Reasoning: Currently Fabrication is fine but very limited, and it is time consuming to obtain all the auth chips. Fabrication after research is also very difficult – auth chips are a must have, but it is difficult to get chips as there aren’t a lot of fabricators to recompile on. Additionally, high level fabricators require hackware to consistently pull off unauthorized fabrication. DSF has authchips but sometimes you don’t want to skip a floor and miss a branch. Previous fabrication required matter pods as a cost. This system does have potential, and should be used as the basis of derelict fabrication. Materials floors and outposts could also have some of these outdated fabricators.
New interact-able machine – Matter Fabricator – Label: E, Color: Orange. This fabricator is specifically designed to be portable and used in Ob10 outposts. Its design was leaked to derelicts, and they use it to fuel their own fabrication. This is an older model of fabricator is limited in what it can fabricate in both rating, efficiency, and time – but its strength is. It can manufacture at is 75% speed. It can only manufacture parts and bots up to rating 4. Its portability makes it useful to bolster fabrication when needed, especially for complex expansion, and holding outposts. But because it is portable it isn’t connected to the Ob10 network – it can be used without tracing. Consequently, all E fabricators are guarded by an operator and a pair of sentries. While it is very powerful to get trace free and auth chip free fabricator – players would still have to work for it. Operators that lock the fab use a static key, which can be retrieved on death. However, the operator won’t stick around after locking and will beeline to the nearest garrison – even if it is sealed.
Derelicts have their own matter-based fabricators with their own restrictions. In the caves, derelict and Ob10 outposts will both have fabricators and will send runners to deliver matter to power their fabricators to build units hold down their positions. Players would be in the middle of Derelict and Ob10 skirmishes to control territory. Derelict Fab rating limit is 6 or 7 depending on the floor.
Exiles – has an E fabricator. Usage is locked behind Farcom.
Zion – E fabricator always spawns and is guarded. Requires you to imprint to use it.
WR – has 3 E fabricators, Cogmind can only use them if he is not allied with Scraptown or Zion.
UFD – E fabricator in a room with overturned schematics and scrapoids, and a 100% efficient recycler unit. Locks if you become hostile to UFD. Requires you to be aligned. Always spawns.
ZR – E fabricator is usable if not hostile.
DM – E fabricator is limited to rating 3. Full use is locked behind secret. Full use removes rating restriction and speeds it up by 50%.
Cetus – No changes, make implementing easier.
Recycling – E fabricator can only make parts or bots up to rating level 2. Using it installs a Trojan on Cogmind that registers it with the Ob10 complex. (Effectively another alignment.) This makes it harder for all Ob10 bots to lose track of Cogmind. Lose sight radius increases by 2. And all other derelict factions will consider you a non-hostile Ob10 robot. But you can still get ECA, and ECA will overrule this an let you ally with WL. Rif still available. DM will offer to remove the Trojan, and secret there also removes this Trojan. A system shield will always block receiving the Trojan’d alignment via feedback, but it will lose integrity equal to 13 – its rating. (You will be trojan'd with every fabrication operation)
MC: I want to know who is breaking into Recycling and what they are making. So I’m installing a Trojan to help me find them. I’ll even have a full HCP matter pod just to encourage them.
New item: Derelict Authchip loader device. 100% chance to load in any schematic onto a fabricator, and +30% chance for successful Force(Recompile) and unauthorized fabrication. Can find in Zion, upper caves, in Exiles, in inventory of wild hostile derelicts, and mines. It being a device means you can detach it as needed, and it is now easier to grab authchips. Moreover, speed is relevant as it lets you dodge the investigation. Unauthorized loading is often traceable, and failing to load a schematic on high level fabricators makes it difficult to extract chips. This solves the difficulty of using high level fabricators after research branches.
New special hack schematic – malformed. Hack differs from other hacks as you must acquire the schematic. This schematic is really a Trojan that causes deep changes to fabricator. Loading and fabricating this hack schematic will cause an unauthorized fabrication, and loading chances are no different than loading any other schematic. However, it can be loaded 100% of the time with any authchip. And it executing the fabrication will occur 100% of the time with an authchip, but it does not consume the authchip. Upon successful execution, this hack will speed up any robot production by 5x, but all robots made by the fabricator will be broken, and every part on these robots will be broken. Cogmind can load any robot for free on the malformed fabricator, but execution requires the authchip. The authchip will not be consumed for making broken bots.
Schematic is always available from the DM, WL, and some crazy tinkerer giving it to every derelict he finds. Crazy tinkerer can be found in one place per run but always spawns. Either Scraptown in Abandonware, Storage, Scraplab, Factory pretending to be an operator, in extension jail, or pretending to be a researcher in a Research branch. This tinkerer does spawn with an ID Mask, Mak. hacking suit, datajack, trap extractor, cld. Aerolev Unit, and a Signal Generator, and other CS-55 parts and a broken stasis beam. If you are hostile to UFD or attack him, he will activate a Signal Generator and flee.