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Author Topic: My fork of rexpaint.js  (Read 2593 times)


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My fork of rexpaint.js
« on: July 14, 2021, 03:29:28 PM »

I wanted to use rexpaint.js, made by github user chiguireitor ( and noticed that it was quite bare-bone.
Because it's FOSS, I made a fork of it, with small automated tests, proper documentation and more features:

This fork now features:
- loading REXPaint .xp files (already present in the original library)
- classes for the different data structures
- QoL functions (getters, setters, for easier image manipulation)
- exporting REXPaint files!
- documentation for most of the functions that are public

I took care to make it as compatible with the original library as possible.
The only thing that I cannot control is interoperability with lower-end functions that would ignore my getters (JSON thankfully can be overridden with the toJSON method, so that's not an issue).

Hopefully my fork will be of help! I'm open for any feedback/bug reports.


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Re: My fork of rexpaint.js
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2021, 07:53:58 PM »

Hey thanks for the update. Yeah chiguiteitor's work was originally done when RP was first released many years ago, and just something simple to meet his own needs that he happened to share, so it's nice that there's a bigger version people can make use of now! Especially good since JS is fairly popular and I know a fair number of people were using that one before.

I'll add it to the resources list where it'll get more exposure.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon