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[beta 8.1] Lag between turns

Started by Joshua, June 14, 2019, 11:07:20 AM

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See attached save. Each step I take has a noticeable delay, which I wouldn't expect even if I am moving a bit slow.

I haven't downloaded beta 8.2 yet, assuming it didn't have any fixes other than the score upload.


Uh oh, thanks for the save, wouldn't be able to track it down with one :P

This has happened before with pathfinding, though it's usually due to simply having too many bots out there, and generally only when they're all after you but blocked off for some reason (like you're hiding in a completely inaccessible area), but in generally the pathfinding has been mostly sped up enough that this doesn't really come into play as much as it used to.

Still, if anything can slow down the game between moves there's a 99.9% chance it's pathfinding, and sure enough on profiling this save there's definitely an issue there!

More specifically, it looks like a follower (or probably more than one, based on the slowdown) is repeatedly trying to reach its leader, but the leader must've gotten blocked off somehow, perhaps stuck behind a wall you opened earlier? Anyway, now I have to try and figure out which robot it is across the entire map which is doing this xD. Don't have any built-in ways to do that yet...

If and when I do find them I could just splat them for you and give you back the save so you could continue this run without the rest of this floor being so ridiculously slow ;)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Yep, that wasn't too hard, is this your handiwork? :P

I've removed the Swarmer stuck in the wall, which the other three kept trying to follow, and you can continue with the attached save.

(I'll have to find the best solution for this issue...)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Quote from: Kyzrati on June 14, 2019, 09:49:13 PM
If and when I do find them I could just splat them for you and give you back the save so you could continue this run without the rest of this floor being so ridiculously slow ;)

Haha! I just booked it for caves and left. But thanks for the thought. :)


Quote from: Kyzrati on June 14, 2019, 10:07:33 PM
Yep, that wasn't too hard, is this your handiwork? :P

I've removed the Swarmer stuck in the wall, which the other three kept trying to follow, and you can continue with the attached save.

(I'll have to find the best solution for this issue...)

I think I blew up that wall (taking out a different swarmer squad!) but I didn't think I left any swarmers there. Some must have come along after while engineers were rebuilding.

Maybe demote the squad leader as leader and possibly promote another leader when there is no path to follow it?


Yeah I already took care of it this morning. Certainly the Swarmers came by later and a squad just got trapped while the rebuilding was going on :P
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon