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Show off your REXPAINT creations

Started by ozymandias79, May 19, 2015, 05:50:23 AM

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I made a few cogmind gifs with ezgif and rexpaint using a font that took honestly too long to move around from the Cogmind B14( or B14? not sure) tileset
No clue if im allowed to share the editted tileset for others though
I posted these in the roguelikes discord but thought i could put them here too


Fiddling with RexPaint for the first time ! Trying to make a title or something :D


Reminds me that I need to do the same with my name... Coming SoonTM


Well that was much faster than i thought it would be :P Not in it's final form but nice place-holder for input


Oh nice, yeah good use of REXPaint for those starting out with it, too, making easy ASCII/ANSI logos, seen that a lot over the years :)

(also in particular the recent forums update ended up revealing all those using default profile pics, whereas before nothing would be shown in such a case...)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Hard to see on discord so I probably should make a dedicated one for that but it would lose alot of the purpose of using REXpaint other than convenience. Turned out alot better than I thought it would, and it being Cogmind theme was the icing on the cake along with a little bit of implied NWL lore... The finished product would be posted on Discord but not really Cogmind relevant enough for that so it will probably stay here and although I don't have the most recent one I will definitely post the Discord version here as a suggestion of size/style for others if I do end up with enough time for it...

And curiously profile pictures don't get shown on a phone unlike in the pre-update forums


well... Yeah i kinda expected this but it looks over sized now but this was to be expected... Looks much better on Discord now though so its a win in my book but def not my preferred one ( and btw it took like 5 min but I've been busy lately to do art soo...)