As visible in the screenshot, i had downloaded the garrison registry, which includes all trap locations. Despite this, an allied grunt still decided to step on a known Fusion Bomb Trap, just to get a better chance to attack a Watcher. As a result, i lost two allies and four potential allies. For a Watcher.
And it's not just this specific situation, either. In the last few Betas (starting from 10ยน), it's happened far too often that an Operator ally would hover around me and over know traps, or that when going through a 1-tile gap in Ambush Traps, a group of allies following me would not attempt to dodge them (that one only happened once in Beta 11, but still).
That a Behemoth would have trouble avoiding known traps, i can understand. That a group of allies would trigger a known Alarm Trap, i can understand, it's not the worst trap. That allies wouldn't attempt to go around traps when they would need to make a huge detour, i can also understand.
However, i can't understand allies not avoiding group-destroying traps.
The worst part is that sometimes, they do actually try and avoid traps. And i don't understand why only those times and not the others.