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Ideas wanted: Cogmind Manual AP World

Started by Xintrosi, December 18, 2024, 11:14:31 PM

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The goal:I would like to try to create a manual AP world for Cogmind in use in the multiworld randomizer Archipelago ( This post will serve as public notice if you want to contribute ideas and also a place I can keep myself accountable by keeping it more public and not in my "do this cool thing later" spreadsheet that never amounts to anything. As I drafted this post it also became some sort of design document.  That's what you get for allowing an accountant try to make something.

Introduction/explanation: With a manual APWorld there will be no game modification; it's basically the honor system to not use locked items or not go to locked areas.

There are two types of things I would like help brainstorming as well as the logic that connects them: locations and items.

Locations are also called "checks". These send Items out to the Multiworld.  One of the worlds in the multiworld receives that item and can make use of it going forward. The logic the multiworld uses is determined by all participant "AP World" files. These tell the multiworld the required items to reach each location. Some fancy calculations work in the background to ensure each multiworld is solvable by giving a route to victory for each participating world.

Obviously since Cogmind is winnable without equipping propulsion(!) there's nothing that is truly required for a basic victory.  This is also true for other roguelikes/lites (like Noita) but they still have defined location requirements even if the player can easily "sequence break" by getting to a later one. E.g. if I set it up for -9 Materials to require 2 evolution slots then nothing in -9 should be "in logic" until I receive two evolution slots from the multiworld. I can still go there but the manual wrinkle is that I have to pretend I don't have the two slots the game gives me until I'm properly awarded them by the Multiworld. I can still explore within what the AP World says is unlocked.

Location/Check Ideas:

These will be in no particular order. Some ideas create many checks and some ideas create much fewer.  I have to manually type every item and location in the code so I'll probably be lazy my first time and use whatever reduces that amount of typing.

  • Identifying (with Signal Interpreter) or using exits to various zones.  May decide to lump together multiple depths of the same name.
  • Picking up each specific item (Imp. Ion Engine) OR Picking up a rating and category of item (2 rating power) OR picking up a rating of item (2 Rating items) 
  • Similar for Prototypes; either each individual item or by source (e.g. Exile prototypes)
  • Alignments (FARCOM etc.) Probably include multiple levels for RIF
  • Schematics and Bot analyses (this might not work because there's no way to not use them after you research them unless you savescum or something)
  • Killing NPCs that live in static locations?! (you know the ones)
  • Visiting each Scraptown shop
  • Story-based spoiler Encounters
  • Other things we haven't thought of yet!

Items and Logic ideas:

If you have X locations you need to have X items to go with them.  The easiest way to accomplish this would be for each Location to have a corresponding item. Like "Materials -9 access" as an item. In the manual this would mean we could enter a -9 exit from -10 to send out a check but we'd have to restart the game or quit until given -9 access from the multiworld.

Whether we keep it "easy" and make them 1 to 1 or do something else we now have to think of logic. What should each area require?

I think zone unlock in-logic requirements should be relatively straightforward: a zone should require access to at least one of the previous zones that leads to it. If it's a new complex level it should require the evolution slots associated with its depth.  It should require unlocking most (75%?) normal items of the previous depth's expected rating.

Similarly, loot checks should require access to the depth or zone they typically show up in. Can't grab an exiles proptotype if you aren't allowed to visit the exiles!

Victory requirements are more nebulous: obviously winning requires getting to -1 Access.  What items make Victory almost assured? Would logic expecting them before you win make sense? One of the items I think of is the Cld. Nova Cannon because it cuts through almost anything.  On the flip side, speedrunning to the win is too easy (for some). What percentage of checks should be required before winning is "allowed"?  The point of this restriction is to encourage/force more exploration and not just rush through available zones.

Other thoughts: If using Wizard mode we could have locations that don't necessarily correspond to an item and we can add filler items to the pool and said filler items could be one-time (per run) power ups. Full core restore, one free rating X part, etc.  Probably makes the game way too easy at that point but as someone that has won maybe 10% or less of the games I've played I wouldn't mind the boost! Other games also sometimes replace filler items with traps. Congratulations, someone just found a Tiamat Bomb trap for your enjoyment!

Anyhow, that's all I have right now. I would love to get some feedback and additional ideas!

Edit: I have created a manual with 118 checks and items. You can see it over on the archipelago manual server at the following link: Cogmind Manual requires Discord Invite
If you want to play it you'll have to use archipelago anyway, so you can get to everything you need through and its discord server.


I added one for Botnetting and assimilating but otherwise left it alone.  Might expand it later!


Quote from: Xintrosi on December 18, 2024, 11:14:31 PMYou can see it over on the archipelago manual server at the following link: Cogmind Manual
Link doesn't work for me
Says that there are no " Text Channels" or that I don't have permission to view them


I have updated the post with an invite link to the Archipelago Manual Server. If you want to run a multiworld you'll need to go to the main server to download all its stuff too. I suggest going to and getting it from there.