  0
Bonus (2000)               2000
              TOTAL SCORE: 7706

Core Integrity             1600/1600
Matter                     236/300
Energy                     313/350
System Corruption          0%
Temperature                Cool (25)
Location                   Surface

Power (4)
  Improved Deuterium Engine
  Micro Nuclear Core
  Light Fission Core
Propulsion (5)
  Improved Flight Unit
  Improved Flight Unit
  Improved Flight Unit
  Improved Flight Unit
  Improved Flight Unit
Utility (14)
  Advanced Signal Interpreter
  Long-range Sensor Array
  Advanced ECM Suite
  Power Amplifier
  Improved Hacking Suite
  Improved Maneuvering Thrusters
  Advanced Transmission Jammer
  Advanced Cooling System
  Improved Utility Shielding
  Improved Hacking Suite
  Advanced Weight Redist. System
  Advanced Powered Armor
  Footprint Analyzer
  Improved Propulsion Shielding
Weapon (2)
  Improved Arc Projector

Advanced Signal Interpreter
Advanced ECM Suite
Weight Redist. System
Micro-nuke Launcher

 Peak State
  Improved Deuterium Engine
  Micro Nuclear Core
  Light Fission Core
  Improved Flight Unit
  Improved Flight Unit
  Improved Flight Unit
  Improved Flight Unit
  Improved Flight Unit
  Advanced Signal Interpreter
  Long-range Sensor Array
  Advanced ECM Suite
  Power Amplifier
  Improved Hacking Suite
  Improved Maneuvering Thrusters
  Advanced Transmission Jammer
  Advanced Cooling System
  Improved Utility Shielding
  Improved Hacking Suite
  Advanced Weight Redist. System
  Advanced Powered Armor
  Footprint Analyzer
  Improved Propulsion Shielding
  Improved Arc Projector
  Micro-nuke Launcher
[Rating: 105]

Power                      Improved Deuterium Engine
  Engine                   Improved Deuterium Engine
  Power Core               Micro Nuclear Core
Propulsion                 Improved Flight Unit
  Leg                      Aluminum Leg
  Flight Unit              Improved Flight Unit
Utility                    Improved Heat Sink
  Device                   Improved Heat Sink
  Storage                  Medium Storage Unit
  Processor                Advanced Signal Interpreter
  Hackware                 Improved Hacking Suite
  Protection               Improved Utility Shielding
Weapon                     Medium Laser
  Energy Gun               Medium Laser
  Ballistic Gun            Heavy Assault Rifle
  Ballistic Cannon         Improved Light Cannon
  Launcher                 Heavy Missile Launcher
  Special Weapon           Mining Laser

