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Showing selected glyph id

Started by dagondev, March 26, 2017, 12:42:33 PM

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I really miss ability to look what id (ascii number) is for currently selected glyph. Could be placed in the info dialog between resolution and current x,y.


That's a good point, especially once we have a way to use more than 256 glyphs! Pretty useful piece of information I seem to have overlooked there... and no one else has mentioned it over the years :P

Part of the issue would be that there's not currently a convenient place to put it design-wise. Way down in the Info box wouldn't make sense, as that's for information about the canvas and image. Consistency-wise it should appear next to "Glyph" in the Apply window, but it's too tiny to fit anything. Anywhere I put it is going to ruin the design :/. Certainly I could just throw it somewhere, like into the bottom space of the Apply window, but ideally this will wait until the new UI is implemented so I can design space for it.

(If and when I do some other smaller releases before then, I can also try to fit in a temporary solution that isn't too terrible.)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Oh right. I would see temporary solution like this: still use info dialog space, but show glyph for current x,y. (so it will be correct information) Downside is that you need to put glyph somewhere to see what it id is, but as for now it will be more than enough. Also its not like you need to remove this information later as we can have both - when you do that properly.

If you could do stealth release with that I would appreciate it. :)


Yeah that was the temporary option I was considering. Not very ideal, though. Really both should be a thing--selected and hovering.

I'll see what I can do. Pretty busy this week, though.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Well, considering you show information about colors in info dialog, when hovering over color in palette... even the first option wouldn't be bad.

Anyway, any option atm will be massive improvement. :p Right now I have SadConsoleEditor open to check for sprite id...
Will patiently wait for something. :)


Haha, believe it or not I have actually needed this feature a few times over the past week, too. I've just been using REXPaint definitely needs to include it!
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Alright, gotcha covered dagondev :)

Just patch over your .exe with this latest update. (Edit: Feature now included with v1.04)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


Nice idea! Thank you yet again, working as intended.


Nice coincidence, just needed that feature :D Thank you for that patch, Kyzrati, it's really helpful.

Yeah, I decided to log in just for that.


I appreciate you logging in "just for that" ;)

It's nice to know when and which features are useful! Good recommendation from dagondev. Surprised I forgot this in the initial release, actually... Never really noticed that I, too, sometimes needed the value--by that point I was just always used to referencing a different chart.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


It's useful when working with libtcod, that need glyph ID for using every non-standard character. I was designing main menu logo using box drawing and it would be really tedious without that patch.

Btw, is it any specific reason that there is no info about that patch on the REXPain site? I tried to re-download 1.03 release and it still doesn't support glyph iding. Seems that user who is looking for that feature need to find this specific forum topic for that patch.


Right, that's why it's still a patch and not an official release. That and other requested patch features will all appear in the next release, but for now they just live on the forums. I'm waiting until I have time to do a bigger batch of improvements before it's worth putting out 1.04.

Once that's done, I remove all patch links from the forums.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon