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[Minor Bug] Resizing Image Changes Base Layer Background

Started by b_sen, April 22, 2018, 06:53:07 PM

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This is something I noticed while using the new color channel application options on one of my mockups; I can create a new image for the transparent base layer background, but when I resize it to the usual mockup map size (necessary because the map is only 50 cells high) the base layer background turns black again.


How is this affecting you? A transparent base layer is treated as black in terms of appearance.

Are you intentionally wanting to retain a true (255,0,255) base layer for some reason?
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Quote from: Kyzrati on April 22, 2018, 07:05:22 PM
Are you intentionally wanting to retain a true (255,0,255) base layer for some reason?

Yes, for the reason that sometimes I start drawing on the base layer and then realize I want to put something underneath it, which is far more convenient on transparency than true black.

I've marked this as "minor" because for now I'm working around it by doing my resizing before any drawing and then generating a new layer to replace the original base layer.  Mostly I wanted to let you (and anyone else who might want to ensure a transparent base layer) know about the behavior.  :)


I'll look into making the behavior there more consistent.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Alrighty, looked into this today while working a new feature as part of a request, and made a new discovery. It's not really a bug, just an inconsistency, because you can already control this behavior via the options menu! It's under the Default Image section, where you can select "Background." As per the context help there, it applies to new images (including resizing) as well as post-cut areas.

I've done two things here: set the default image (auto-created on open to fill the canvas) to also obey that setting, and set the default for that option to use 255,0,255 rather than 0,0,0, so that its behavior is more predictable for newer users.

So what's the new feature I was working on? It's actually related to transparency, and made exploring and addressing this issue much easier :)

There is a new toggle ('n') to enable "Explicit Transparency" mode, which displays all transparent cells for the current layer (all other layers are hidden).

It'll be in the next release, but here's a patch to get this feature now(edit: feature now included in all versions as of v1.50). Note that the patch also overwrites the skins.xt file, because some new entries were required there. There you can modify the colors used for the transparent area, and there are actually two sets as you can see in the demo above, a dark one and a light one (toggle between the two with Shift-Alt-n).

Also, you'll almost certainly want to open your options menu and change the Default Image background to 255,0,255 so you can actually see the effects of this mode :P
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Quote from: Kyzrati on July 21, 2018, 01:49:39 AM
Alrighty, looked into this today while working a new feature as part of a request, and made a new discovery. It's not really a bug, just an inconsistency, because you can already control this behavior via the options menu! It's under the Default Image section, where you can select "Background." As per the context help there, it applies to new images (including resizing) as well as post-cut areas.

Aha!  Thanks for the patch. :)