Classes Destroyed          6
  Hauler                   4
  Recycler                 2
  Operator                 1
  Watcher                  3
  Grunt                    19
  Sentry                   1
NPCs Destroyed             0
Best Kill Streak           30
  Combat Bots Only         20
Matter Collected           1070
  Salvage Created          1336
Parts Attached             81
  Power                    11
  Propulsion               17
  Utility                  30
  Weapon                   23
Parts Lost                 20
  Power                    4
  Propulsion               5
  Utility                  2
  Weapon                   9
Average Slot Usage (%)     90
  Naked Turns              1
Spaces Moved               6791
  Fastest Speed (%)        1000
  Slowest Speed (%)        33
  Overloaded Moves         0
  Propulsion Burnouts      0
  Targets Rammed           5
  Cave-ins Triggered       0
  Teleports                0
Heaviest Build             58
  Greatest Overweight (x)  6
  Average Overweight (x)   0
Largest Inventory          8
  Most Items Carried       8
Core Damage Taken          417
Volleys Fired              120
  Largest                  2
  Hottest                  100
Shots Fired                173
  Gun                      164
  Cannon                   0
  Launcher                 8
  Special                  1
  Kinetic                  28
  Thermal                  87
  Explosive                8
  Electromagnetic          50
Overload Shots             0
  Energy Bleed             0
  Heat Surge               0
  Short Circuit            0
  Meltdown                 0
Melee Attacks              0
  Impact                   0
  Slashing                 0
  Piercing                 0
Damage Inflicted           2237
  Projectiles              1482
  Explosions               746
  Melee                    0
  Ramming                  9
Highest Temperature        299
  Average Temperature      51
  Shutdowns                0
  Energy Bleed             2
  Interference             1
  Matter Decay             0
  Short Circuit            0
  Damage (minor)           0
  Damage (major)           0
  Damage (core)            0
Highest Corruption         4
  Message Errors           0
  Parts Rejected           0
  Data loss (map)          0
  Data loss (database)     0
  Misfires                 0
  Misdirections            0
  Targeting Errors         0
  Weapon Failures          0
Haulers Intercepted        4
Robots Corrupted           1
Tactical Retreats          25
Communications Jammed      15
Parts Field Recycled       0
  Retrieved Matter         0
Parts Merge Repaired       0
Drone Launches             0
  Drone Recoveries         0
Derelicts Assembled        0
Machine Familiarity        43
  Terminals                30
  Fabricators              4
  Repair Stations          5
  Recycling Units          2
  Scanalyzers              2
Machines Hacked            41
  Terminals                28
  Fabricators              4
  Repair Stations          5
  Recycling Units          2
  Scanalyzers              2
Total Hacks                118
  Successful               34
  Failed                   84
  Catastrophic             26
  Database Lockouts        0
  Manual                   40
  Terminals                88
  Fabricators              8
  Repair Stations          13
  Recycling Units          2
  Scanalyzers              7
Terminal Hacks             18
  Record                   0
  Part Schematic           0
  Robot Schematic          0
  Robot Analysis           0
  Prototype ID Bank        5
  Open Door                1
  Level Access Points      4
  Branch Access Points     0
  Emergency Access Points  0
  Machine Index            0
  Terminal Index           0
  Fabricator Index         0
  Repair Station Index     0
  Recycling Unit Index     0
  Scanalyzer Index         0
  Alert Level              1
  Unreport Threat          0
  Dispatch Records         0
  Maintenance Status       0
  Security Status          0
  Surveillance Status      0
  Patrol Status            0
  Transport Status         0
  Investigation Status     0
  Extermination Status     0
  Reinforcement Status     0
  Assault Status           0
  Recall Investigation     0
  Recall Extermination     0
  Recall Reinforcements    0
  Recall Assault           0
  Hauler Manifests         1
  Registered Components    1
  Registered Prototypes    0
  Zone Layout              0
  Sector Layout            0
  Machine Controls         5
Hacking Detections         47
  Full Trace Events        23
  Feedback Events          2
  Feedback Corruption      2
  Feedback Part Disabled   0
  Feedback Blocked         0
Robot Schematics Acquired  0
  Robots Built             0
  Robot Fabrication Matter 0
  Robot Fabrication Time   0
Part Schematics Acquired   1
  Parts Built              0
  Part Fabrication Matter  0
  Part Fabrication Time    0
Parts Repaired             1
  Part Repair Time         45
Parts Recycled             0
  Recycled Matter          0
  Retrieved Matter         0
Parts Scanalyzed           2
  Part Schematics Acquired 1
  Parts Damaged            0
Robot Analysis Total       0
Robots Rewired             0
Robots Hacked              0
  Non-combat               0
  Combat                   0
  Parse                    0
  Link                     0
  Rebooted                 0
  Overloaded               0
  Assimilated              0
  Manual                   0
  Secondary                0
Robot Hack Failures        0
Allies Hacked              0
Hacks Repelled             0
Total Allies               0
  Largest Group            0
  Highest-Rated Group      0
  Highest-Rated Ally       0
Total Orders               0
  STAY                     0
  GOTO                     0
  ROAM                     0
  FOLLOW                   0
  GUARD                    0
  AID                      0
  BUILD                    0
  TUNNEL                   0
  DROP                     0
  PICKUP                   0
  COLLECT                  0
  EXPLORE                  0
  RETURN                   0
Terraforming Orders        0
  Walls Built              0
  Walls Tunneled           0
Ally Attacks               0
  Total Damage             0
  Kills                    0
Peak Influence             285
  Average Influence        46
Maximum Alert Level        1
  Low Security (%)         95
  Level 1                  4
  Level 2                  0
  Level 3                  0
  Level 4                  0
  Level 5                  0
Squads Dispatched          32
  Investigation            23
  Extermination            4
  Reinforcement            5
  Assault                  0
Exploration Rate (%)       21
  Regions Visited          11
Turns Passed               4643
  Depth 11                 52
  Depth 10                 952
  Depth 9                  577
  Depth 8                  101
  Depth 7                  368
  Depth 6                  343
  Depth 5                  521
  Depth 4                  223
  Depth 3                  171
  Depth 2                  347
  Depth 1                  988
  Scrapyard                52
  Materials                1630
  Factory                  1455
  Research                 518
  Access                   988

 Prototype IDs

 Alien Tech Recovered

Seed: 1437397786
^Manual?: 0
Play Time: 131 min
Sessions: 13
Mod: N/A
Game No.: 26
Keyboard: 0
Font: 18/Terminus
Map View: 76x50


An aside about stealth/fast runs: I know they are comparatively easier than combat runs, but I just really enjoy the playstyle. In many other games across genres, it's easier to brute force your way through. The highly mobile and stealthy way of playing has always appealed to me, and so few games get it right, especially stealth. That's why I love it in Cogmind.

This one was smoother and a lot quicker, as you'd imagine after the first win. This time I went with flight propulsion. Managing energy/mass/heat was harder as a result, but 10 move delay is truly insane. The different approach is reflected in the utilities I carried, which you can compare to the other win. With flight and the sensor package, I was able to avoid fights almost entirely, which meant I didn't have to replace items at all. I actually found those flight units after hacking a terminal in -7 or something, and checking haulers. One was carrying all five of them, so I went hunting for haulers and found them. I even repaired one that was almost dead on -6 or something, which was my first time actually making good use of repairing. So the five of them lasted all game for me. Superb find! One minor mistake I made: the 4th power slot was entirely useless, as I didn't have the capacity to support another power unit, as by that stage of the game (-1, -2) all the good parts were so heavy. Perhaps I could've gone and killed a worker or something for something light. Either way, another utility slot would've been better.

The best -5 kit you've ever seen:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
By this stage my endgame loadout was complete. Anything after this would be for redundancy, convenience, or marginal gains.

Congratulations! Wow, that's an impressive amount of time spent on -1, and an amazing build for -3.

Yeah I was being really careful and avoiding any possibility of an engagement (though they still occurred a couple of times).

I still find hacking a bit weird. I mean, it's optimal to be using hacking utilities before going ahead with a terminal, but it's also optimal to have a more combat-useful utility equipped the rest of the time. This makes for a lot of switching, which I guess uses up matter, but I find it rather finicky.
I might make some changes to that system eventually, but the full potential of hacking hasn't quite been unlocked. There will be more you can do with it later. Forcing you to attach parts for perfection is annoying, but is a necessary part of differentiating true hackers from the occasional "hobbyist." Honestly it wasn't in the original game or design, so it's been integrated with everything after the fact and doesn't quite fit perfectly as is.
Well I went heavier on the hacking this time and it really paid off. Partly because I had a lot of slots to play with since I was endgame-ready since -5, and partly because with flight propulsion, utilities with low mass like hacking utilities were more attractive. Also, getting 30% boosts to hacks that would otherwise be 5% or something is huge. I was able to get the exit location for -1, which really smoothed things out. And I went to town with that mini-nuke launcher!

Screenshot near the very end of the game. Potentially massive spoiler, so be certain if you want to click. Nevermind, I decided to remove it just in case. I'll wait for what Kyzrati thinks. By the way, that method of ascending is very satisfying.
Glad you think so; biomatter said it gave him quite a rush of emotion =p

Yeah, for now I'd say let's keep spoilers like the end area off the forums. I guess you could use a spoiler tag and clearly indicate it as such for those who don't mind spoiling themselves, though we have to think about the players who prefer to avoid spoilers but have less self-control ;)
It was not quite like that for me; it was more like eating a delicious chocolate.

I was going to have very obvious spoiler warnings but decided against the whole idea. I'm not entirely sure how large of a spoiler it might be for other people, if one at all, but really this is not for me to decide or to tempt others with.

Suggestions: I'd like a prompt when an enemy unexpectedly comes into view or notices me. One time I walked to a wall to start resting, but I just happened to open up a secret door, and a hunter was on the other side that got a shot off while I still hadn't realised what was going on. Something similar to the force_more prompts in DCSS would be sweet, and optional of course.
There already is a prompt, the flash-fade on their background means they've noticed you. The problem in this case (if you didn't get the flash) was that he hadn't yet noticed you when the door opened. That must've been pretty funny/scary :P.

An indicator when you spot an enemy, regardless of whether they've seen you, is something that auto-stopping on threats handles for you in mouse mode, but obviously you're using the keyboard here... I could add a sound effect to make it even more obvious, but that would get annoying. How else might you want it to be indicated? Anyone else? I'll think about it.
Actually I began noticing that flash this run. Seems good. Indeed, the trouble that time was they didn't notice me immediately. I was low on energy, so I backed to a wall and immediately started resting, but the door opened up before I realised and, of course, it's the robots that don't show up on the sensors. Terrible coincidence! Didn't hurt too much I guess.

but the fact I usually get the Optical Array a little earlier I've always had a soft spot for it.
The drawback is that they only work for you in corridors and very open areas--much less useful in tight quarters.
This is exactly it, since seeing around LOS obstacles is usually a bigger deal than being able to see further in an open space. However, I suppose the sensor route needs an interpreter to really begin to beat optics. The good ones extend past your vision as well.

Kyzrati: The energy change while stationary + moving both being shown is highly appreciated, as well as the prompt before slamming into dudes. Fantastic quality of life changes. :)
Also I just thought of a minor UI tweak that would be nice: an indicator next to 'Time: xxxx' which displays how long in time the last action you made took, be it movement, volley, part attachment, item dropping/grabbing, and so on. Actually it probably is not needed since your movement delay and volley time is visible already, but I still have no idea what length of time the other actions take.
Another one: When you have more than 10 items in your inventory, have a way to scroll through the list. Maybe like page up/down? Or is there a way to do this already which I foolishly don't know about?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 12:51:17 PM by zxc »


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Re: First win!
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2015, 10:12:43 PM »

So fast...

I still find hacking a bit weird. I mean, it's optimal to be using hacking utilities before going ahead with a terminal, but it's also optimal to have a more combat-useful utility equipped the rest of the time. This makes for a lot of switching, which I guess uses up matter, but I find it rather finicky.
I might make some changes to that system eventually, but the full potential of hacking hasn't quite been unlocked. There will be more you can do with it later. Forcing you to attach parts for perfection is annoying, but is a necessary part of differentiating true hackers from the occasional "hobbyist." Honestly it wasn't in the original game or design, so it's been integrated with everything after the fact and doesn't quite fit perfectly as is.
Well I went heavier on the hacking this time and it really paid off. Partly because I had a lot of slots to play with since I was endgame-ready since -5, and partly because with flight propulsion, utilities with low mass like hacking utilities were more attractive. Also, getting 30% boosts to hacks that would otherwise be 5% or something is huge. I was able to get the exit location for -1, which really smoothed things out. And I went to town with that mini-nuke launcher!
That's good, since it's in line with what I planned it for--hacking is more for players who will be attempting to avoid confrontation in the first place or (especially with later alphas) getting others to do your fighting for you as you take more of a support role.

Combat-focused Cogminds aren't supposed to be doing much hacking; I play mostly combat-focused builds and end up rarely bothering with hackware unless there's something I decide I really need at a certain point.

Gotta love mini-nukes! Especially the guided ones... WTF WHERE DID THAT COME FR... KABOOM!

Kyzrati: The energy change while stationary + moving both being shown is highly appreciated, as well as the prompt before slamming into dudes. Fantastic quality of life changes. :)
If I can do it, it will be done :D.

That one in particular came as a good last-minute suggestion shortly before Alpha 2's release. During my own playtesting I was using a flier (which I don't normally do) and could tell having both numbers available would really help plan out your strategy once you start maxing out on speed.

Actually it probably is not needed since your movement delay and volley time is visible already, but I still have no idea what length of time the other actions take.
It's about time you read the manual ;)

Another one: When you have more than 10 items in your inventory, have a way to scroll through the list. Maybe like page up/down? Or is there a way to do this already which I foolishly don't know about?
Of course there is! '[' / ']'

It's shown on the commands page (commands relevant to individual subconsoles are shown within their own console).
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


  • Cogmind
  • *****
  • 1st place in the Best Escapes category during Alpha Challenge 2015 1st place in the High Scores category during Alpha Challenge 2015 Shared a Confirmed Combat Win Shared a Confirmed Stealth Win Kyzrati Patron Bug Hunter Achievement leader in at least one category during Alpha Challenge 2015 Participated in the Alpha Challenge 2015 Wiki Contributor Weekly Seed Participant
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Re: First win!
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2015, 03:27:31 AM »

Actually it probably is not needed since your movement delay and volley time is visible already, but I still have no idea what length of time the other actions take.
It's about time you read the manual ;)
Good call. I read most of it before I played my first game, but Time was one of the pages I skipped (supposedly the time aspect was complicated, but I don't think it is).

quote author=zxc link=topic=192.msg1549#msg1549 date=1437409469]
Another one: When you have more than 10 items in your inventory, have a way to scroll through the list. Maybe like page up/down? Or is there a way to do this already which I foolishly don't know about?
Of course there is! '[' / ']'

It's shown on the commands page (commands relevant to individual subconsoles are shown within their own console).
Oops. Well, it's good you're one step ahead of me :). Weren't you going to replace '/' with the swap mode though? I scanned the changelog looking for that change, the one I was most anticipating, but I guess it is coming with Alpha 3.


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Re: First win!
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2015, 06:27:53 AM »

I didn't say swap mode was coming in Alpha 2 ;)

I'm very fond of that idea, and was just thinking about it again yesterday (how to animate it a bit), so it'll definitely happen, but I put it on the "Alpha ?" list, which means I don't know when it would happen.

Since you ask, and since I do look forward to having that feature, for now I'll move it up to the Alpha 3 list, but I can't promise it'll stay there since there's already a number of seriously time-consuming features to prepare.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon